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Last active July 4, 2018 13:19
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coord_cart wrapper that stops axes from protruding beyond the outer ticks. For ggplot 2.2.1.
warning('This coord_closed_cart.R script is deprecated. See R package lemon for updated function!')
#' Cartesian coordinates with closed range on axis-line.
#' Use `theme(axis.line)` to set the axis-lines' style, as usual.
#' It might be necessary to set `theme(panel.border=element_blank())` to disable
#' the border that is drawn on top of the axis-lines.
#' @param xlim,ylim Limits for the x and y axes.
#' @param expand If \code{TRUE}, the default, adds a small expansion factor to
#' the limits to ensure that data and axes don't overlap. If \code{FALSE},
#' limits are taken exactly from the data or \code{xlim}/\code{ylim}.
#' @param horizontal Which end of the horizontal line to limit to a tick. Use 'left', 'right', 'both', or 'none'.
#' @param vertical Which end of the vertical line should not proceed across the outer tick? Use 'top', 'bottom', 'both', or 'none'.
#' @param gap Numeric value (usually between 0 and 1) to create a small gap where horizontal and vertical axes meet.
#' @examples
#' df <- data.frame(
#' gp = factor(rep(letters[1:3], each = 10)),
#' y = rnorm(30),
#' cl =, 30, replace=TRUE),
#' cl2 = sample(c('a','b','c'), 30, replace=TRUE)
#' )
#' ggplot(df, aes(gp, y)) +
#' geom_point() + coord_closed_cart(horizontal = 'left', vertical = 'top') + labs(title='hello') +
#' facet_grid(cl ~ cl2)
coord_closed_cart <- function(xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, expand = TRUE, horizontal=c('left','right','both','none'), vertical=c('top','bottom','both','none'), gap=0.05) {
ggproto(NULL, ClosedCoordCartesian,
limits = list(x = xlim, y = ylim),
expand = expand,
ClosedCoordCartesian <- ggproto('ClosedCoordCartesian', `_inherit`=CoordCartesian,
render_axis_h = function(self, scale_details, theme) {
l <- ggproto_parent(CoordCartesian, self)$render_axis_h(scale_details, theme)
l <- lapply(l, function(a) {
if (a$name == 'NULL') return(a)
i <- which(grepl('line', names(a$children)))
r <- range(as.numeric(scale_details$x.major))
a$children[[i]]$x <- switch(self$horizontal,
none = unit(c(min(0+self$gap, r[1]), max(1-self$gap, r[2])), 'native'),
left = unit(c(r[1], max(1-self$gap, r[2])), 'native'),
right = unit(c(min(0+self$gap, r[1]), r[2]), 'native'),
both = unit(r, 'native')
render_axis_v = function(self, scale_details, theme) {
l <- ggproto_parent(CoordCartesian, self)$render_axis_v(scale_details, theme)
l <- lapply(l, function(a) {
if (a$name == 'NULL') return(a)
i <- which(grepl('line', names(a$children)))
r <- range(as.numeric(scale_details$y.major))
a$children[[i]]$y <- switch(self$vertical,
none = unit(c(min(0+self$gap,r[1]), max(1-self$gap, r[2])), 'native'),
bottom = unit(c(r[1], max(1-self$gap, r[2])), 'native'),
top = unit(c(min(0+self$gap, r[1]), r[2]), 'native'),
both = unit(r, 'native')
#' Closed axis-lines for `coord_flipped`.
#' @inheritsParams coord_closed_cart
coord_closed_flipped <- function(xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, expand = TRUE, horizontal=c('left','right','both','none'), vertical=c('top','bottom','both','none'), gap=0.05) {
ggproto(NULL, ClosedCoordCartesianFlipped,
limits = list(x = xlim, y = ylim),
expand = expand,
ClosedCoordCartesianFlipped <- ggproto('ClosedCoordCartesianFlipped', `_inherit`=CoordFlip,
render_axis_h = function(self, scale_details, theme) {
l <- ggproto_parent(CoordCartesian, self)$render_axis_h(scale_details, theme)
l <- lapply(l, function(a) {
if (a$name == 'NULL') return(a)
i <- which(grepl('line', names(a$children)))
r <- range(as.numeric(scale_details$x.major))
a$children[[i]]$x <- switch(self$horizontal,
none = unit(c(min(0+self$gap, r[1]), max(1-self$gap, r[2])), 'native'),
left = unit(c(r[1], max(1-self$gap, r[2])), 'native'),
right = unit(c(min(0+self$gap, r[1]), r[2]), 'native'),
both = unit(r, 'native')
render_axis_v = function(self, scale_details, theme) {
l <- ggproto_parent(CoordCartesian, self)$render_axis_v(scale_details, theme)
l <- lapply(l, function(a) {
if (a$name == 'NULL') return(a)
i <- which(grepl('line', names(a$children)))
if (length(i) == 0) return(a)
r <- range(as.numeric(scale_details$y.major))
a$children[[i]]$y <- switch(self$vertical,
none = unit(c(min(0+self$gap,r[1]), max(1-self$gap, r[2])), 'native'),
bottom = unit(c(r[1], max(1-self$gap, r[2])), 'native'),
top = unit(c(min(0+self$gap, r[1]), r[2]), 'native'),
both = unit(r, 'native')
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This function, together with some other candy, has been implemented in the R package lemon /

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