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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Update records in SilverStripe's File table that point to non-existent files
* # SilverStripe Assets Fixer
* Interactive script to update file records in a SilverStripe site database.
* ## How it works
* For each File record in the database where Filename doesn't exist, the basename
* of that path is searched for in the assets directory. When one or more files are
* found with that name, the user is prompted to select one to updated the record with.
* ## Usage notes
* This script requires use of an _ss_environment file that contains the target
* site's database connection details. You must be in the root of the target site
* to run this script (ie. the parent directory of the target assets dir).
* Prompt for user input using STDIN
* @param string $prompt
* @return string - trimmed user input
function getUserInput($prompt)
echo "$prompt ";
$line = trim(fgets(STDIN));
return $line;
* Prompt the user with choices
* Intended for use with single character options. All options are
* converted to lowercase. Default value is displayed in uppercase.
* The returned string is always lowercase.
* eg:
* Would you like to eat a pie? [Y/n]
* @param string $question
* @param array $options
* @param string $default - value returned for an empty input
* @return string - selected item in $options, or default
function getUserDecision($question, array $options, $default = null)
$options = array_map('strtolower', $options);
$optionString = $options;
if ($default) {
$index = array_search(strtolower($default), $options);
if ($index !== false) {
$optionString[$index] = ucfirst($options[$index]);
$optionString = implode('/', $optionString);
while (true) {
$answer = strtolower(getUserInput("$question [$optionString]"));
if (!$answer && $default) {
return strtolower($default);
if (in_array($answer, $options)) {
return $answer;
* Search up from the working directory for an _ss_environment.php file
* The user is prompted for each file found.
* @return bool _ss_environment.php loaded
function loadEnvironmentFile()
$dir = getcwd();
while ($dir != '/') {
$file = $dir.'/_ss_environment.php';
if (file_exists($file) && getUserDecision("Use environment file '$file'?", array('y','n'), 'y') == 'y') {
require $file;
return true;
$dir = dirname($dir);
return false;
* @return array of paths from the File table that don't exist on disk
function findMissingAssets(PDO $pdo)
$result = $pdo->query("SELECT ID,Filename FROM File WHERE ClassName != 'Folder'");
$missing = array();
while ($row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
if (!file_exists($row['Filename'])) {
$missing[] = $row;
return $missing;
* Find all files in the assets dir with a specified filename
function findFilesByName($filename)
$filename = escapeshellarg($filename);
exec("find assets -iname $filename", $files);
return $files;
* Prompt the user to select a file by index from a list
function promptSelectFile($files)
foreach ($files as $index => $file) {
echo " $index: $file\n";
while (true) {
$value = getUserInput("\n Enter the number of the file to update the DB record with, or empty to skip:");
$value = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $value);
if ($value === '') {
return false;
if (!empty($files[$value])) {
return $files[$value];
* Update the Filename field of a File record
* @param PDO $pdo
* @param int $id
* @param string $newFilename
* @return bool success
function updateFileRecord(PDO $pdo, $id, $newFilename)
$stmt = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE File SET Filename = :filename WHERE ID = :id");
return $stmt->execute(array(
':id' => intval($id),
':filename' => $newFilename
function printRecords(array $array, $message = '')
if ($message) {
echo "\n$message\n";
foreach ($array as $value) {
echo " {$value['ID']} {$value['Filename']}\n";
// --
if (!is_dir('assets')) {
die("Can't see an assets directory in the current directory. This script must be run in the root of a SilverStripe site.\n");
if (!loadEnvironmentFile()) {
die("An _ss_environment file must be loaded. None was found or selected.\n");
if (!defined('SS_DATABASE_USERNAME') || !defined('SS_DATABASE_PASSWORD') || !defined('SS_DATABASE_SERVER')) {
die("A database setting constant was missing. Please check the _ss_environment file you selected.\n");
if (!defined('SS_DATABASE_NAME')) {
$name = null;
while (!$name) {
$name = getUserInput("SS_DATABASE_NAME not set. Please enter the database name to use:");
define('SS_DATABASE_NAME', $name);
$missing = findMissingAssets($pdo);
$noMatches = array();
$updated = array();
$failed = array();
$totalMissing = count($missing);
foreach ($missing as $index => $record) {
$matches = findFilesByName(basename($record['Filename']));
if (count($matches)) {
$position = $index + 1;
echo "$position/$totalMissing Matches found for missing '{$record['Filename']}':\n\n";
if ($path = promptSelectFile($matches)) {
if (updateFileRecord($pdo, $record['ID'], $path)) {
$updated[] = $record;
} else {
$failed[] = $record;
echo "\n";
} else {
$noMatches[] = $record;
echo "Report:\n";
echo "\nNo matches found: ".count($noMatches);
echo "\nUpdated: ".count($updated);
echo "\nFailed or skipped: ".count($failed);
if (count($noMatches)) {
printRecords($noMatches, 'No matches found in filesystem:');
if (count($failed)) {
printRecords($failed, 'Failed or skipped:');
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