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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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Namespace-aware template rendering for Phalcon PHP
use Phalcon\Events\Event;
use Phalcon\Mvc\Application;
use Phalcon\Mvc\User\Plugin;
use Phalcon\Mvc\View;
* Namespaced template rendering for the Phalcon PHP framework
* This plugin overrides Phalcon's normal render call in order to change the
* path of the template based on the controller namespace (or any factor you like).
* As-in, only the deepest component of the namespace is used, so rendering for the
* controller `MyApp\Controllers\Front\IndexController` will look for templates in
* `[views-dir]/front/index/[action]`.
* To use this plugin:
* // The application must have the event manager set
* $application->setEventsManager($di['eventsManager']);
* // Listen for the application's viewRender event
* $di['eventsManager']->attach('application:viewRender', new NamespacedRenderer());
* Based on an issue comment in the phalcon/cphalcon repository:
class NamespacedRenderer extends Plugin
* Override the normal view rendering call with one that honours namespaces
* @param Event $event
* @param Application $application
* @param View $view
* @return bool
public function viewRender(Event $event, Application $application, View $view)
$dispatcher = $this->dispatcher;
$namespace = strtolower(basename(str_replace('\\', '/', $dispatcher->getNamespaceName())));
$controllerName = $namespace . '/' . $dispatcher->getControllerName();
$view->render($controllerName, $dispatcher->getActionName());
// This handler must return false to prevent the render event bubbling to the
// normal renderer and breaking the output (ie. a nested main template render)
return false;
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