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Created December 22, 2010 00:16
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Public Class RadDocumentViewerViewModel
Private pdfWebControl As PdfWebControl
Property ControlID As String = Guid.NewGuid.ToString().Replace("-", "")
Property DocumentKey As String
Sub New(ByVal specialDocumentKey As String, ByVal documentName As Func(Of String), ByVal fileContents As Func(Of Byte()))
pdfWebControl = New PdfWebControl()
Dim radPdfDocumentKey = TryGetCachedDocumentKey(specialDocumentKey)
' TODO: How to to test when we set the radPdfDocumentKey to the control it
' won't throw an a "Document key has expired or is invalid." exception
' Tell the control to load up the document with the following key
pdfWebControl.DocumentKey = radPdfDocumentKey
' If it's not loaded - create it
If (Not pdfWebControl.DocumentID > 0) Then
pdfWebControl.CreateDocument(documentName(), fileContents(), PdfDocumentSettings.IsReadOnly)
GlobalDocumentKeyCache.Add(specialDocumentKey, pdfWebControl.DocumentKey)
End If
pdfWebControl.ID = ControlID
pdfWebControl.ClientIDMode = ClientIDMode.Static
'TOOD: what to do??? Can't seem to set the CssClass on the iframe (see string manipulation in the render control function)
'pdfWebControl.CssClass = "rad_pdf_viewer_iframe"
Me.DocumentKey = pdfWebControl.DocumentKey
End Sub
Private ReadOnly Property GlobalDocumentKeyCache As Dictionary(Of String, String)
Dim documentKeyCache = TryCast(HttpContext.Current.Application("documentKeyCache"), Dictionary(Of String, String))
If (documentKeyCache Is Nothing) Then
documentKeyCache = New Dictionary(Of String, String)
HttpContext.Current.Application("documentKeyCache") = documentKeyCache
End If
Return documentKeyCache
End Get
End Property
Private Function TryGetCachedDocumentKey(ByVal specialDocumentKey As String) As String
Dim cache = GlobalDocumentKeyCache
Dim resultKey As String = Nothing
If (cache.TryGetValue(specialDocumentKey, resultKey)) Then
Return resultKey
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Function RenderPdfControl() As String
Dim sb = New StringBuilder()
Dim tw = New StringWriter(sb)
Dim hw = New HtmlTextWriter(tw)
Dim html As String = sb.ToString()
' The rendered html does not put the RadPdf handler src url at the root of the domain.
' In my case it rendered src="/Controller/Action/RadPdf.axd..."
' I wanted it to render src="/RadPdf.axd..."
html = html.Replace("src=""R", "src=""/R")
' The rendered html does not seem to support the webformControl.CssClass property - so hack in my own CSS
html = html.Replace("src=", "class='rad_pdf_viewer_iframe' src=")
Return html
End Function
End Class
<%@ Control Language="VB" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl(Of RadDocumentViewerViewModel)" %>
<div id="rad_document_viewer_container" style="height:100%;">
<%= Model.RenderPdfControl %>
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