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Last active January 6, 2021 21:10
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Systems (e2e) Testing in 2021

Systems (e2e) Testing

This is an evaluation of the choices available for systems, or end-to-end (e2e), testing in 2021.


  • JavaScript npm package - consistent with frontend tools
  • runs on local dev environment
  • runs on build system (Jenkins)
  • uses major browser engines: Blink, Gecko, Webkit



The following tests were performed on a common ReactJS todo list application.

  1. verify expected <h1> title on page
  2. add new todo task, verify list update
  3. delete todo task, verify list update
  4. click on list "active" filter, verify list update
  5. click on list "completed" filter, verify list update (tests alternative approach to click verification)
  6. click on print button, verify new window opens with print page (tests new tab/window capability)



  • Cypress is like jQuery when it comes to selectors and syntax. Get something and then do something.

    It comes with a GUI component that makes test writing more interactive and more enjoyable.

    On the downside, Cypress doesn't work with Webkit and it doesn't handle multiple tabs/windows.

  • CodeceptJS fills an interesting space somewhere between Cypress and Jest-Playwright. It uses a BDD style syntax that seems odd at first but is very terse and smooths over some of the complexities of Playwright.

    On the downside, CodeceptJS is managed by one person in Ukraine.

  • Jest-Playwright is the newest player, having just started in January 2020 by a couple of Puppeteer expats. It provides a mode async/await approach that will be more comfortable with experience JavaScripters.

    On the downside, Jest-Playwright is still rather new and debugging can be a royal pain.

Install and configure

  • Cypress

    npm install --save-dev cypress


    // cypress.json
      "baseUrl": "http://localhost:3000",
      "integrationFolder": "cypress/integration/e2e",
      "video": false
  • CodeceptJS

    npm install --save-dev codeceptjs playwright


    // codecept.conf.js
    const { setHeadlessWhen } = require('@codeceptjs/configure');
    // turn on headless mode when running with HEADLESS=true environment variable
    // export HEADLESS=true && npx codeceptjs run
    exports.config = {
      tests: './tests/e2e/todo.spec.js',
      output: './output',
      helpers: {
        Playwright: {
          url: 'http://localhost',
          show: true,
          browser: 'chromium'
      include: {
        I: './steps_file.js'
      bootstrap: null,
      mocha: {},
      name: 'todo-codeceptjs',
      plugins: {
        pauseOnFail: {},
        retryFailedStep: {
          enabled: true
        tryTo: {
          enabled: true
        screenshotOnFail: {
          enabled: true
    // steps_file.js
    // in this file you can append custom step methods to 'I' object
    module.exports = function steps() {
      return actor({
        // Define custom steps here, use 'this' to access default methods of I.
        // It is recommended to place a general 'login' function here.
  • Jest-Playwright

    npm install --save-dev jest jest-playwright-preset


  // jest-playwright.config.js

  module.exports = {
    // launchOptions: {
    //   headless: true,
    // },
    serverOptions: {
      // auto start server:
      command: 'npm run start',
      debug: true,
      launchTimeout: 30000,
      port: 3000,
      // options: {
      //   env: {
      //     BROWSER: 'none',
      //   },
      // },
// jest.config.e2e.js

module.exports = {
  preset: 'jest-playwright-preset',
  testRegex: '(e2e/.*\\.(test|spec))\\.[jt]sx?$',


  • Cypress

    beforeEach(() => {
  • CodeceptJS

     Before(({ I }) => {
  • Jest-Playwright

     beforeAll(async () => {
       browser = await chromium.launch();
     beforeEach(async () => {
       page = await browser.newPage();
       await page.goto(url);


  • Cypress

    // NONE
  • CodeceptJS

     // NONE
  • Jest-Playwright

     afterEach(async () => {
       await page.close();
     afterAll(async () => {
       await browser.close();

Test 1 - verify <h1> title

  • Cypress

    it('has the expected title', () => {
      // Get the <h1> content
        // Verify the content
        .should('have.text', 'React Todo');
  • CodeceptJS

     Scenario('has the expected title', ({ I }) => {
       // Verify the content from the <h1>
       I.see('React Todo', 'h1');
  • Jest-Playwright

     it('has the expected title', async () => {
       // Get the <h1> content
       const heading = await page.textContent('h1');
       // Verify the content
       expect(heading).toBe('React Todo');

