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Forked from mohiji/steinhart-test-results.txt
Created February 21, 2013 11:18
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CL-USER> (test-steinhart-hart)
Steinhart-hart coefficients for the ACI/10K-CP curve are:
A: 0.0011212672
B: 2.3534849E-4
C: 8.3802405E-8
Resistance: 336450.0 Expected: -40.0 Calculated: -39.999985
Resistance: 242660.0 Expected: -35.0 Calculated: -35.009888
Resistance: 176960.0 Expected: -30.0 Calculated: -30.018707
Resistance: 130410.0 Expected: -25.0 Calculated: -25.02591
Resistance: 97072.0 Expected: -20.0 Calculated: -20.031494
Resistance: 72951.0 Expected: -15.0 Calculated: -15.0355835
Resistance: 55326.0 Expected: -10.0 Calculated: -10.037994
Resistance: 42326.0 Expected: -5.0 Calculated: -5.0384216
Resistance: 32650.0 Expected: 0.0 Calculated: -0.036224365
Resistance: 25391.0 Expected: 5.0 Calculated: 4.9650574
Resistance: 19889.0 Expected: 10.0 Calculated: 9.976471
Resistance: 15711.0 Expected: 15.0 Calculated: 14.966095
Resistance: 12492.0 Expected: 20.0 Calculated: 19.966736
Resistance: 10000.0 Expected: 25.0 Calculated: 24.967407
Resistance: 8057.0 Expected: 30.0 Calculated: 29.96875
Resistance: 6531.0 Expected: 35.0 Calculated: 34.974
Resistance: 5326.0 Expected: 40.0 Calculated: 39.97827
Resistance: 4368.0 Expected: 45.0 Calculated: 44.984497
Resistance: 3602.0 Expected: 50.0 Calculated: 49.99167
Resistance: 2986.0 Expected: 55.0 Calculated: 55.00003
Resistance: 2488.0 Expected: 60.0 Calculated: 60.00833
Resistance: 2083.0 Expected: 65.0 Calculated: 65.02008
Resistance: 1752.0 Expected: 70.0 Calculated: 70.03491
Resistance: 1479.0 Expected: 75.0 Calculated: 75.07663
Resistance: 1255.0 Expected: 80.0 Calculated: 80.09567
Resistance: 1070.0 Expected: 85.0 Calculated: 85.09799
Resistance: 915.4 Expected: 90.0 Calculated: 90.120514
Resistance: 786.6 Expected: 95.0 Calculated: 95.127045
Resistance: 678.6 Expected: 100.0 Calculated: 100.12717
Resistance: 587.6 Expected: 105.0 Calculated: 105.12454
Resistance: 510.6 Expected: 110.0 Calculated: 110.12079
Resistance: 445.2 Expected: 115.0 Calculated: 115.11606
Resistance: 389.6 Expected: 120.0 Calculated: 120.0961
Resistance: 341.9 Expected: 125.0 Calculated: 125.08865
Resistance: 301.0 Expected: 130.0 Calculated: 130.07501
Resistance: 265.8 Expected: 135.0 Calculated: 135.05676
Resistance: 235.4 Expected: 140.0 Calculated: 140.0351
Resistance: 209.0 Expected: 145.0 Calculated: 145.02298
Resistance: 186.1 Expected: 150.0 Calculated: 150.0
;; Figure out the Steinhart-Hart coefficients to use for a given thermistor curve.
