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Created September 26, 2019 00:51
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undom with support for mutation observers and PreactX
function assign (obj, props) {
for (var i in props) obj[i] = props[i]
function toLower (str) {
return String(str).toLowerCase()
function splice (arr, item, add, byValueOnly) {
var i = arr ? findWhere(arr, item, true, byValueOnly) : -1
if (~i) add ? arr.splice(i, 0, add) : arr.splice(i, 1)
return i
function findWhere (arr, fn, returnIndex, byValueOnly) {
var i = arr.length
while (i--) if (typeof fn === 'function' && !byValueOnly ? fn(arr[i]) : arr[i] === fn) break
return returnIndex ? i : arr[i]
function createAttributeFilter (ns, name) {
return function (o) { return o.ns === ns && toLower( === toLower(name) }
var resolved = typeof Promise !== 'undefined' && Promise.resolve()
var setImmediate = resolved ? function (f) { resolved.then(f) } : setTimeout
const NODE_TYPES = {
/** Create a minimally viable DOM Document
* @returns {Document} document
function undom () {
function isElement (node) {
return node.nodeType === 1
var observers = []
var pendingMutations = false
var Node = function Node (nodeType, nodeName) {
this.nodeType = nodeType
this.nodeName = nodeName
this.localName = nodeName
this.childNodes = []
var prototypeAccessors = { nextSibling: {}, previousSibling: {}, firstChild: {}, lastChild: {} }
prototypeAccessors.nextSibling.get = function () {
var p = this.parentNode
if (p) return p.childNodes[findWhere(p.childNodes, this, true) + 1]
prototypeAccessors.previousSibling.get = function () {
var p = this.parentNode
if (p) return p.childNodes[findWhere(p.childNodes, this, true) - 1]
prototypeAccessors.firstChild.get = function () {
return this.childNodes[0]
prototypeAccessors.lastChild.get = function () {
return this.childNodes[this.childNodes.length - 1]
Node.prototype.appendChild = function appendChild (child) {
child.parentNode = this
if (this.children && child.nodeType === 1) this.children.push(child)
mutation(this, 'childList', { addedNodes: [child], previousSibling: this.childNodes[this.childNodes.length - 2] })
Node.prototype.insertBefore = function insertBefore (child, ref) {
var i = splice(this.childNodes, ref, child); var ref2
if (!ref) {
} else {
if (~i && child.nodeType === 1) {
while (i < this.childNodes.length && (ref2 = this.childNodes[i]).nodeType !== 1 || ref === child) i++
if (ref2) splice(this.children, ref, child)
mutation(this, 'childList', { addedNodes: [child], nextSibling: ref })
Node.prototype.replaceChild = function replaceChild (child, ref) {
if (ref.parentNode === this) {
this.insertBefore(child, ref)
Node.prototype.removeChild = function removeChild (child) {
var i = splice(this.childNodes, child)
if (child.nodeType === 1) splice(this.children, child)
mutation(this, 'childList', { removedNodes: [child], previousSibling: this.childNodes[i - 1], nextSibling: this.childNodes[i] })
Node.prototype.remove = function remove () {
if (this.parentNode) this.parentNode.removeChild(this)
Object.defineProperties(Node.prototype, prototypeAccessors)
var Text = (function (Node) {
function Text (text) {, 3, '#text') // TEXT_NODE
this.nodeValue = text
this.__defineGetter__('data', function () {
return this.nodeValue
this.__defineSetter__('data', function (val) {
this.nodeValue = val
this.parentNode.setAttribute('value', val)
if (Node) Text.__proto__ = Node
Text.prototype = Object.create(Node && Node.prototype)
Text.prototype.constructor = Text
var prototypeAccessors$1 = { textContent: {} }
prototypeAccessors$1.textContent.set = function (text) {
this.nodeValue = text = text
prototypeAccessors$1.textContent.get = function () {
return this.nodeValue
Object.defineProperties(Text.prototype, prototypeAccessors$1)
return Text
var Element = (function (Node) {
function Element (nodeType, nodeName) {
var this$1 = this, nodeType || 1, nodeName) // ELEMENT_NODE
this.attributes = []
this.__handlers = {} = {}
Object.defineProperty(this, 'className', {
set: function (val) { this$1.setAttribute('class', val) },
get: function () { return this$1.getAttribute('class') }
Object.defineProperty(, 'cssText', {
set: function (val) { this$1.setAttribute('style', val) },
get: function () { return this$1.getAttribute('style') }
if (Node) Element.__proto__ = Node
Element.prototype = Object.create(Node && Node.prototype)
Element.prototype.constructor = Element
var prototypeAccessors$2 = { children: {} }
