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Created August 1, 2014 00:53
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Gas efficiency analysis
Date Brand Mileage Cost Grade Amount TotalCost
1/3/2014 76 43159 3.499 87 4.985 17.44
1/13/2014 Arco 43415 3.29 87 9.205 30.28
1/18/2014 Shell 43655 3.499 87 9.521 33.31
1/22/2014 Costco 43938 3.179 87 9.28 29.5
1/28/2014 76 44201 3.499 87 9.263 32.41
2/15/2014 76 44434 3.499 87 9.434 33.01
3/5/2014 Shell 44664 3.699 87 9.801 36.25
3/16/2014 76 44917 3.519 87 9.014 31.72
3/21/2014 7-11 (Citgo) 45179 3.699 87 9.014 33.34
3/26/2014 Arco 45471 3.639 87 9.656 35.14
3/31/2014 Arco 45770 3.679 87 9.463 34.81
4/12/2014 76 45995 3.959 87 8.88 35.16
4/27/2014 76 46208 4.099 87 8.671 35.54
5/17/2014 76 46475 3.999 87 9.101 36.39
5/25/2014 Safeway 46735 3.819 87 9.037 34.51
5/31/2014 Shell 47035 4.05 87 9.326 37.77
6/15/2014 76 47270 4.059 87 8.292 33.66
7/4/2014 Safeway 47531 3.959 87 9.12 36.11
7/6/2014 Safeway 47843 4.119 87 8.796 36.23
7/18/2014 Shell 48130 3.939 87 8.967 35.32
7/19/2014 Chevron 48449 3.999 87 9.166 36.65
7/27/2014 Shell 48743 4.099 87 8.572 35.14
raw <- read.csv("gas2014.csv")
avediff <- diff(raw$Mileage)
raw$totalmiles <- c(NA, avediff)
raw$Avgcost <- raw$totalmiles / raw$TotalCost
raw$AvgMPG <- raw$totalmiles / raw$Amount
costsummary <- ddply(raw, "Brand", function(x) data.frame(meancost = mean(x$Avgcost, na.rm=T)))
mpgsummary <- ddply(raw, "Brand", function(x) data.frame(meanMPG = mean(x$AvgMPG, na.rm=T)))
final <- merge(costsummary, mpgsummary)
ggplot(final, aes(x= meancost, y= meanMPG, label= Brand)) +
geom_point(size=4) +·
geom_text(aes(label= Brand), hjust= -0.2, vjust= -0.2, size=8) +
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(7,10)) +
ylab("mean MPG") + xlab("Mean cost") +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(face='bold', size=20),
axis.text.y = element_text(face='bold', size=20),
axis.title.y = element_text(face="bold", size=20, angle=90),
axis.title.x = element_text(face="bold", size=20)
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