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Created March 12, 2017 03:33
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See also:
var T = require("twit");
var Q = require("Q");
// key and secret for Twitter for iPhone.
// A whitelisted app is needed to access the cards API; you can't just create your own currently.
// These you will have to fill in yourself by authorizing Twitter for iPhone for your account.
// How to get the access tokens through OOB authorization is outside the scope of this snippet.
var oauth = new T({
access_token_secret: TWITTER_ACCESS_SECRET
To make the card posting work correctly, we need to do some editing to how the request is built.
We need special headers and a special endpoint.
So after creating the Twit instance, we just wholesale replace the method for it.
oauth._buildReqOpts = function (method, path, params, isStreaming, callback) {
var helpers = require("twit/lib/helpers");
var endpoints = require("twit/lib/endpoints");
var self = this
if (!params) {
params = {}
// clone `params` object so we can modify it without modifying the user's reference
var paramsClone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(params))
// convert any arrays in `paramsClone` to comma-seperated strings
var finalParams = this.normalizeParams(paramsClone)
delete finalParams.twit_options
// the options object passed to `request` used to perform the HTTP request
var reqOpts = {
headers: {
'Accept': '*/*',
'User-Agent': 'Twitter-iPhone/6.45 iOS/9.0.2 (Apple;iPhone8,2;;;;;1)',
'X-Twitter-Client': 'Twitter-iPhone',
'X-Twitter-API-Version': '5',
'X-Twitter-Client-Language': 'en',
'X-Twitter-Client-Version': '6.45'
gzip: true,
encoding: null,
if (typeof self.config.timeout_ms !== 'undefined') {
reqOpts.timeout = self.config.timeout_ms;
try {
// finalize the `path` value by building it using user-supplied params
path = helpers.moveParamsIntoPath(finalParams, path)
} catch (e) {
callback(e, null, null)
if (isStreaming) {
// This is a Streaming API request.
var stream_endpoint_map = {
user: endpoints.USER_STREAM,
site: endpoints.SITE_STREAM
var endpoint = stream_endpoint_map[path] || endpoints.PUB_STREAM
reqOpts.url = endpoint + path + '.json'
} else {
// This is a REST API request.
if (path === 'media/upload') {
// For media/upload, use a different entpoint and formencode.
reqOpts.url = endpoints.MEDIA_UPLOAD + 'media/upload.json';
} else if(path.indexOf("cards/") === 0) {
reqOpts.url = '' + path + '.json';
} else {
reqOpts.url = endpoints.REST_ROOT + path + '.json';
if (FORMDATA_PATHS.indexOf(path) !== -1) {
reqOpts.headers['Content-type'] = 'multipart/form-data';
reqOpts.form = finalParams;
// set finalParams to empty object so we don't append a query string
// of the params
finalParams = {};
} else {
reqOpts.headers['Content-type'] = 'application/json';
if (Object.keys(finalParams).length) {
// not all of the user's parameters were used to build the request path
// add them as a query string
var qs = helpers.makeQueryString(finalParams)
reqOpts.url += '?' + qs
if (!self.config.app_only_auth) {
// with user auth, we can just pass an oauth object to requests
// to have the request signed
var oauth_ts = + self._twitter_time_minus_local_time_ms;
reqOpts.oauth = {
consumer_key: self.config.consumer_key,
consumer_secret: self.config.consumer_secret,
token: self.config.access_token,
token_secret: self.config.access_token_secret,
timestamp: Math.floor(oauth_ts/1000).toString(),
callback(null, reqOpts);
} else {
// we're using app-only auth, so we need to ensure we have a bearer token
// Once we have a bearer token, add the Authorization header and return the fully qualified `reqOpts`.
self._getBearerToken(function (err, bearerToken) {
if (err) {
callback(err, null);
reqOpts.headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + bearerToken;
callback(null, reqOpts);
with a text for your tweet status,
and one or more poll entries,
and optionally a duration for the poll (defaulting to 1 day),
create a tweet with the poll and return the tweet response.
function postPoll(statustext, entries, duration) {
var params = {
"twitter:api:api:endpoint": "1",
"twitter:card": "poll" + entries.length + "choice_text_only",
"twitter:long:duration_minutes": duration || 1440, //default 1-day
if(entries.length < 2) {
throw "Must have at least two poll entries";
if(entries.length > 4) {
throw "Too many poll entries (max 4)";
function(val, i) {
params["twitter:string:choice" + (i + 1) + "_label"] = val;
return Q(oauth).ninvoke(
"card_data" : JSON.stringify(params)
).then(function(pack) {
var data = pack[0];
if(data.status === "FAILURE") {
throw pack;
} else {
return data;
}, function(err) {
console.error("Error on creating twitter card");
}).then(function(data) {
return Q(oauth).ninvoke(
"status": statustext,
"card_uri": data.card_uri,
"include_cards": 1,
"cards_platform": "iPhone-13",
"contributor_details": 1
).then(function(pack) {
return pack[0];
}, function(err) {
console.error("Error on posting tweet");
This is the structure of a tweet's "card" object.
Where you see # below it is a number from 1-4 (the same number in each case)
Where you see % below it repeats for each number from 1 to the value of #
"url":"", // format is "card://<a twitter id>"
"choice%_label": // there is one of these for each choice
"string_value":"" //value is whatever text you supplied for the choice
"boolean_value":false // this is true after the poll is over
"string_value":"1440" // this would be a 1-day poll
function getCard(tweet) {
return Q(oauth).ninvoke(
'statuses/show/' + tweet.id_str,
cards_platform: "iPhone-13",
include_cards: 1,
).then(function(pack) {
var data = pack[0];
return data.card;
}, function(err) {
console.error("Error getting card data");
"This is a poll I'm trying out",
["I like it", "I don't like it"]
.then(function(card) {
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