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Created December 11, 2013 23:27
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Inserttags für MM - Überarbeitete Version - Alpha
* The MetaModels extension allows the creation of multiple collections of custom items,
* each with its own unique set of selectable attributes, with attribute extendability.
* The Front-End modules allow you to build powerful listing and filtering of the
* data in each collection.
* PHP version 5
* @package MetaModels
* @subpackage metamodels_inserttags
* @author Tim Gatzky <>
* @author Stefan Heimes <>
* @copyright The MetaModels team.
* @license LGPL.
* @filesource
Available inserttags
--> no need to tell the inserttag its a list or filter type
-- item based
{{metamodelitem::table-or-id::item-or-setOfIds::rendersetting}} -> html output
{{metamodeldetailitem::table-or-id::item::rendersetting}} -> html output
-- attribute based
{{metamodelattribute::table-or-id::item-id::field}} -> value, plain text
class MetaModelInsertTags extends Controller
protected $arrMappingTagFunction = array(
'metamodel' => array(
'total' => array(
'function' => 'getCount',
'param' => array(3, 4)
'metamodelattribute' => array(
'function' => 'getAttribute',
'param' => array(1, 2, 3)
public function replaceTags($strTag)
$arrElements = explode('::', $strTag);
// Init the mapping array.
$arrPartElement = $this->arrMappingTagFunction;
// Run each param.
for ($i = 0; $i < count($arrElements); $i++)
// Get the current key.
$strCurrentKey = $arrElements[$i];
// Check if we known this key.
if (isset($arrPartElement[$strCurrentKey]))
// Check if we have a function set.
if (isset($arrPartElement[$strCurrentKey]['function']))
// Get the function name.
$strFunction = $arrPartElement[$strCurrentKey]['function'];
$arrParameters = array();
// Get the parameters.
if (isset($arrPartElement[$strCurrentKey]['param']))
foreach ($arrPartElement[$strCurrentKey]['param'] as $intKey)
$arrParameters[] = $arrElements[$intKey];
// Call the function.
return call_user_func_array(array($this, $strFunction), $arrParameters);
$arrPartElement = $arrPartElement[$strCurrentKey];
// We did not found the key in list. return false.
return false;
// End of all. If we reach this point, something wents wrong.
return false;
* Replace MetaModels related inserttags
* @param string
* @return mixed
public function replaceTagsOriginal($strTag)
$arrElements = explode('::', $strTag);
switch ($arrElements[0])
//-- metamodelitem
case 'metamodelitem':
// metamodel by table or id
$objMetaModel = null;
if (is_numeric($arrElements[1]))
$objMetaModel = MetaModelFactory::byId($arrElements[1]);
else if (is_string($arrElements[1]))
$objMetaModel = MetaModelFactory::byTableName($arrElements[1]);
return false;
$objMetaModelList = new MetaModelList();
$objMetaModelList->setMetaModel($objMetaModel->get('id'), $arrElements[3]);
// handle a set of ids
$arrIds = explode(',', $arrElements[2]);
// check publish state of item
$objDB = Database::getInstance();
$objAttrCheckPublish = $objDB->prepare("SELECT colname FROM tl_metamodel_attribute WHERE pid=? AND check_publish=1")->limit(1)->execute($objMetaModel->get('id'));
if ($objAttrCheckPublish->numRows > 0)
foreach ($arrIds as $i => $itemId)
$objItem = $objMetaModel->findById($itemId);
if (!$objItem->get($objAttrCheckPublish->colname))
// render an empty inserttag rather than displaying a list with an empty result information. do not return false here because the inserttag itself is correct.
if (count($arrIds) < 1)
return '';
$objMetaModelList->addFilterRule(new MetaModelFilterRuleStaticIdList($arrIds));
return $objMetaModelList->render(false, $this);
return false;
// Tag functions
* Get from MM X the item with the id Y and parse the attribute Z and
* return it.
* @param mixed $mixMMName Name or id of mm.
* @param type $intDataId ID form the row.
* @param type $strAttributeName Name of the attribute.
* @return boolean|mixed
protected function getAttribute($mixMMName, $intDataId, $strAttributeName)
// Get the MM.
$objMM = $this->loadMM($mixMMName);
if ($objMM == null)
return false;
// Get item.
$objMetaModelItem = $objMM->findById($intDataId);
// Parse attribute.
$arrAttr = $objMetaModelItem->parseAttribute($strAttributeName);
// ToDo: Maybe this should not allways be a text element.
return $arrAttr['text'];
* Get count from a module or content element of a mm.
* @param string $strType Type of element like mod or ce.
* @param type $intID
* @return boolean
protected function getCount($strType, $intID)
switch ($strType)
// From module, can be a metamodel list or filter
case 'mod':
$objMMResult = $this->getMMDataFrom('tl_module', $intID);
// From content element, can be a metamodel list or filter.
case 'ce':
$objMMResult = $this->getMMDataFrom('tl_content', $intID);
// Unknow element type.
return false;
// Check if we have data
if ($objMMResult != null)
return $this->getCountFor($objMMResult->metamodel, $objMMResult->metamodel_filtering);
return false;
// Helper
* Get some informations about a table.
* @param string $strTable Name of table
* @return null
protected function getMMDataFrom($strTable, $intID)
$objDB = Database::getInstance();
// Check if we know the table
if (!$objDB->tableExists($strTable))
return null;
// Get all information form table or retunr null if we have no data.
$objResult = $objDB
->prepare("SELECT metamodel, metamodel_filtering FROM " . $strTable . " WHERE id=?")
// Check if we have some data.
if ($objResult->numRows < 1)
return null;
return $objResult;
* Try to laod the mm by id or name.
* @param mixed $mixMMName Name or id of mm.
* @return IMetaModel|null
protected function loadMM($mixMMName)
// ID.
if (is_numeric($mixMMName))
return MetaModelFactory::byId($mixMMName);
// Name.
else if (is_string($mixMMName))
return MetaModelFactory::byTableName($mixMMName);
// Unknown.
return null;
* Get count form one MM for chosen filter.
* @param int $intMMId ID of the metamodels
* @param int $intFilterID ID of the filter
* @return boolean|int False for no data or integer for the count result.
protected function getCountFor($intMMId, $intFilterID)
// ToDo: Add check if we have realy a mm and ff.
$objMetaModel = $this->loadMM($intMMId);
if ($objMetaModel == null)
return false;
$objFilter = $objMetaModel->prepareFilter($intFilterID, $_GET);
return $objMetaModel->getCount($objFilter);
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