Test 2 - verify new task

  • Cypress

    it('adds a new todo', () => {
      const text = 'New todo item';
      // Get the "Add" input field
        // Add new task text
      // Get the "Add" button
        // Click "Add" button
      // Get the content from the new (last) task
      cy.get('.todo:last-child .todo-label')
        // Verify the content
        .should('have.text', text);
  • CodeceptJS

     Scenario('adds new todo', ({ I }) => {
       const text = 'New todo item';
       // Add new task text to the "Add" input field
       I.fillField('#new-todo-input', text);
       // Click "Add" button'Add');
       // Verify the content from the new (last) task
       I.see(text, '.todo:last-child .todo-label');
  • Jest-Playwright

     it('adds a new todo', async () => {
       const text = 'New todo item';
       // Add new task text to the "Add" input field
       await page.fill('#new-todo-input', text);
       // Click "Add" button
       // Get the content from the new (last) task
       const lastTodo = await page.textContent('.todo:last-child .todo-label');
       // Verify the content

Test 6 - click print button

  • Cypress

  • CodeceptJS

     Scenario('opens a new window (for printing)', async ({ I }) => {
       const titleText = 'print test';
       // Click print button'print');
       // Go to print popup
       // Verify print popup details
       I.seeTextEquals(titleText.toUpperCase(), 'h1');
       // Close new tab (and session)
  • Jest-Playwright

     it('opens a new window (for printing)', async () => {
       const titleText = 'print test';
       // Capture print popup
       const [printPopup] = await Promise.all([
         // Listen for event
         // Click print button'.btn__print'),
       // Verify print popup details
       const title = await printPopup.title();
       const h1 = await printPopup.$eval('h1', (content) => content.textContent);

Run scripts

  • Cypress

    npm run start 		# start http://localhost:3000 server to test
    npm run cy:open 	# start Cypress GUI to run tests
  • CodeceptJS

    npm run start 		# start http://localhost:3000 server to test
    npm run test:e2e	# start CodeceptJS tests
  • Jest-Playwright

     npm run test:e2e	# start Jest-Playwright tests (auto starts localhost server)


  • Cypress

       (Run Starting)
     ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐Cypress:    6.1.0                                                                           Browser:    Electron 87 (headless)                                                          Specs:      1 found (todo.spec.js)                                                          
     Running:  todo.spec.js                                                                (1 of 1)
       Todo app
          has the expected title (314ms)
          adds a new todo (508ms)
          deletes last todo (182ms)
          shows active tasks (170ms)
          shows complete tasks (166ms)
       5 passing (1s)
     ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐Tests:        5                                                                             Passing:      5                                                                             Failing:      0                                                                             Pending:      0                                                                             Skipped:      0                                                                             
      Screenshots:  0                                                                             Video:        false                                                                         Duration:     1 second                                                                      
      Spec Ran:     todo.spec.js                                                                  
     (Run Finished)
       Spec                                             Tests  Passing  Failing  Pending  Skipped  
        todo.spec.js                         00:01        5        5        -        -        - 
         All specs passed!                    00:01        5        5        -        -        -  
  • CodeceptJS

    CodeceptJS v3.0.4
    Using test root "/Users/sstedman/Sites/bitbucket/sstedman/todo-codeceptjs"
    todo --
       has the expected title in 11ms
       adds new todo in 467ms
       deletes last todo in 143ms
       shows active tasks in 148ms
       shows completed tasks in 160ms
       opens a new window (for printing) in 552ms
      OK  | 6 passed   // 4s
  • Jest-Playwright

    PASS   browser: chromium  tests/e2e/todo.spec.js (8.584 s)
      Playwright todo app
         has the expected title (4644 ms)
         adds a new todo (349 ms)
         deletes last todo (286 ms)
         shows active tasks (282 ms)
         shows completed tasks (277 ms)
         opens a new window (for printing) (329 ms)
    Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
    Tests:       6 passed, 6 total
    Snapshots:   0 total
    Time:        12.677 s
    Ran all test suites.


The test sample size is rather small for comparing the run times of the three contenders. They all averaged about 10 seconds.

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