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Created April 22, 2017 18:34
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Sub SortingMain()
Dim area As Range, nrOfValues As Long
Set area = Range("A1").CurrentRegion
nrOfValues = area.Cells.Count
Call ShellSort(area, nrOfValues)
End Sub
Sub ShellSort(V As Range, nrOfValues&)
Dim gap&, i&, k&, tmp&
Dim noexchange As Boolean
Dim comparisons As Long ' How many comparisons did every selection sentence do?
Dim exchanged As Long ' How many times items were exchanged?
Dim loop1 As Long, loop2 As Long, loop3 As Long ' How many iterations did every loop sentence do?
comparisons = 0: exchanged = 0: loop1 = 0: loop2 = 0: loop3 = 0 ' Counters
gap = nrOfValues
Do While gap > 1
loop1 = loop1 + 1
gap = gap \ 2 'denominator = 2
loop2 = loop2 + 1
noexchange = True
For i = 1 To nrOfValues - gap
loop3 = loop3 + 1
k = i + gap
If V(k) > V(i) Then tmp = V(k): V(k) = V(i): V(i) = tmp: noexchange = False: exchanged = exchanged + 1
comparisons = comparisons + 1
Next i
Loop Until noexchange = True
' Show statistics
Range("comparisons").Value = comparisons
Range("exchanged").Value = exchanged
Range("loop1").Value = loop1
Range("loop2").Value = loop2
Range("loop3").Value = loop3
' Almost (decreasingly) sorted – first and last items are exchanged: 1, 4, 3, 2, 5
tmp = V(1): V(1) = V(nrOfValues): V(nrOfValues) = tmp
End Sub
Sub GenerateNumbersMain()
Dim nrOfValues As Long, first As Long, last As Long
Dim xy As Range, max As Long, pos As Long
Set xy = Range("A1")
first = Range("first").Value
last = Range("last").Value
nrOfValues = Range("nr_of_values").Value
Call DeleteValues(xy)
Call GenerateNumbers(xy, first, last, nrOfValues)
End Sub
Sub GenerateNumbers(xy As Range, first As Long, last As Long, howMany As Long)
Dim i
For i = 1 To howMany
xy(i, 1) = Int(Rnd() * (last - first + 1) + first)
Next i
End Sub
Sub DeleteValues(xy As Range)
End Sub
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