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Last active February 1, 2022 01:23
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* Step 0) Understand Survey Data
*load data
import delimited "", clear
*convert all NAs to "" (Stata missing for strings)
ds, has(type string)
local strvars "`r(varlist)'"
foreach var of local strvars {
replace `var' = "" if `var' == "NA"
gen statefip = string(state, "%02.0f")
gen cofip = string(cnty, "%03.0f")
gen cofips = statefip + cofip
gen weight = cntywt
*just for brevity, I just select TX respondents with non missing weights
drop if weight == .
*wrangle 'measurement' variables
*smoking currently
capture drop smoke
recode smoker3 (1/2=1) (3/4=0) (nonmissing = .), gen(smoke)
*low physical activity
capture drop lowact
recode pacat (1/2=0) (3/4=1) (nonmissing=.), gen(lowact)
capture drop hc
gen hc = .
replace hc = 1 if toldhi2 == "1"
replace hc = 0 if toldhi2 == "2"
*marital status
capture drop marst
label define marst 1 "married" 2 "divorced" 3 "widowed" 4 "separated" 5 "nm" 6 "cohab"
gen marst = marital
label values marst marst
replace marst = . if marst == 9
capture drop inc
gen inc = incomg
replace inc = . if inc == 9
*age z-standardized
egen agez = std(age)
* parec
* what is cryptically named "parec" ?
* exercise: look up in codebook
summ parec, detail
* the 'measurement' variables to use
global names_measure_var agez hc marst lowact smoke inc
summ $names_measure_var, detail
li $names_measure_var in 1/10
*wrangle 'design' variables
*cntywt ok as is
desc cntywt
capture drop sampleid
gen sampleid = string(state) + " " + string(ststr)
* within each sampling unit, sum the weights
sort sampleid
by sampleid: gen sumwt = sum(cntywt)
by sampleid: replace sumwt = sumwt[_N]
*number of people per sampling unit
gen n = 1
by sampleid: gen jn = sum(n)
by sampleid: replace jn = jn[_N]
*In the new data set, multiply the original weight by the fraction of the
* sampling unit total population each person represents
gen swts = cntywt*jn/sumwt
hist swts
*the 'design' varaibles to use
global names_design_var ststr swts
*save data
save brfss_11, replace
* gather 'measurement' and 'design' variables
*keep $names_measure_var $names_design_var
keep $names_measure_var $names_design_var age
* Step 1) Declare the Survey Design
* set survey design
* non-imputation example
/* In Stata, to analysize survey data, you use the same commands as you
would to analyze non-survey data, but specify the prefix "svy: "
before the command, which will tell Stata to perform the command
while accounting for the survey design characteristic specified
in a "svyset" command */
*use brfss_11, clear
*Stata help for all survey commands
help survey
*help for just svyset
help svyset
*first we need to our survey design variables in svyset
*if a psu variable, specify immediately after svyset
*[pw=swts] is probability weights
*singleunit(centered) is single unit strata centered at grand mean
svyset [pw=swts], strata(ststr) singleunit(centered)
*example with jackknife replicate weights
*svyset [pw=weight], jkrweight(jkw_*) vce(jackknife)
* Step 2a) Conduct Survey Analysis (without Missing Data)
* descriptives
*Now when we precede a command with "svy:", Stata will incorporate
* the survey design specified in "svyset" in the estimation
*help for survey prefix for estimation commands
help svy
display _newline "Note: age does not have missing cases"
svy: mean age
display _newline "Note: smoke has missing cases, mean of smoke"
svy: mean smoke
*we will compare these results to results after imputation later
estimates store mean_smoke
display _newline "Note: smoke has missing cases, total of smoke"
svy: total smoke
estimates store total_smoke
*EXERCISE: try computing total counts of smokers, accounting for survey design
* Regression
* codebook says the cryptically named 'parec' variable is
* parec: Aerobic and Strengthening Guideline
svy: regress agez i.parec
* note: default omit missing from model
svy: logit smoke c.agez c.lowact
* store results to compare later
estimates store logit_smoke
* Subpopulation (Subdomain) Analysis
*for more help on subpopulation analysis
*go to help page for svy, scroll down to "Options" section, and click on blue link for
* [SVY] subpopulation estimation
