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Created May 15, 2014 14:46
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> sessionInfo()
R version 3.0.2 (2013-09-25)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin10.8.0 (64-bit)
[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
attached base packages:
[1] stats4 parallel grid splines stats graphics grDevices
[8] utils datasets methods base
other attached packages:
[1] zapieR_1.0 RPostgreSQL_0.4
[3] pingr_0.1 vcdExtra_0.6-0
[5] gnm_1.0-7 vcd_1.3-1
[7] xtable_1.7-1 httr_0.2
[9] rjson_0.2.13 gridExtra_0.9.1
[11] reshape2_1.2.2 pROC_1.7.2
[13] party_1.0-13 modeltools_0.2-21
[15] strucchange_1.5-0 sandwich_2.3-0
[17] lubridate_1.3.3 RCurl_1.95-4.1
[19] bitops_1.0-6 rgl_0.93.996
[21] data.table_1.8.10 scales_0.2.3
[23] RMySQL_0.9-3 DBI_0.2-7
[25] roxygen2_3.0.0 quantmod_0.4-0
[27] TTR_0.22-0 Defaults_1.1-1
[29] PerformanceAnalytics_1.1.0 xts_0.9-7
[31] zoo_1.7-10 mgcv_1.7-26
[33] nlme_3.1-111 mboost_2.2-3
[35] maptree_1.4-7 rpart_4.1-3
[37] RColorBrewer_1.0-5 ggthemes_1.6.0
[39] gss_2.1-0 glmnet_1.9-5
[41] GAMBoost_1.2-3 Matrix_1.0-14
[43] jsonlite_0.9.7 klaR_0.6-10
[45] MASS_7.3-31 flexsurv_0.3
[47] fitdistrplus_1.0-2 penalized_0.9-42
[49] rms_4.1-3 SparseM_1.03
[51] Hmisc_3.13-0 Formula_1.1-1
[53] cluster_1.14.4 randomForest_4.6-7
[55] extrafont_0.16 cmprsk_2.2-6
[57] survival_2.37-7 corrgram_1.5
[59] seriation_1.0-13 caret_6.0-24
[61] lattice_0.20-23 boot_1.3-9
[63] akima_0.5-11 animation_2.2
[65] dplyr_0. ape_3.1-1
[67] devtools_1.5 ggplot2_0.9.3.1
[69] plyr_1.8.1
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] assertthat_0.1 audio_0.1-5 brew_1.0-6 car_2.0-19
[5] codetools_0.2-8 coin_1.0-23 colorspace_1.2-4 combinat_0.0-8
[9] dichromat_2.0-0 digest_0.6.4 evaluate_0.5.1 extrafontdb_1.0
[13] foreach_1.4.1 gclus_1.3.1 gtable_0.1.2 iterators_1.0.6
[17] labeling_0.2 memoise_0.1 muhaz_1.2.5 munsell_0.4.2
[21] mvtnorm_0.9-9997 nnet_7.3-7 proto_0.3-10 qvcalc_0.8-8
[25] Rcpp_0.11.1 relimp_1.0-3 Rttf2pt1_1.3 stringr_0.6.2
[29] tcltk_3.0.2 tools_3.0.2 TSP_1.0-8 whisker_0.3-2
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