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Last active September 2, 2015 19:02
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  • Save stavxyz/c82a27fc481902ff85ff to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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delimited strings to dictionary. good for flexibly ingesting key value pairs
def kwargs(string, separator='=', type=None):
"""Return a dict from a delimited string.
If 'type' is not None, values will be passed through
to type before returning the dictionary.
if separator not in string:
raise ValueError("Separator '%s' not in value '%s'"
% (separator, string))
if string.strip().startswith(separator):
raise ValueError("Value '%s' starts with separator '%s'"
% (string, separator))
kvps = {}
split = string.split(separator)
pairs = [split[0+i:2+i] for i in range(0, len(split)-1, 1)]
for i, (tkey, tvalue) in enumerate(pairs):
key = tkey.strip()
if i != 0:
key = key[key.rindex(' '):].strip()
value = tvalue.strip()
if i != (len(pairs) - 1):
value = value[:value.rindex(' ')].strip()
if key in kvps:
raise ValueError("Specified value for '%s' twice" % key)
if not value:
raise ValueError("No value for key '%s'" % key)
kvps[key] = value
if type is not None:
kvps = {k: type(v) for k, v in kvps.items()}
return kvps
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