help svy
di 'mean of age on whole sample'
svy: mean age
*subpop is an option of "svy: "
di 'mean of age on Age 50 and older sample'
svy, subpop(if age >= 50): mean age
message('mean of age on Age under 50 sample')
svy, subpop(if age < 50): mean age
* Step 2b1) Impute Missing Data + Propagate into Design
* impute via chained equations
*load data
use brfss_11, clear
global names_design_var ststr swts
global names_measure_var agez hc marst lowact smoke inc
di "design variables are $names_design_var"
di "measured variables are $names_measure_var"
di "dataset for imputation is " $names_design_var $names_measure_var
* help for multiple imputation in general
help mi
* help for multiple imputation with chained equations (mice)
help mi impute chained
*reduce dataset to just design and measure vars
keep $names_design_var $names_measure_var
/*steps in Stat multiple imputation
1. mi set: declare data to be multiply-imputed, specify if imputations appear
as new rows of data or as new columns
2. mi register: tell Stata which variables need to be imputed
3. mi impute [chained] : impute missing values
4. mi estimate : perform estimation with mi data
help mi set
help mi register
help mi impute
help mi estimate
*first need to mi set data, imputed data will be appended as new datasets
*syntax: mi set _style_, where _style_ is wide, mlong, flong, or flongsep
*flong means add new datasets, with all rows of data (whether or not row has
* any missing)
mi set flong
*then need to declare which variables need to be imputed
*to check which variables have missing, first use misstable summarize
misstable summarize
*we need to impute for smoke, lowact, hc, marst, inc
* so we register these as imputed
mi register imputed smoke lowact hc marst inc
*impute using chained equations
*5 imputations
*R mice defaults:
* predictive mean matching with 5 donors for continuous (numeric),
* multinomial logistic for categorical with > 2 levels (factor)
*for imputation with chained equations:
* "mi impute chained"
* then list of variables to be imputed goes before "="
* specify imputation model (e.g. regress, logit, mlogit, pmm, etc.)
* before each set
* variables with no missing used in imputation models go to the right of "="
*this won't work because of perfect prediction error
mi impute chained (pmm, knn(5)) smoke lowact hc (mlogit) marst inc = ststr swts, add(5)
*click on blue link
*"The issue of perfect prediction during imputation of categorical data"*
*in error returned for more information
*augment adds observations with tiny weights to prevent perfect prediction errors
mi impute chained (pmm, knn(5)) smoke lowact hc (mlogit) marst inc = ststr swts, add(5) augment
save imputed_all.dta, replace
* use 'full' PredictorMatrix (default)
* eg X_j|X_{-j} for all j
* if 'design' variables part of j, then they are used to impute
*impute again, but omitting design variables from imputation model
use brfss_11, clear
mi set flong
mi register imputed smoke lowact hc marst inc
mi impute chained (pmm, knn(5)) smoke lowact hc (mlogit) marst inc , add(5) augment
save imputed_no_design.dta, replace
* Propagate Imputation Uncertainty into Design via 'mitools'
* Step 2b2) Conduct Survey Analysis (with Missing Data)
*load imputed data
use imputed_all.dta, clear
* for mi data, we need "mi svyset" instead of just "svyset"
help mi svyset
mi svyset [pw=swts], strata(ststr) singleunit(centered)
*for analysis of imputed, complex survey data, we need to use both
* mi estimate:
* svy:
*now to estimate
*notice n=7594, previously n = 7540
di as error _newline "proportion of smoke after imputation"
mi estimate: svy: mean smoke
di as error _newline "total counts of smoke after imputation"
mi estimate: svy: total smoke
*compare to results of non-imputed data (total changes a lot more, why?)
estimates replay mean_smoke
estimates replay total_smoke
mi estimate: svy: logit smoke c.agez c.lowact
*to see individual regressions, add "noisily" option to mi estimate:
mi estimate, noisily: svy: logit smoke c.agez c.lowact
*final coefficient for lowact is mean of the 5 coefficients
di (.2858381 + .3188377 +.3226212+.3425455+.3060013)/5
*compare to analysis of non-imputed data
estimates replay logit_smoke
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