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Last active June 2, 2021 20:21
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Split a data set into multiple text files
This program will spit a data set into multiple csv files each with a header row
and the data row that meets the condition of a group. If you want a record for each row use a unique identifier
as your var_split.
Note that this may not work if you have a very large data set that cannot be sorted or the number of variables are
over 150ish
*name of the data set with the original data;
%let lib_name = sashelp;
%let dsn_name = class;
*Variable to split on;
%let var_split = NAME;
*path to folder to save text files;
%let path_folder= /home/fkhurshed/;
*if you are exporting each line this is not required
but should not cause any issues unless your data set is large. In that case rename your data set to _temp and skip this step;
PROC SORT DATA=&lib_name..&dsn_name OUT=_temp;
BY &var_split;
*make variable lists;
*for header row;
proc sql noprint;
select name into :var_list_csv separated by ", " from sashelp.vcolumn where libname = upper("&lib_name") and memname = upper("&dsn_name");
select name into :var_list separated by " " from sashelp.vcolumn where libname = upper("&lib_name") and memname = upper("&dsn_name");
SET _temp; *Dataset to be exported;
BY &var_split.; *Variable that file is to be split on;
*Create path to file that is to be exported;
if first.&var_split. then out_file=cats("&path_folder.", &var_split., ".csv");
file temp filevar=out_file dlm=',' dsd;
*If first value of make then output column names;
if first.&var_split. then
put "&var_list_csv.";
*Output variables;
put &var_list.;
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