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Created March 28, 2023 19:40
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"create_time": "2023-03-28T19:36:11.883314+00:00",
"custom_function_id": "ba821c29dd95204206d5240ea66d1ecf4c4ef9eb",
"description": "Ensure mac address is in format of chosen input \ndefaults to - if not provided",
"draft_mode": false,
"inputs": [
"contains_type": [
"description": "Enter MAC Address",
"input_type": "item",
"name": "macaddress",
"placeholder": "MAC Address"
"contains_type": [
"description": "Choose your mac address seperator - or : ",
"input_type": "item",
"name": "separator",
"placeholder": "-"
"outputs": [
"contains_type": [
"mac address"
"data_path": "macaddress",
"description": "Formatted mac address"
"outputs_type": "item",
"platform_version": "",
"python_version": "3"
def format_macaddress(macaddress=None, separator=None, **kwargs):
Ensure mac address is in format of chosen input
defaults to - if not provided
macaddress (CEF type: *): Enter MAC Address
separator (CEF type: *): Choose your mac address seperator - or :
Returns a JSON-serializable object that implements the configured data paths:
macaddress (CEF type: mac address): Formatted mac address
############################ Custom Code Goes Below This Line #################################
import json
import phantom.rules as phantom
import re
outputs = {}
mac = macaddress
separator = "-" if separator is None else separator
assert separator == ":" or separator == "-", "Invalid Separator"
# Write your custom code here...
mac = re.sub('[.:-]', '', mac).lower() # remove delimiters and convert to lower case
mac = ''.join(mac.split()) # remove whitespaces
assert len(mac) == 12, "Invalid Length" # length should be now exactly 12 (eg. 008041aefd7e)
assert mac.isalnum(), "Invalild MAC values" # should only contain letters and numbers
# convert mac in hypen form (eg. 00-80-41-ae-fd-7e)
mac = separator.join(["%s" % (mac[i:i+2]) for i in range(0, 12, 2)])
outputs = { "macaddress": mac }
# Return a JSON-serializable object
assert json.dumps(outputs) # Will raise an exception if the :outputs: object is not JSON-serializable
return outputs
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