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Created December 13, 2017 18:46
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Example docker image builder with Clair test for jenkins
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
//Dockerfile including Clair check.
// DEC-2017
node('docker') {
def docker_registry="nexus.mydomain.err:5000"
def clair_endpoint="https://nexus.mydomain.err:6060"
def image_name="uis-cam/endpoint-heartbeat"
def es_version="6.0.0"
def full_image_name = "${docker_registry}/${image_name}:${es_version}"
def heartbeat
stage('Preparation') {
git ''
stage('Build Heartbeat') {
dir('./') {
heartbeat =,"--file Dockerfile .")
stage('Clair Test') {
sh 'wget -nv -O klar'
sh 'chmod u+x klar'
def statusCode = sh script:"CLAIR_ADDR=${clair_endpoint} ./klar ${full_image_name}", returnStatus:true
if (statusCode!=0) {
currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
error "Docker Image did not pass Clair testing."
stage('Push images') {
//credentials from the CAM DEV Jenkins
docker.withRegistry("https://${docker_registry}", 'registry-credential') {
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