; The ACI/10K-CP thermistor curve from here:
(defparameter +ACI/10K-CP+
'((336450.0 -40.0)
(242660.0 -35.0)
(176960.0 -30.0)
(130410.0 -25.0)
(97072.0 -20.0)
(72951.0 -15.0)
(55326.0 -10.0)
(42326.0 -5.0)
(32650.0 0.0)
(25391.0 5.0)
(19889.0 10.0)
(15711.0 15.0)
(12492.0 20.0)
(10000.0 25.0)
(8057.0 30.0)
(6531.0 35.0)
(5326.0 40.0)
(4368.0 45.0)
(3602.0 50.0)
(2986.0 55.0)
(2488.0 60.0)
(2083.0 65.0)
(1752.0 70.0)
(1479.0 75.0)
(1255.0 80.0)
(1070.0 85.0)
(915.4 90.0)
(786.6 95.0)
(678.6 100.0)
(587.6 105.0)
(510.6 110.0)
(445.2 115.0)
(389.6 120.0)
(341.9 125.0)
(301.0 130.0)
(265.8 135.0)
(235.4 140.0)
(209.0 145.0)
(186.1 150.0)))
(defun celcius->kelvin (C)
(+ C 273.15))
(defun kelvin->celcius (K)
(- K 273.15))
(defun find-steinhart-hart-coefficients (R1 C1 R2 C2 R3 C3)
"Given 3 pairs of resistance/temperature (in degrees Celcius), derive the Steinhart-Hart
coefficients that will generate the curve used by a thermistor. Derived from Wikipedia:–Hart_equation#Steinhart.E2.80.93Hart_coefficients"
(let* ((K1 (celcius->kelvin C1))
(K2 (celcius->kelvin C2))
(K3 (celcius->kelvin C3))
(L1 (log R1))
(L2 (log R2))
(L3 (log R3))
(Y1 (/ 1 K1))
(Y2 (/ 1 K2))
(Y3 (/ 1 K3))
(gamma2 (/ (- Y2 Y1) (- L2 L1)))
(gamma3 (/ (- Y3 Y1) (- L3 L1)))
(C (* (/ (- gamma3 gamma2)
(- L3 L2))
(expt (+ L1 L2 L3) -1)))
(B (- gamma2 (* C (+ (expt L1 2)
(* L1 L2)
(expt L2 2)))))
(A (- Y1 (* L1 (+ B (* (expt L1 2) C))))))
(list A B C)))
(defun steinhart-hart-temperature (A B C R)
"Return the temperature (in degrees Celcius) given by the Steinhart-Hart curve given three
coefficients and a resistance value."
(let* ((lnR (log R))
(lnR3 (expt lnR 3))
(degreesK (+ A (* B lnR) (* C lnR3))))
(kelvin->celcius (expt degreesK -1))))
(defun inverse-steinhart-hart (A B C degreesC)
"Given three Steinhart-Hart coefficients and a temperature in degrees Celcius, return
the resistance predicted by the Steinhart-Hart equation."
(let* ((degreesK (celcius->kelvin degreesC))
(y (/ (- A (/ 1 degreesK))
(* 2 C)))
(x (sqrt (+ (expt (/ B (* 2 C)) 3) (expt y 2)))))
(exp (- (expt (- x y) 1/3)
(expt (+ x y) 1/3)))))
(defun coefficients-from-table (table)
"Given a table like the +ACI/10K-CP+ one defined at the top of this file, return
the Steinhart-Hart coefficients that will generate the curve that table describes."
(let* ((len (length table))
(rt1 (first table))
(rt2 (elt table (floor (/ len 2))))
(rt3 (car (last table)))
(results (find-steinhart-hart-coefficients (first rt1) (second rt1)
(first rt2) (second rt2)
(first rt3) (second rt3))))
(values (first results) (second results) (third results))))
(defun test-steinhart-hart ()
(multiple-value-bind (A B C) (coefficients-from-table +ACI/10K-CP+)
(format t "Steinhart-hart coefficients for the ACI/10K-CP curve are:~%")
(format t "A: ~a~%B: ~a~%C: ~a~%~%" A B C)
(loop for rt-pair in +ACI/10K-CP+ do
(format t "Resistance: ~a Expected: ~a Calculated: ~a~%"
(first rt-pair)
(second rt-pair)
(steinhart-hart-temperature A B C (first rt-pair))))))
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