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Last active May 7, 2016 20:20
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# Returns true if the vm is running, else false
Function isVmRunning([string]$name) {
# Whether the named vm is running
[bool]$isRunning = $false
# Use `vmrun` to get the list of currently running vms
[string[]]$runningVms = Invoke-Expression "vmrun list"
# Get the number of running VMs
[int16]$numOfRunningVms = $runningVms.Get(0).split(":").Get(1).Trim()
if ($numOfRunningVms -gt 0) {
for ($i = 1; $i -lt $runningVms.length; $i += 1) {
if ($runningVms[$i].Contains($name)) {
$isRunning = $true
} else {
# The `vmrun list` command appears not to show vms started before a user logs in.
# Using Get-Process to doubly check if the process isn't already running.
try {
$process = Get-Process -Name "vmware-vmx" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
} catch {}
if ($process) {
$isRunning = $true
Return $isRunning
Function LogEvent([string]$source, [int16]$eventId, [string]$entryType, [string]$message) {
Write-EventLog -LogName Application -Source $source -EventId $eventId -EntryType $entryType -Message $message
[string]$logBoundMessage = (Get-Date -Format g) + " " + $message
switch -wildcard ($entryType.ToLower()) {
"error" {
$logBoundMessage >> "C:\vm\vmware\windows-7-error-log.txt"
"info" {
$logBoundMessage >> "C:\vm\vmware\windows-7-info-log.txt"
default {
$logBoundMessage >> "C:\vm\vmware\windows-7-info-log.txt"
Function main() {
# Messages
[string]$errorLogMessage = "The Windows 7 virtual machine failed to start."
[string]$vmRunningMessage = "The Windows 7 virtual machine is already running."
[string]$successLogMessage = "The Windows 7 virtual machine started successfully."
[string]$eventLogSource = "VMWare Custom Scripts"
[string]$vmFileLocation = "H:\vm\vmware\Windows 7\Windows 7.vmx"
[string]$vmName = "Windows 7.vmx"
# Create the event log source.
try {
New-EventLog -LogName Application -Source $eventLogSource -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
} catch {}
if (isVmRunning $vmName) {
LogEvent $eventLogSource 2004 Information $vmRunningMessage
} else {
# Start the vm
vmrun -T player -gu REPLACE_ME_WITH_GUEST_USERNAME -gp REPLACE_ME_WITH_GUEST_PASSWORD start $vmFileLocation nogui
# Exit with an error if the VM process is not detected
if (isVmRunning $vmName -eq $False) {
LogEvent $eventLogSource 2000 Information $successLogMessage
exit 0
} else {
LogEvent $eventLogSource 5000 Error $errorLogMessage
# The caller of this script knows to retry on an error exit code. We don't want to continuously retry
# starting the vm as it may land us in an infinite loop.
exit 1
# Kick off the startup process.
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