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Created August 17, 2022 18:01
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Audit script to print out which packages are using the most artifacts in an environment
using Pkg, Artifacts, TOML, Base.BinaryPlatforms, Printf
# First, collect the list of packages available in this environment
function collect_pkg_roots()
ctx = Pkg.Types.Context()
curr_proj_dir = dirname(Base.active_project())
pkg_roots = Dict{String,String}(
basename(curr_proj_dir) => curr_proj_dir,
for (_, pkg) in ctx.env.manifest.deps
pkg_root = Pkg.Operations.source_path(Base.active_project(), pkg)
if pkg_root !== nothing
if haskey(pkg_roots,
error("Two packages with the same name '$('?!")
pkg_roots[] = pkg_root
return pkg_roots
pkg_roots = collect_pkg_roots()
# Next, find all Artifacts.toml files that exist in these Pkg roots:
function collect_artifacts_tomls(pkg_roots)
artifacts_tomls = Dict{String,String}()
for (pkg_name, pkg_root) in pkg_roots
for fname in Artifacts.artifact_names
toml_path = joinpath(pkg_root, fname)
if isfile(toml_path)
artifacts_tomls[pkg_name] = toml_path
return artifacts_tomls
artifacts_tomls = collect_artifacts_tomls(pkg_roots)
# Next, collect all artifact hashes mentioned in the artifacts tomls:
function collect_artifacts(artifacts_tomls)
pkg_artifacts = Dict{String,Dict{String,Vector{Dict}}}()
# Iterate over packages
for (pkg_name, artifacts_toml) in artifacts_tomls
artifacts_dict = Artifacts.load_artifacts_toml(artifacts_toml)
# Iterate over all the different artifacts named in the Artifacts.toml
for (artifact_name, artifacts_list) in artifacts_dict
# Deal with platform-less artifacts
if !isa(artifacts_list, Vector)
artifacts_list = [artifacts_list]
# Each artifact can have multiple bindings (e.g. multiple platforms)
for artifact in artifacts_list
# If this artifact exists on-disk in our depot, record it!
if Artifacts.artifact_exists(Base.SHA1(artifact["git-tree-sha1"]))
if !haskey(pkg_artifacts, pkg_name)
pkg_artifacts[pkg_name] = Dict{String,Vector{Dict}}()
if !haskey(pkg_artifacts[pkg_name], artifact_name)
pkg_artifacts[pkg_name][artifact_name] = Dict[]
push!(pkg_artifacts[pkg_name][artifact_name], artifact)
return pkg_artifacts
pkg_artifacts = collect_artifacts(artifacts_tomls)
# Borrowed from Pkg.gc(); we should maybe split this out since it's useful
function recursive_dir_size(path)
size = 0
for (root, dirs, files) in walkdir(path)
for file in files
path = joinpath(root, file)
size += lstat(path).size
catch ex
@error("Failed to calculate size of $path", exception=ex)
catch ex
@error("Failed to calculate size of $path", exception=ex)
return size
function pretty_byte_str(size)
bytes, mb = Base.prettyprint_getunits(size, length(Base._mem_units), Int64(1024))
return @sprintf("%.3f %s", bytes, Base._mem_units[mb])
function print_summary_sizes(pkg_artifacts)
# Iterate over packages, counting up their summary size:
pkg_sizes = Dict{String,Dict}(
pkg_name => Dict("count" => 0, "total_size" => 0) for (pkg_name, _) in pkg_artifacts
artifact_sizes = Dict{String,Dict}(
artifact_name => Dict("count" => 0, "total_size" => 0) for (_, artifacts_list) in pkg_artifacts for (artifact_name, _) in artifacts_list
for (pkg_name, artifacts_list) in pkg_artifacts
for (artifact_name, artifacts) in artifacts_list
for artifact in artifacts
path = Artifacts.artifact_path(Base.SHA1(artifact["git-tree-sha1"]))
size = recursive_dir_size(path)
pkg_sizes[pkg_name]["count"] += 1
pkg_sizes[pkg_name]["total_size"] += size
artifact_sizes[artifact_name]["count"] += 1
artifact_sizes[artifact_name]["total_size"] += size
# Sort by size:
pkg_names_by_size = sort(collect(keys(pkg_artifacts)), by = pkg -> pkg_sizes[pkg]["total_size"]; rev=true)
for pkg_name in pkg_names_by_size
println("$(pkg_name)[$(pkg_sizes[pkg_name]["count"])] - $(pretty_byte_str(pkg_sizes[pkg_name]["total_size"]))")
for (artifact_name, _) in pkg_artifacts[pkg_name]
println(" - $(artifact_name)[$(artifact_sizes[artifact_name]["count"])] - $(pretty_byte_str(artifact_sizes[artifact_name]["total_size"]))")
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Example usage:

