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Forked from onetwothreebutter/multipageform.elm
Last active April 4, 2017 03:33
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Simple multi-page form
import Html exposing (Html, Attribute)
import Html
import Html.Attributes
import Html.Events exposing (..)
import List
import String
-- This is just an infix operator to make CSS look nice
infixl 2 =>
(=>) = (,)
-- Function to update the nth value of a list
updateNth : Int -> (a -> a) -> List a -> List a
updateNth n update list =
List.indexedMap (\index a -> if index == n then update a else a) list
-- Selection List --
-- A selection list is a non-empty list that is aware
-- of the current value selected
type alias SelectionList a =
{ previous : List a
, current : a
, next : List a
-- Constructor for a selection list
newSelectionList : a -> List a -> SelectionList a
newSelectionList current next =
{ previous = []
, current = current
, next = next
-- Go to the next value in the selection list
forward : SelectionList a -> SelectionList a
forward list =
case of
[] -> list
x :: xs ->
{ previous = list.current :: list.previous
, current = x
, next = xs
-- Go to the previous value in the selection list
back : SelectionList a -> SelectionList a
back list =
case list.previous of
[] -> list
x :: xs ->
{ previous = xs
, current = x
, next = list.current ::
-- Update current value in selection list
updateCurrent : (a -> a) -> SelectionList a -> SelectionList a
updateCurrent update list =
{ list | current = update list.current }
------------------------------- ACTUAL CODE STARTS HERE -------------------------------
-- The state of a field
type alias Field =
{ label : String
, value : String
, isRequired : Bool
-- Test if a field is considered completed
-- In this case we consider a field complete if it is non-empty
fieldIsCompleted : Field -> Bool
fieldIsCompleted field =
if field.isRequired
String.length field.value > 0
-- Constructor for an optional field
optionalField : String -> Field
optionalField label =
{ label = label
, value = ""
, isRequired = False
-- Constructor for a required field
requiredField : String -> Field
requiredField label =
{ label = label
, value = ""
, isRequired = True
labelColor : Field -> String
labelColor field =
if not field.isRequired
then "black"
if fieldIsCompleted field
-- The actions that can update a field
type FieldMsg
= SetValue String
-- The update function for fields
updateField : FieldMsg -> Field -> Field
updateField msg field =
case msg of
SetValue value ->
{ field | value = value }
-- The view function for fields
viewField : Field -> Html FieldMsg
viewField field =
-- Your CSS here
containerStyle =
labelStyle =
[ "color" => labelColor field ]
[ containerStyle ]
[ Html.span
[ labelStyle ]
[ Html.text field.label ]
, Html.input
[ onInput SetValue
, Html.Attributes.value field.value
-- The state of a form page
type alias Page =
{ fields : List Field }
-- Test if a page is considered completed
-- by testing if all the fields are considered completed
pageIsCompleted : Page -> Bool
pageIsCompleted page =
List.all fieldIsCompleted page.fields
-- The actions that can update a page
-- A page just dispatches the actions of the individual fields
type PageMsg
= FieldSubMsg Int FieldMsg
-- The update function for pages
updatePage : PageMsg -> Page -> Page
updatePage msg page =
case msg of
FieldSubMsg n fieldMsg ->
{ page | fields = updateNth n (updateField fieldMsg) page.fields }
-- The view function for pages
viewPage : Page -> Html PageMsg
viewPage page =
-- Your CSS here
containerStyle =
viewN index field = (FieldSubMsg index) (viewField field)
( List.indexedMap viewN page.fields )
-- The state of the form
type alias Form =
{ pages : SelectionList Page }
-- The actions that can update a form
type FormMsg
= NextPage
| PreviousPage
| PageSubMsg PageMsg
-- The update function for forms
updateForm : FormMsg -> Form -> Form
updateForm action form =
case action of
NextPage ->
if pageIsCompleted form.pages.current
{ form | pages = forward form.pages }
PreviousPage ->
{ form | pages = back form.pages }
PageSubMsg pageMsg ->
{ form | pages = updateCurrent (updatePage pageMsg) form.pages }
-- The view function for forms
viewForm : Form -> Html FormMsg
viewForm form =
-- Your CSS here
containerStyle =
[ PageSubMsg (viewPage form.pages.current)
, Html.div
[ Html.button
[ onClick PreviousPage ]
[ Html.text "Previous" ]
, Html.button
[ onClick NextPage ]
[ Html.text "Next" ]
--- MAIN AREA ---
page0 : Page
page0 =
{ fields =
[ requiredField "First Name"
, requiredField "Last Name"
, optionalField "Age"
page1 : Page
page1 =
{ fields =
[ optionalField "Favorite Pokemon"
, optionalField "Favorite Superhero"
page2 : Page
page2 =
{ fields =
[ requiredField "A required Field"
, requiredField "Another requiredField"
initial : Form
initial =
{ pages = newSelectionList page0 [ page1 , page2 ] }
main =
model = initial,
view = viewForm,
update = updateForm
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