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Last active July 19, 2016 12:20
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wf_extendedBreadcrumb - Add missing items like MetaModels/Isotope etc.
// MM
use MetaModels\Filter\Rules\SearchAttribute as MetaModelFilterRuleSearchAttribute;
use MetaModels\Filter\Setting\Factory as MetaModelFilterSettingsFactory;
// Isotope
use Isotope\Model\Product;
* PHP version 5
* @copyright MEN AT WORK 2012
* @package x-extendenBreadcrumb
* @license LGPL
* @filesource
class XBreadCrumb extends Frontend
* Breadcrumb
* @var \wf_extendedBreadcrumb
protected $objBreadcrumb = null;
* List with all items.
* @var array
protected $arrNavigationItems = array();
* Constructor
public function __construct()
// Hooks
* Add new items to the list.
public function addItem($arrItems, $objBreadcrumb)
// Get current page.
global $objPage;
// Save some vars.
$this->arrNavigationItems = $arrItems;
$this->objBreadcrumb = $objBreadcrumb;
// Check if we have a page for lookup
switch ($objPage->id)
// MM.
case 236:
$this->searchForMetaModelsModule(true, true, array('alias' => 'title'));
case 249:
$this->searchForMetaModelsModule(true, true, array('alias' => 'title'));
case 239:
$this->searchForMetaModelsModule(true, true, array('alias' => 'title'));
case 630:
$this->searchForMetaModelsModule(true, true, array('alias' => 'title'));
catch (Exception $exc)
// Nothing to do.
// Return the new list.
return $this->arrNavigationItems;
// Helper functions isotope
* Add the stat of the checkout to the breadcrumb.
* @param boolean $blnRemoveLastEntry Flag for removing the last
* entry befor adding the new one.
protected function getCheckoutStep($blnRemoveLastEntry)
$strCurrentStep = \Haste\Input\Input::getAutoItem('step');
if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['checkout_' . $strCurrentStep]))
// Add new entry.
$this->addItemToList($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['checkout_' . $strCurrentStep], $blnRemoveLastEntry);
* Get the full name for a isotope product.
* @param boolean $blnRemoveLastEntry Flag for removing the last
* entry befor adding the new one.
protected function addItemsForIsotope($blnRemoveLastEntry)
// Get the product.
$objProduct = Product::findAvailableByIdOrAlias(\Haste\Input\Input::getAutoItem('product'));
// Check if we have a product.
if ($objProduct == null)
// Add new entry.
$this->addItemToList($objProduct->name, $blnRemoveLastEntry);
// Helper functions mm
* Search for a metamodels element.
* @global type $objPage
* @param type $blnRemoveLastEntry Flag if the last elemnt should removed.
* @param type $blnLookup Flag if a the system should lookup some other values.
* @param type $arrFieldMapping Name for the attribute for lookup.
protected function searchForMetaModelsModule($blnRemoveLastEntry, $blnLookup, $arrFieldMapping)
global $objPage;
// Get all articles.
$objArticles = Database::getInstance()
->prepare('SELECT id FROM tl_article WHERE pid=?')
// Get all content elements.
$arrContentElements = array();
while ($objArticles->next())
$arrResultElements = Database::getInstance()
->prepare('SELECT id FROM tl_content WHERE pid=?')
if(count($arrResultElements) != 0)
$arrContentElements = array_merge($arrContentElements, $arrResultElements);
// Search for a news reader module.
$objMMModule = null;
// Run each content element.
foreach ($arrContentElements as $arrContent)
$objMMModule = $this->getMetaModelsModule($arrContent['id']);
if ($objMMModule != null)
// Nothing found.
if ($objMMModule == null)
// Get data from metamodels.
return $this->addItemsForMetaModelsModule($objMMModule->id, $blnRemoveLastEntry, $blnLookup, $arrFieldMapping);
* Search for an mm list module.
* @param int $intContentId Id of the content element.
* @return Database_Result Reuslt for the module or null if nothing was found.
protected function getMetaModelsModule($intContentId)
$objContentElement = Database::getInstance()
->prepare('SELECT * FROM tl_content WHERE id=?')
if ($objContentElement->numRows == 0 || $objContentElement->type != 'module')
return null;
$objModule = Database::getInstance()
->prepare('SELECT * FROM tl_module WHERE id=?')
if ($objModule->numRows == 0 || $objModule->type != 'metamodel_list')
return null;
return $objModule;
* Try to get all current filter values for a speical module.
* @param int $intModuelId Id of the module
* @param type $blnRemoveLastEntry Flag if the last elemnt should removed.
