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Last active November 18, 2019 05:12
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Save stefanedwards/8841307 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Python module for scripts running on a computation cluster with qsub. This module allows the script to request information such as job id, running time, remaining running time etc.
# author: Stefan McKinnon Edwards <>
# id: $Id: 25 2013-04-12 11:06:47Z sme $
# qsub-module;
# communicates with cluster-queueing system to retrieve information
# about the current job.
# The qsub commands do no exist on the nodes, so to retrieve the necessary information,
# we ssh the host and request the information from `qstat`.
# To use this module from a script running on a computation cluster,
# be aware that some systems start up a new session from the submitting users home directory.
# I.e. this file cannot a priori be located in the same folder as the script.
# Place instead this module in your local site-packages and it will be available from all scripts (that you run)
# The site-packages directory could be found in linux under ~/.local/lib/pythonx.y/site-packages
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import shlex
import subprocess as sp
from time import time, strptime, mktime, strftime, gmtime
from Path import Path
import tempfile
import sys
import argparse
#module "constants", set during load, only set once.
jobid = os.environ.get('PBS_JOBID', None)
jobint = (jobid.split('.')[0] if jobid is not None else 0)
jobname = os.environ.get('PBS_JOBNAME', None)
isjob = jobid is not None
workdir = Path(os.environ.get('PBS_O_WORKDIR', '.'))
starttime = time() # ~ mtime, start_time
tmpdir = Path('/scratch/{user}/{jobid}'.format(user=os.environ.get('USER', ''), jobid=jobid))
if not tmpdir.isdir:
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
## constants that require qstat output
qstat_str = None
qstat = None
_corrected_starttime = None
total_walltime = None
total_walltime_seconds = None
ncpus = None
submit_args = None
args = None
## epilog for argparse.ArgumentParser(..., epilog=epilog)
epilog = """This script can be submitted to qsub with the command:
qsub -v args="<commandline arguments>" <script_name>
i.e. the reverse of
python <scriptname> <commandline arguments>
def stime(s):
''' Formats a number of seconds into H:M:S. '''
if s is None:
return '--:--:--'
s = int(s)
h = s / 3600
m = (s - h * 3600) / 60
s = s - (h * 3600 + m * 60)
return '{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(h, m, s)
def used_walltime():
''' Returns a corrected estimate of how much time has been used. '''
if _corrected_starttime is None:
return None
return time() - _corrected_starttime
def remaining_walltime():
''' Returns seconds left of walltime. '''
if total_walltime_seconds is None or used_walltime() is None:
return None
return total_walltime_seconds - used_walltime()
def parse_qstat(qstat_str):
global total_walltime, total_walltime_seconds, used_walltime, remaining_walltime, ncpus, starttime, _corrected_starttime, qstat, submit_args
qstat = [s.strip() for s in qstat_str.split('\n')]
qstat = [s.split(' = ') for s in qstat]
qstat = {l[0]:l[1] for l in qstat if len(l) == 2}
varlist = qstat['Variable_List']
varlist = varlist.split(',')
varlist = [v.split('=', 1) for v in varlist]
qstat['Variable_List'] = {l[0]:l[1] for l in varlist if len(l) == 2}
starttime = mktime(strptime(qstat['mtime']))
total_walltime = qstat['Resource_List.walltime']
total_walltime_seconds = [int(i) for i in total_walltime.split(':')]
total_walltime_seconds = 3600*total_walltime_seconds[0] + 60*total_walltime_seconds[1] + total_walltime_seconds[2]
if qstat.has_key('ressources_used.walltime'):
walltime_used = [int(i) for i in qstat['resources_used.walltime'].split(':')] # True used walltime at time of invokation.
walltime_used = 3600*walltime_used[0] + 60*walltime_used[1] + walltime_used[2]
walltime_used = time() - starttime
#walltime_used = max(time()-starttime, walltime_used+starttime) # Update to longest possible used time?
_corrected_starttime = min(starttime, time()-walltime_used)
ncpus = qstat['Resource_List.ncpus']
submit_args = qstat['submit_args']
def start(fail_on_ssh=True, setwd=True, info=True):
global qstat_str, walltime, ncpus, walltime_used
if not isjob:
if info:
return False
# try to extract information
# TODO: replace <host name> with address to the host
ssh = sp.check_output(['ssh', <host name>,'-o StrictHostKeyChecking yes', 'qstat', '-f -1', os.environ['PBS_JOBID']], shell=False)
#with open('qstat.txt') as fin:
# ssh =
except BaseException as e:
if fail_on_ssh:
return False
qstat_str = ssh
if setwd and qstat.get('interactive', 'False') != 'True':
if info:
return True
def print_info():
print('Job name:', jobname)
print('Job ID: ', jobid)
print('Started: ', strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y", gmtime(starttime)))
print('Work dir:', os.getcwd())
print('Temp dir:', tmpdir)
print('Submit args:', submit_args)
def stop(status=0, exitmsg=None):
''' Will print some statistics. '''
print('-- End of job --')
print('Stopped: ', strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"))
print('Time used:', stime(used_walltime()))
if status != 0:
print('Stopped with exit status', status)
if exitmsg is not None:
def stop_wanted(location):
if location == 'tmp':
loc = tmpdir
elif location == 'workdir':
loc = workdir
loc = Path(location)
return loc.append('STOP').exists
def add_to_searchpath(p):
''' Adds path p to Python's search path. If p is relative path, it is relative to working directory! '''
p = Path(p)
if p.isdir:
def parse_args(parser):
Uses, if available, environment variable `args` as commandline source.
Returns dictionary so it can be used as mapping for function call.
if isjob and os.environ.has_key('args'):
args = parser.parse_args(shlex.split(os.environ['args']))
args = parser.parse_args()
return vars(args)
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