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Created May 6, 2024 23:13
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  • Save statico/dea9f83770b5e497a1b841cd933c5219 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save statico/dea9f83770b5e497a1b841cd933c5219 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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"scripts": {
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"@clerk/types": "3.53.0",
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"@typescript-eslint/parser": "6.7.4",
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"typescript": "5.2.2"
Progress: resolved 1, reused 0, downloaded 0, added 0
Packages: +1
Progress: resolved 1, reused 1, downloaded 0, added 1, done
Running 12 checks on your project...
✔ Check Expo config for common issues
✔ Check package.json for common issues
✔ Check native tooling versions
✖ Check dependencies for packages that should not be installed directly
✔ Check for common project setup issues
✔ Check for issues with metro config
✔ Check npm/ yarn versions
✔ Check Expo config (app.json/ app.config.js) schema
✔ Check for legacy global CLI installed locally
✔ Check that native modules do not use incompatible support packages
✔ Check that native modules use compatible support package versions for installed Expo SDK
✖ Check that packages match versions required by installed Expo SDK
Detailed check results:
The package "@types/react-native" should not be installed directly in your project, as types are included with the "react-native" package.
Some dependencies are incompatible with the installed expo version:
@react-native-async-storage/async-storage@1.19.3 - expected version: 1.18.2
@react-native-community/datetimepicker@7.6.0 - expected version: 7.2.0
@react-native-community/netinfo@9.4.1 - expected version: 9.3.10
@sentry/react-native@5.22.0 - expected version: 5.10.0
expo-application@5.4.0 - expected version: ~5.3.0
expo-auth-session@5.2.0 - expected version: ~5.0.2
expo-av@13.6.0 - expected version: ~13.4.1
expo-camera@13.6.0 - expected version: ~13.4.4
expo-clipboard@4.5.0 - expected version: ~4.3.1
expo-contacts@12.4.0 - expected version: ~12.2.0
expo-crypto@12.6.0 - expected version: ~12.4.1
expo-dev-client@2.4.11 - expected version: ~2.4.13
expo-device@5.6.0 - expected version: ~5.4.0
expo-document-picker@11.7.0 - expected version: ~11.5.4
expo-file-system@15.6.0 - expected version: ~15.4.5
expo-font@11.6.0 - expected version: ~11.4.0
expo-haptics@12.6.0 - expected version: ~12.4.0
expo-image@1.5.1 - expected version: ~1.3.5
expo-image-manipulator@11.5.0 - expected version: ~11.3.0
expo-image-picker@14.5.0 - expected version: ~14.3.2
expo-localization@14.5.0 - expected version: ~14.3.0
expo-location@16.3.0 - expected version: ~16.1.0
expo-media-library@15.6.0 - expected version: ~15.4.1
expo-network@5.6.0 - expected version: ~5.4.0
expo-secure-store@12.5.0 - expected version: ~12.3.1
expo-sharing@11.7.0 - expected version: ~11.5.0
expo-status-bar@1.7.1 - expected version: ~1.6.0
expo-store-review@6.6.0 - expected version: ~6.4.0
expo-task-manager@11.5.0 - expected version: ~11.3.0
expo-updates@0.18.14 - expected version: ~0.18.19
expo-web-browser@12.5.0 - expected version: ~12.3.2
react-native@0.72.5 - expected version: 0.72.10
react-native-gesture-handler@2.13.1 - expected version: ~2.12.0
react-native-reanimated@3.5.4 - expected version: ~3.3.0
react-native-safe-area-context@4.7.2 - expected version: 4.6.3
react-native-screens@3.25.0 - expected version: ~3.22.0
react-native-svg@13.14.0 - expected version: 13.9.0
react-native-webview@13.6.0 - expected version: 13.2.2
sentry-expo@7.2.0 - expected version: ~7.1.0
Your project may not work correctly until you install the correct versions of the packages.
Fix with: npx expo install --fix
Found outdated dependencies
Advice: Use 'npx expo install --check' to review and upgrade your dependencies.
One or more checks failed, indicating possible issues with the project.
Copy link

wodin commented May 19, 2024

    "metro": "0.79.1",
    "metro-resolver": "0.79.1",
    "metro-runtime": "0.79.1",

These should not be installed directly. The correct version should be pulled in by react-native.

The package "@types/react-native" should not be installed directly in your project, as types are included with the "react-native" package.

I'm pretty sure expo-doctor is right and you should uninstall this.

About all of the other dependencies that expo-doctor complains about: Basically, you're free to use versions that are not the recommended versions, but there's a possibility that there will be some compatibility problems. If you're sure that they are OK, you can tell expo-doctor, expo install, etc. to ignore them like this:

  "expo": {
    "install": {
      "exclude": ["@react-native-async-storage/async-storage", "@react-native-community/datetimepicker", "..."]

But of course, then npx expo install --fix will not fix them. So you'll need to remember to remove that when you upgrade to the next Expo SDK.

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