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Created January 17, 2011 22:25
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// In this case, we want the window from Cib to become our full browser window
[theWindow setFullBridge:YES];
// Instantiate the LayoutManager
[LayoutManager sharedManager];
// TODO: document
var SharedLayoutManager = nil;
@implementation LayoutManager : CPObject
+ (LayoutManager) sharedManager
if (!SharedLayoutManager) {
SharedLayoutManager = [[LayoutManager alloc] init];
// LayoutManager listens for CPWindowShouldCloseNotification
// Each window controller must implement this to have its window saved
[[CPNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(saveWindowInfo:) name:@"CPWindowShouldCloseNotification" object:nil];
return SharedLayoutManager;
- (id)init
return SharedLayoutManager;
+ (void)saveWindowInfo:(CPNotification)aNotification
// This window data is in [aNotification object]
console.log("[LayoutManager saveWindowInfo] window closing: ", [aNotification object]);
// TODO: Save window data to server
- (void)windowShouldClose:(id)aWindow
if (timer) {
[timer invalidate];
[currentTimeTimer invalidate];
[aWindow close];
// WindowController posts this notification for LayoutManager and sends the window as the object
[[CPNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@"CPWindowShouldCloseNotification" object:aWindow];
SharedSymbolQuickViewWindowController = nil;
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