* @param type $blnLookup Flag if a the system should lookup some other values.
* @param type $arrFieldMapping Name for the attribute for lookup.
protected function addItemsForMetaModelsModule($intModuelId, $blnRemoveLastEntry, $blnLookup, $arrFieldMapping)
// Get the module
$objModule = $this->Database
->prepare('SELECT * FROM tl_module WHERE id=?')
// Check if we have some data.
if ($objModule->numRows == 0 || $objModule->type != 'metamodel_list' || $objModule->metamodel_filtering == '')
// Get the filter id
$intFilterRulesID = $objModule->metamodel_filtering;
// Get the current filter and check if we have a value for it.
$objFilterSettings = MetaModelFilterSettingsFactory::byId($intFilterRulesID);
if ($objFilterSettings == null)
// Get filter url params and mm. If we have a error, mayber we
// have no filter for this page or something else goes
// wrong.
$arrFilterUrls = $objFilterSettings->getParameters();
$arrAttributes = $objFilterSettings->getReferencedAttributes();
$objMM = $objFilterSettings->getMetaModel();
catch (Exception $exc)
$arrNavTitles = array();
// Check each filter param.
foreach ($arrFilterUrls as $strKey => $strValue)
// Get value.
$strGetValue = $this->Input->get($strValue);
// Get values from the attribute
$objAttribute = $objMM->getAttribute($arrAttributes[$strKey]);
$arrValues = $objAttribute->getFilterOptions(null, false);
// Add value to array.
if ($blnLookup && !empty($arrFieldMapping) && array_key_exists($objAttribute->getColName(), $arrFieldMapping))
// Get return field from mapping.
$strReturnField = $arrFieldMapping[$objAttribute->getColName()];
// Make a lookup.
$arrNavTitles[] = $this->getValuesFromMM($objMM, $objAttribute, $strGetValue, $strReturnField);
// Use the value as it is.
$arrNavTitles[] = $arrValues[$strGetValue];
// Clear empty values.
$arrNavTitles = array_filter($arrNavTitles);
// Check if we have a entry.
if (count($arrNavTitles) != 0)
$this->addItemToList(implode(' & ', $arrNavTitles), $blnRemoveLastEntry);
* @param IMetaModel $objMM
* @param IMetaModelAttribute $objAttribute
* @param string $strSearchValue
* @param string $strReturnAttribute
protected function getValuesFromMM(&$objMM, &$objAttribute, $strSearchValue, $strReturnAttribute)
// Catch the item.
$objFilter = $objMM->getEmptyFilter();
$objFilter->addFilterRule(new MetaModelFilterRuleSearchAttribute($objAttribute, $strSearchValue));
$objItems = $objMM->findByFilter($objFilter, $objAttribute->getColName(), 0, 1);
// Check if we have values.
if ($objItems->getCount() == 0)
return $strSearchValue;
// Parse values.
$objItem = $objItems->getItem();
$arrValues = $objItem->parseAttribute($strReturnAttribute);
// Return values.
if (isset($arrValues['text']))
return $arrValues['text'];
return $strSearchValue;
// Support functions
* Add a new entry to the list.
* @param string $strFullTitle The fill title for the new element.
* @param boolean $blnRemoveLastEntry Flag for removing the last entry in list.
protected function addItemToList($strFullTitle, $blnRemoveLastEntry)
// Get some basic information.
$intMaxLentgh = $this->objBreadcrumb->contextLength;
$strPlaceholder = $this->objBreadcrumb->wf_extendedBreadcrumb_placeholder;
// Get some vars.
$arrItems = $this->arrNavigationItems;
// Remove the last entry.
if ($blnRemoveLastEntry == true)
// Remove the last entry.
// Remove the isActive from the last entry.
$arrArrayKeys = array_keys($arrItems);
$intLastKey = array_pop($arrArrayKeys);
$arrItems[$intLastKey]['isActive'] = false;
// Short the title if needed.
$strTitle = $strFullTitle;
if (strlen($strTitle) > $intMaxLentgh)
$strTitle = String::getInstance()->substr($strTitle, (int) $intMaxLentgh, $strPlaceholder);
// Refresh the contextLength.
$this->objBreadcrumb->contextLength = $intMaxLentgh - strlen($strTitle);
// Add the new entry.
$arrItems[] = array
'isActive' => TRUE,
'href' => '#',
'title' => $strTitle,
'longtitle' => $strFullTitle,
'class' => ''
// Save.
$this->arrNavigationItems = $arrItems;
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