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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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puppetlabs-postgresql test failures
1) postgresql::server::postgis: test loading class with no parameters
Failure/Error: apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
Host 'centos-64-x64' exited with 6 running:
env PATH="/usr/bin:/opt/puppet-git-repos/hiera/bin:${PATH}" RUBYLIB="/opt/puppet-git-repos/hiera/lib:/opt/puppet-git-repos/hiera-puppet/lib:${RUBYLIB}" puppet apply --verbose --detailed-exitcodes /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.Ti2NiD
Last 10 lines of output were:
Error: /Stage[main]/Postgresql::Server::Service/Postgresql::Validate_db_connection[validate_service_is_running]/Exec[validate postgres connection for /postgres]: Failed to call refresh: echo 'Unable to connect to defined database using: /usr/bin/psql --tuples-only --quiet -p 5432 --dbname postgres ' && false returned 1 instead of one of [0]
Error: /Stage[main]/Postgresql::Server::Service/Postgresql::Validate_db_connection[validate_service_is_running]/Exec[validate postgres connection for /postgres]: echo 'Unable to connect to defined database using: /usr/bin/psql --tuples-only --quiet -p 5432 --dbname postgres ' && false returned 1 instead of one of [0]
Notice: /Stage[main]/Postgresql::Server::Service/Anchor[postgresql::server::service::end]: Dependency Package[postgresql-postgis] has failures: true
Warning: /Stage[main]/Postgresql::Server::Service/Anchor[postgresql::server::service::end]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
Notice: /Stage[main]/Postgresql::Server::Service/Anchor[postgresql::server::service::end]: Triggered 'refresh' from 1 events
Notice: /Stage[main]/Postgresql::Server::Postgis/Anchor[postgresql::server::postgis::end]: Dependency Package[postgresql-postgis] has failures: true
Warning: /Stage[main]/Postgresql::Server::Postgis/Anchor[postgresql::server::postgis::end]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
Notice: /Stage[main]/Postgresql::Server/Anchor[postgresql::server::end]: Dependency Package[postgresql-postgis] has failures: true
Warning: /Stage[main]/Postgresql::Server/Anchor[postgresql::server::end]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
Notice: Finished catalog run in 73.62 seconds
# ./spec/acceptance/postgis_spec.rb:25:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
2) postgresql::server::config_entry: should correctly set a quotes-required string
Failure/Error: apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
Host 'centos-64-x64' exited with 1 running:
env PATH="/usr/bin:/opt/puppet-git-repos/hiera/bin:${PATH}" RUBYLIB="/opt/puppet-git-repos/hiera/lib:/opt/puppet-git-repos/hiera-puppet/lib:${RUBYLIB}" puppet apply --verbose --detailed-exitcodes /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.bKbo8Q
Last 10 lines of output were:
Info: Loading facts in /etc/puppet/modules/stdlib/lib/facter/facter_dot_d.rb
Info: Loading facts in /etc/puppet/modules/stdlib/lib/facter/puppet_vardir.rb
Info: Loading facts in /etc/puppet/modules/stdlib/lib/facter/root_home.rb
Info: Loading facts in /etc/puppet/modules/firewall/lib/facter/iptables_persistent_version.rb
Info: Loading facts in /etc/puppet/modules/firewall/lib/facter/ip6tables_version.rb
Info: Loading facts in /etc/puppet/modules/firewall/lib/facter/iptables_version.rb
Info: Loading facts in /etc/puppet/modules/concat/lib/facter/concat_basedir.rb
Warning: Config file /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml not found, using Hiera defaults
Error: Duplicate declaration: Postgresql::Server::Config_entry[listen_addresses] is already declared in file /etc/puppet/modules/postgresql/manifests/server/config.pp:100; cannot redeclare at /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.bKbo8Q:5 on node
Error: Duplicate declaration: Postgresql::Server::Config_entry[listen_addresses] is already declared in file /etc/puppet/modules/postgresql/manifests/server/config.pp:100; cannot redeclare at /tmp/apply_manifest.pp.bKbo8Q:5 on node
# ./spec/acceptance/server/config_entry_spec.rb:36:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
3) postgresql::server::db should idempotently create a db that we can connect to
Failure/Error: psql('--command="drop database postgresql_test_db" postgres')
Host 'centos-64-x64' exited with 2 running:
su postgres -c psql\ --command\=\"drop\ database\ postgresql_test_db\"\ postgres
Last 10 lines of output were:
psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
Is the server running locally and accepting
connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
# ./spec/spec_helper_acceptance.rb:34:in `psql'
# ./spec/acceptance/server/db_spec.rb:29:in `ensure in block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
# ./spec/acceptance/server/db_spec.rb:29:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
4) postgresql::server::db should take a locale parameter
