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Created December 8, 2016 09:28
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Gulp Task to generate a JSON array of Font Awesome 4.* icons from the package
* Create JSON array of icons from Font Awesome _icons.scss (based on v4.*).
* Replace PATH_TO_FONT_AWESOME and PATH_TO_SAVE with your relevant paths.
gulp.task('icons', function() {
// Pattern to only match the icon name (excluding "fa-")
var re = /^.\#\{\$fa\-css\-prefix\}\-([a-z0-9\-]*)\:before { content: \$fa\-var\-[a-z0-9\-]*\; }$/gmi;
// Read the SASS file line-by-line
fs.readFile("PATH_TO_FONT_AWESOME/font-awesome/scss/_icons.scss", "utf-8", function(err, _data) {
var icons = [];
// Extract icon name (if any) on this line
while ((icon = re.exec(_data)) != null) {
// Save icons as a JSON string
fs.writeFile('PATH_TO_SAVE/icons.json', JSON.stringify(icons), function(err) {});
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