prototypeAccessors$2.children.get = function () {
return this.childNodes.filter(isElement)
Element.prototype.setAttribute = function setAttribute (key, value) {
this.setAttributeNS(null, key, value)
Element.prototype.getAttribute = function getAttribute (key) {
return this.getAttributeNS(null, key)
Element.prototype.removeAttribute = function removeAttribute (key) {
this.removeAttributeNS(null, key)
Element.prototype.setAttributeNS = function setAttributeNS (ns, name, value) {
var attr = findWhere(this.attributes, createAttributeFilter(ns, name))
var oldValue = attr && attr.value
if (!attr) this.attributes.push(attr = { ns: ns, name: name })
attr.value = String(value)
mutation(this, 'attributes', { attributeName: name, attributeNamespace: ns, oldValue: oldValue })
Element.prototype.getAttributeNS = function getAttributeNS (ns, name) {
var attr = findWhere(this.attributes, createAttributeFilter(ns, name))
return attr && attr.value
Element.prototype.removeAttributeNS = function removeAttributeNS (ns, name) {
splice(this.attributes, createAttributeFilter(ns, name))
mutation(this, 'attributes', { attributeName: name, attributeNamespace: ns, oldValue: this.getAttributeNS(ns, name) })
Element.prototype.addEventListener = function addEventListener (type, handler) {
(this.__handlers[toLower(type)] || (this.__handlers[toLower(type)] = [])).push(handler.bind(this))
Element.prototype.removeEventListener = function removeEventListener (type, handler) {
splice(this.__handlers[toLower(type)], handler, 0, true)
Element.prototype.dispatchEvent = function dispatchEvent (event) {
var t = event.currentTarget = this
var c = event.cancelable
var l; var i
do {
l = t.__handlers && t.__handlers[toLower(event.type)]
if (l) {
for (i = l.length; i--;) {
if ((l[i].call(t, event) === false || event._end) && c) break
} while (event.bubbles && !(c && event._stop) && ( = t = t.parentNode))
return !event.defaultPrevented
Object.defineProperties(Element.prototype, prototypeAccessors$2)
return Element
var Document = (function (Element) {
function Document () {, 9, '#document') // DOCUMENT_NODE
if (Element) Document.__proto__ = Element
Document.prototype = Object.create(Element && Element.prototype)
Document.prototype.constructor = Document
return Document
var Event = function Event (type, opts) {
this.type = type
this.bubbles = !!opts.bubbles
this.cancelable = !!opts.cancelable
Event.prototype.stopPropagation = function stopPropagation () {
this._stop = true
Event.prototype.stopImmediatePropagation = function stopImmediatePropagation () {
this._end = this._stop = true
Event.prototype.preventDefault = function preventDefault () {
this.defaultPrevented = true
function mutation (target, type, record) { = target
record.type = type
for (var i = observers.length; i--;) {
var ob = observers[i]
var match = target === ob._target
if (!match && ob._options.subtree) {
do {
if ((match = target === ob._target)) break
} while ((target = target.parentNode))
if (match) {
if (!pendingMutations) {
pendingMutations = true
function flushMutations () {
pendingMutations = false
for (var i = observers.length; i--;) {
var ob = observers[i]
if (ob._records.length) {
var MutationObserver = function MutationObserver (callback) {
this.callback = callback
this._records = []
MutationObserver.prototype.observe = function observe (target, options) {
this._target = target
this._options = options || {}
MutationObserver.prototype.disconnect = function disconnect () {
this._target = null
splice(observers, this)
MutationObserver.prototype.takeRecords = function takeRecords () {
return this._records.splice(0, this._records.length)
function createElement (type) {
return new Element(null, String(type).toUpperCase())
function createElementNS (ns, type) {
var element = createElement(type)
element.namespace = ns
return element
function createTextNode (text) {
return new Text(text)
function createDocument () {
var document = new Document()
assign(document, document.defaultView = { document: document, MutationObserver: MutationObserver, Document: Document, Node: Node, Text: Text, Element: Element, SVGElement: Element, Event: Event })
assign(document, { documentElement: document, createElement: createElement, createElementNS: createElementNS, createTextNode: createTextNode })
document.appendChild(document.body = createElement('body'))
return document
return createDocument()
module.exports = undom
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