Failure/Error: psql('--command="drop database test1" postgres')
Host 'centos-64-x64' exited with 2 running:
su postgres -c psql\ --command\=\"drop\ database\ test1\"\ postgres
Last 10 lines of output were:
psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
Is the server running locally and accepting
connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
# ./spec/spec_helper_acceptance.rb:34:in `psql'
# ./spec/acceptance/server/db_spec.rb:57:in `ensure in block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
# ./spec/acceptance/server/db_spec.rb:57:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
5) postgresql::server::db should take an istemplate parameter
Failure/Error: expect(r.stderr).to match(/cannot drop a template database/)
expected "psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory\n\tIs the server running locally and accepting\n\tconnections on Unix domain socket \"/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432\"?\n" to match /cannot drop a template database/
@@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
-/cannot drop a template database/
+psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
+ Is the server running locally and accepting
+ connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
# ./spec/acceptance/server/db_spec.rb:84:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
# ./spec/spec_helper_acceptance.rb:34:in `psql'
# ./spec/acceptance/server/db_spec.rb:82:in `ensure in block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
# ./spec/acceptance/server/db_spec.rb:82:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
6) postgresql::server::db should update istemplate parameter
Failure/Error: psql('--command="drop database template2" postgres')
Host 'centos-64-x64' exited with 2 running:
su postgres -c psql\ --command\=\"drop\ database\ template2\"\ postgres
Last 10 lines of output were:
psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
Is the server running locally and accepting
connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
# ./spec/spec_helper_acceptance.rb:34:in `psql'
# ./spec/acceptance/server/db_spec.rb:110:in `ensure in block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
# ./spec/acceptance/server/db_spec.rb:110:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
7) postgresql::server::db should take a template parameter
Failure/Error: psql('--command="drop database postgresql_test_db" postgres')
Host 'centos-64-x64' exited with 2 running:
su postgres -c psql\ --command\=\"drop\ database\ postgresql_test_db\"\ postgres
Last 10 lines of output were:
psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
Is the server running locally and accepting
connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
# ./spec/spec_helper_acceptance.rb:34:in `psql'
# ./spec/acceptance/server/db_spec.rb:135:in `ensure in block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
# ./spec/acceptance/server/db_spec.rb:135:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
8) postgresql::server::db should take a dbname parameter
Failure/Error: psql('--command="drop database postgresql_testtest_db" postgres')
Host 'centos-64-x64' exited with 2 running:
su postgres -c psql\ --command\=\"drop\ database\ postgresql_testtest_db\"\ postgres
Last 10 lines of output were:
psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
Is the server running locally and accepting
connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
# ./spec/spec_helper_acceptance.rb:34:in `psql'
# ./spec/acceptance/server/db_spec.rb:161:in `ensure in block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
# ./spec/acceptance/server/db_spec.rb:161:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
Finished in 32 minutes 44 seconds
51 examples, 8 failures
Failed examples:
rspec ./spec/acceptance/postgis_spec.rb:19 # postgresql::server::postgis: test loading class with no parameters
rspec ./spec/acceptance/server/config_entry_spec.rb:27 # postgresql::server::config_entry: should correctly set a quotes-required string
rspec ./spec/acceptance/server/db_spec.rb:9 # postgresql::server::db should idempotently create a db that we can connect to
rspec ./spec/acceptance/server/db_spec.rb:33 # postgresql::server::db should take a locale parameter
rspec ./spec/acceptance/server/db_spec.rb:61 # postgresql::server::db should take an istemplate parameter
rspec ./spec/acceptance/server/db_spec.rb:89 # postgresql::server::db should update istemplate parameter
rspec ./spec/acceptance/server/db_spec.rb:114 # postgresql::server::db should take a template parameter
rspec ./spec/acceptance/server/db_spec.rb:139 # postgresql::server::db should take a dbname parameter
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