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Hierarchical configuration with printlns for auditing purposes.
use std::time::Duration;
use clap::Parser;
use color_eyre::eyre::Result;
use figment::{providers::{Env, Format, Serialized, Toml}, Figment, Provider};
use tokio::{signal, time};
use crate::alert::Alert;
use crate::cli::Cli;
use crate::config::Config;
use crate::driver::{spawn, DriverCommand};
pub(crate) mod alert;
pub(crate) mod cli;
pub(crate) mod config;
pub(crate) mod driver;
pub(crate) mod executor;
pub(crate) mod logger;
pub(crate) mod reader;
pub async fn run() -> Result<()> {
// logs
// hierarchical config. cli args override Envars which override toml config values
let mut figment = Figment::new();
if let toml_config = Toml::file("ConductorConfig.toml") {
figment = figment.merge(toml_config);
if let env_config = Env::prefixed("ASTRIA_") {
figment = figment.merge(env_config);
if let cli_config = Serialized::defaults(Cli::parse()) {
figment = figment.merge(cli_config);
let conf: Config = figment.extract()?;
log::info!("Using node at {}", conf.celestia_node_url);
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