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Created November 11, 2014 12:41
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# copied from nova::rabbitmq
class sys11sensu::profile::rabbitmq(
$userid = hiera('sys11sensu::rabbitmq_user'),
$password = hiera('sys11sensu::rabbitmq_password'),
$port ='5672',
$virtual_host = hiera('sys11sensu::rabbitmq_vhost'),
$cluster_disk_nodes = false,
$enabled = true,
$rabbitmq_class = '::rabbitmq'
) {
if ($enabled) {
if $userid == 'guest' {
$delete_guest_user = false
} else {
$delete_guest_user = true
rabbitmq_user { $userid:
admin => true,
password => $password,
provider => 'rabbitmqctl',
require => Class[$rabbitmq_class],
# I need to figure out the appropriate permissions
rabbitmq_user_permissions { "${userid}@${virtual_host}":
configure_permission => '.*',
write_permission => '.*',
read_permission => '.*',
provider => 'rabbitmqctl',
}->Anchor<| title == 'nova-start' |>
$service_ensure = 'running'
} else {
$service_ensure = 'stopped'
if $cluster_disk_nodes {
class { $rabbitmq_class:
service_ensure => $service_ensure,
port => $port,
delete_guest_user => $delete_guest_user,
config_cluster => true,
cluster_disk_nodes => $cluster_disk_nodes,
wipe_db_on_cookie_change => true,
} else {
class { $rabbitmq_class:
service_ensure => $service_ensure,
port => $port,
delete_guest_user => $delete_guest_user,
if ($enabled) {
rabbitmq_vhost { $virtual_host:
provider => 'rabbitmqctl',
require => Class[$rabbitmq_class],
class sys11sensu::profile::server(
$rabbitmq_host = hiera('sys11sensu::rabbitmq_host', undef),
$rabbitmq_user = hiera('sys11sensu::rabbitmq_user', undef),
$rabbitmq_password = hiera('sys11sensu::rabbitmq_password', undef),
$rabbitmq_vhost = hiera('sys11sensu::rabbitmq_vhost', undef),
$uchiwa_port = hiera('sys11sensu::uchiwa_port', 3001),
$uchiwa_version = hiera('sys11sensu::uchiwa_version', installed),
) {
include sys11sensu::profile::server::handlers
include sys11sensu::profile::server::checks
vcsrepo { "/opt/sensu-community-plugins":
ensure => present,
provider => git,
source => '',
class { '::sensu':
rabbitmq_password => $rabbitmq_password,
rabbitmq_user => $rabbitmq_user,
rabbitmq_vhost => $rabbitmq_vhost,
server => true,
api => true,
sensu_plugin_version => installed,
#safe_mode => false,
#plugins => [
# 'puppet:///data/sensu/plugins/ntp.rb',
# 'puppet:///data/sensu/plugins/postfix.rb'
#sensu::handler { 'default':
# command => 'mail -s \'sensu alert\'',
sensu::check { 'check_ntp':
command => 'PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/nagios/plugins check_ntp_time -H -w 30 -c 60',
#handlers => 'default',
subscribers => 'ntp',
standalone => false,
# dashboard
package {'uchiwa':
ensure => $uchiwa_version,
if versioncmp($uchiwa_version, '0.2.0') > 0 {
# new .json for > 0.2
file {'uchiwa.config':
ensure => file,
path => '/etc/sensu/uchiwa.json',
mode => 444,
content => template("$module_name/uchiwa.json.erb"),
notify => Service['uchiwa'],
} else {
file {'uchiwa.config':
ensure => file,
path => '/etc/sensu/uchiwa.js',
mode => 444,
content => template("$module_name/uchiwa.js.erb"),
notify => Service['uchiwa'],
service {'uchiwa':
ensure => running,
enable => true,
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