$ julia --project=. -e 'import Pkg; Pkg.add(["Gtk"])'
$ julia --project=. -e 'include("environment_artifact_audit.jl")'
Xorg_libX11_jll[1] - 51.291 MiB
 - Xorg_libX11[1] - 51.291 MiB
GTK3_jll[1] - 39.551 MiB
 - GTK3[1] - 39.551 MiB
adwaita_icon_theme_jll[1] - 22.570 MiB
 - adwaita_icon_theme[1] - 22.570 MiB
Librsvg_jll[1] - 21.411 MiB
 - Librsvg[1] - 21.411 MiB
iso_codes_jll[1] - 18.197 MiB
 - iso_codes[1] - 18.197 MiB
Glib_jll[1] - 15.513 MiB
 - Glib[1] - 15.513 MiB
Gettext_jll[1] - 15.373 MiB
 - Gettext[1] - 15.373 MiB
Xorg_libxcb_jll[1] - 11.389 MiB
 - Xorg_libxcb[1] - 11.389 MiB
Zstd_jll[4] - 7.874 MiB
 - Zstd[4] - 7.874 MiB
Libgcrypt_jll[2] - 6.545 MiB
 - Libgcrypt[2] - 6.545 MiB
Libtiff_jll[1] - 6.364 MiB
 - Libtiff[1] - 6.364 MiB
XML2_jll[1] - 5.444 MiB
 - XML2[1] - 5.444 MiB
Cairo_jll[1] - 4.041 MiB
 - Cairo[1] - 4.041 MiB
gdk_pixbuf_jll[1] - 3.807 MiB
 - gdk_pixbuf[1] - 3.807 MiB
Libiconv_jll[2] - 3.315 MiB
 - Libiconv[2] - 3.315 MiB
Libepoxy_jll[1] - 3.261 MiB
 - Libepoxy[1] - 3.261 MiB
PCRE_jll[1] - 3.058 MiB
 - PCRE[1] - 3.058 MiB
JpegTurbo_jll[1] - 2.911 MiB
 - JpegTurbo[1] - 2.911 MiB
HarfBuzz_jll[1] - 2.711 MiB
 - HarfBuzz[1] - 2.711 MiB
XSLT_jll[2] - 2.422 MiB
 - XSLT[2] - 2.422 MiB
Libgpg_error_jll[2] - 2.288 MiB
 - Libgpg_error[2] - 2.288 MiB
FreeType2_jll[1] - 1.606 MiB
 - FreeType2[1] - 1.606 MiB
Pango_jll[1] - 1.541 MiB
 - Pango[1] - 1.541 MiB
ATK_jll[1] - 1.447 MiB
 - ATK[1] - 1.447 MiB
Fontconfig_jll[1] - 1.301 MiB
 - Fontconfig[1] - 1.301 MiB
libpng_jll[1] - 1.003 MiB
 - libpng[1] - 1.003 MiB
Bzip2_jll[1] - 1013.525 KiB
 - Bzip2[1] - 1013.525 KiB
Pixman_jll[1] - 586.403 KiB
 - Pixman[1] - 586.403 KiB
LZO_jll[1] - 475.406 KiB
 - LZO[1] - 475.406 KiB
LERC_jll[1] - 469.931 KiB
 - LERC[1] - 469.931 KiB
Wayland_protocols_jll[1] - 465.663 KiB
 - Wayland_protocols[1] - 465.663 KiB
Expat_jll[1] - 424.294 KiB
 - Expat[1] - 424.294 KiB
FriBidi_jll[1] - 376.050 KiB
 - FriBidi[1] - 376.050 KiB
Graphite2_jll[1] - 322.448 KiB
 - Graphite2[1] - 322.448 KiB
Xorg_libXdmcp_jll[1] - 302.636 KiB
 - Xorg_libXdmcp[1] - 302.636 KiB
Xorg_xtrans_jll[1] - 241.450 KiB
 - Xorg_xtrans[1] - 241.450 KiB
Xorg_libXau_jll[1] - 134.889 KiB
 - Xorg_libXau[1] - 134.889 KiB
Libffi_jll[1] - 122.527 KiB
 - Libffi[1] - 122.527 KiB
hicolor_icon_theme_jll[1] - 74.348 KiB
 - hicolor_icon_theme[1] - 74.348 KiB
Xorg_libpthread_stubs_jll[1] - 5.074 KiB
 - Xorg_libpthread_stubs[1] - 5.074 KiB

Note that each package and artifact is, in general, installing only a single artifact. However, if we were to force-download artifacts from other platforms for GTK3_jll, for instance:

pkg> add GTK3_jll
julia> using Pkg, GTK3_jll, Base.BinaryPlatforms
       for platform in [Platform(arch, "linux") for arch in ("x86_64", "i686", "aarch64")]
           Pkg.Artifacts.ensure_all_artifacts_installed(joinpath(dirname(dirname(Base.pathof(GTK3_jll))), "Artifacts.toml"); platform, include_lazy=true)
$ julia --project=. -e 'include("environment_artifact_audit.jl")'
GTK3_jll[4] - 254.088 MiB
 - GTK3[4] - 254.088 MiB
Xorg_libX11_jll[1] - 51.291 MiB
 - Xorg_libX11[1] - 51.291 MiB

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