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Last active May 14, 2018 18:28
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How to keep API calls decoupled from React components

Keeping API calls decoupled from React components keeps your views pure and without side-effects! This makes it easier to test your views without having to worry about API calls. You can test your API separately from your views.

Some Assumptions

Before I dive any deeper, here are some assumptions: You are using React to render your views (HTML). You are using Redux, or something similar to handle state. Myself, I actually use Preact and Atom instead of React and Redux -- They are both much smaller and their source codes are easy to understand, which I favour. The APIs are basically the same. And, I'm also assuming you rely heavily on Redux/Atom and not on React's setState method.

Moving Request Logic Outside Of Your Views

If you're coming from MVC, then you know your views should be simple and without complex logic. Instead, you would use the Controller to load remote data and do any normalization. But where is the Controller when using React and Redux? There isn't really a controller, but that logic can be moved into subscribers.

With Redux (or Atom), your store reference has a subscribe method. See Redux docs and Atom. I lack any experience with MobX, but it looks like you can get a similar result with just an Observable or a Spy, see doc (Anyone with more experience, please chime in!). This is where we can write our Controller-esque logic.

A Blog Example

So, let's say you have a blog page, and it loads a Parent or Page Component like <BlogPage ... />, and you need to load some featured posts. This is where I would usually add a componentDidMount call to BlogPage and make an API request for some featured posts. But, like I said, this couples request logic with the view, which we want to keep dead simple.

Thankfully, we store the current URL in our Atom store. If you don't, then you should!

Now, subscribe is fired when any part of your state tree has changed. And, it does not tell you which part changed! So, we can use the following utility function to watch a specific path on our state tree and only invoke our callback if the value at that path has changed. (Note: the next version of Atom will include this watchStore type API)

import check from 'check-arg-types'
import pathOr from 'ramda/src/pathOr'
import merge from 'ramda/src/merge'

import {subscribe, getState} from './store' // this is your local store file

const toType = check.prototype.toType

// Cache previous value for given path to allow easy diffing in the listener.
const cache = {}

// Small wrapper around adding a subscriber to your store, that only calls the
// given cb if the value at the given path has changed since the last time
// the cb was invoked.
export default function watchStore (path, cb) {
  const key = path.join(',')
  const getPathVal = pathOr(undefined, path)
  const diff = () => {
    const newVal = getPathVal(getState())
    if (newVal === undefined) {
    const oldVal = cache[key]
    if (oldVal === undefined || oldVal !== newVal) {
      if (toType(newVal) === 'object') {
        cache[key] = merge({}, newVal)
      } else {
        cache[key] = newVal
      cb(newVal, oldVal)

  // Let's invoke diff right away as we may want to react to
  // our initialState set in our store.

Ok, now we have the helpful wrapper around our store's subscribe method. It let's us target a specific path on our state tree, and only invoke our given callback function when the value at that path actually changes.

Again, with the assumption that we keep the current URL up-to-date in our state tree, we can subscribe to changes like so:

watchStore(['url'], function loadData (url) {
  switch (url) {
    case '/blog':
      // Load blog posts from our API

I'm not going to cover the actual API request here. But, let's assume we get some array back from the API server and we're ready to store that in our state tree, we can fill in that loadBlogPosts promise callback with something like:

import {set} from 'atom-lens-reducer'
loadBlogPosts.then((posts) => dispatch(set('blogPosts', posts)))

Now when we update our state tree (and we already have a component connected to our Redux/Atom store) then we can pass that blogPosts value down to our <BlogPage posts={props.blogPosts} /> Component!

Another Example

Maybe your app as an API-backed autocomplete/type-ahead input field. You want to load and present results as the user types. Well, first you need to make sure you are storing your form values in your state tree. At this point, let's assume you are already syncing the input value of your autocomplete form in your Redux/Atom store.

<Form name='globalSearch'>

And this input field is synced to your state tree as:

  forms: {
    globalSearch: {
      input: '<User Input Here!>'

Then all we have to do is use that watchStore utility above to listen for when this input value changes and perform our API logic then:

watchStore(['forms', 'globalSearch', 'input'], (input) => {
  // only perform request if input is 3 or more characters
  if (input && input.length > 2) {
    // Make API request
  // You could also debounce or throttle this call to reduce hits on your API

No we don't have any of that logic in our hypothetical <GlobalSearchForm /> Component! It's just a simple function that accepts props and returns HTML! This should help with complexity by keeping your view (Components) simple, and your "Controller" logic separate.

This is part of an evolving pattern of how I write React applications. I aim to write a document about the organization and libraries used. But, I felt this pattern (of keeping API calls separate from Components) was worthy of a more in-depth explanation -- I hope it helps reduce complexity in your React apps!

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prabuw commented May 14, 2018

@staydecent - The last bit about the autocomplete is something I am quite interested in. After you catch the input has changed and made the API call, you will get an array of results for your autocomplete to render. Are you storing this set of values in the store and passing it down to the autocomplete?

I've raised this exact question here: reduxjs/redux#2989 (comment)

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