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Last active October 14, 2019 04:32
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Y <- df$bad
X <- scale(df_woe$df[, -1])
i <- sample(seq(length(Y)), length(Y) / 4)
Y1 <- Y[i]
Y2 <- Y[-i]
X1 <- X[i, ]
X2 <- X[-i, ]
net1 <- = X1, y = Y1)
rst <- grnn.optmiz_auc(net1, lower = 1, upper = 3)
net2 <- = X1, y = Y1, sigma = rst$sigma)
xrank <- grnn.imp(net2)
#idx var imp1 imp2
# 9 woe.bureau_score 0.03629427 0.03490435
# 8 woe.rev_util 0.01150345 0.01045408
# 1 woe.tot_derog 0.01033528 0.00925820
# 10 woe.ltv 0.01033330 0.00910178
# 11 woe.tot_income 0.00506666 0.00509438
# 3 woe.age_oldest_tr 0.00430835 0.00476373
# 4 woe.tot_open_tr 0.00392424 0.00523496
# 2 woe.tot_tr 0.00123152 0.00215021
# 5 woe.tot_rev_tr 0.00000000 0.00000000
# 6 woe.tot_rev_debt 0.00000000 0.00000000
# 7 woe.tot_rev_line 0.00000000 0.00000000
excol <- xrank[xrank$imp1 == 0, ]$idx
#[1] 5 6 7
MLmetrics::AUC(y_pred = grnn.parpred(net2, X2), y_true = Y2)
# [1] 0.7584476
MLmetrics::AUC(y_pred = grnn.parpred( = X1[, -excol], y = Y1, sigma = net2$sigma), X2[, -excol]), y_true = Y2)
# [1] 0.7626386
barplot(t(as.matrix(xrank[, 3:4])), beside = TRUE, col = c("lightcyan4", "lightcyan2"), border = NA, yaxt = "n",
names.arg = substring(xrank$var, 5), main = "Variable Importance Rank", cex.names = 1)
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