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Created July 29, 2015 18:46
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#' Title: Exploratory data analysis - Agha Shahid Ali
#' Author: Taylor Arnold (
#' Created: 2015-07-29 18:37
#' Description: Basic exploratory data analysis of the
#' poems of Agha Shahid Ali.
# Read in the lines and clean some basic characters
poems <- scan("~/Desktop/CMl.txt", what="character", sep="\n")
poems <- gsub("\"", "", poems)
poems <- gsub("(", "", poems, fixed=TRUE)
poems <- gsub(")", "", poems, fixed=TRUE)
# For now, we'll just take the first 100 lines as the
# input has some encoding issues (to be fixed later)
poems <- poems[1:100]
# How positive or negative is each line?
out <- get_sentiment(poems)
poems[out == -5]
# Now look at the 8 category sentiment types:
out <- get_nrc_sentiment(poems)
poems[out$anticipation > 0]
poems[out$fear > 0]
poems[out$anticipation > 0 & out$sadness > 0]
# A simple plot of the sentiment of each line
# (did not turn out to be very helpful, but
# could be later)
for (i in 1:ncol(out)) {
lines(1:nrow(out), out[,i], col=rainbow(8)[i], lwd=2)
# An altenative method -
# Analysis using coreNLP; package needs to downloaded via:
# install.packages("coreNLP")
# coreNLP::downloadCoreNLP()
anno <- annotateString(poems)
tok <- getToken(anno)
ut <- coreNLP::universalTagset(tok$POS)
# Show the most frequence lemmas (normalized words) by
# part of speech.
sort(table(tok$lemm[ut == "NOUN"]),decreasing=TRUE)[1:24]
sort(table(tok$lemm[ut == "VERB"]),decreasing=TRUE)[1:24]
sort(table(tok$lemm[ut == "ADJ"]),decreasing=TRUE)[1:5]
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