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Searchable Pages for MetaModels
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: stefan.heimes
* Date: 10.11.2014
* Time: 11:53
namespace FooBaa\MetaModels;
use ContaoCommunityAlliance\Contao\Bindings\ContaoEvents;
use ContaoCommunityAlliance\Contao\Bindings\Events\Controller\GenerateFrontendUrlEvent;
use ContaoCommunityAlliance\Contao\Bindings\Events\Controller\GetPageDetailsEvent;
use MetaModels\Attribute\Factory as AttributeFactory;
use MetaModels\Factory as MetaModelFactory;
use MetaModels\Filter\IFilter;
use MetaModels\Filter\Setting\Factory as FilterFactory;
use MetaModels\IItem;
use MetaModels\IMetaModel;
use MetaModels\Item;
use MetaModels\Render\Setting\ICollection;
class SearchablePages
* The configuration
* @var array|null
protected $arrConfig = null;
* A list with all pages found by Contao.
* @var array
protected $arrFoundPages = array();
* List with some env vars.
* @var array
protected $arrEnv = array();
* Cache for intern work.
* @var array
protected static $arrCache = array();
// Core.
* Construct.
public function __construct()
// Set the config.
if (isset($GLOBALS['FooBaa']['SearchablePages']) && count($GLOBALS['FooBaa']['SearchablePages']) != 0)
$this->arrConfig = $GLOBALS['FooBaa']['SearchablePages'];
// Getter / Setter.
* Get the event Dispatcher.
* @return \Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface
protected function getEventDispatcher()
if (!isset($arrEnv['EventDispatcher']))
$arrEnv['EventDispatcher'] = $GLOBALS['container']['event-dispatcher'];
return $arrEnv['EventDispatcher'];
* Get the attribute Factory.
* @return AttributeFactory
protected function getAttributeFactory()
if (!isset($arrEnv['AttributeFactory']))
$arrEnv['AttributeFactory'] = new AttributeFactory($this->getEventDispatcher());
return $arrEnv['AttributeFactory'];
* Get the MetaModels Factory.
* @return MetaModelFactory
protected function getMetaModelsFactory()
if (!isset($arrEnv['MetaModelsFactory']))
$arrEnv['MetaModelsFactory'] = new MetaModelFactory($this->getEventDispatcher(), $this->getAttributeFactory());
return $arrEnv['MetaModelsFactory'];
* Get a metamodels by name or id.
* @param string|int $mixIdentifier The Name or ID of a metamodels.
* @param boolean $blnYowl If yowl is true check if we have really a mm .
* @return IMetaModel
protected function getMetaModels($mixIdentifier, $blnYowl)
// Get the factory.
$objFactory = $this->getMetaModelsFactory();
// Id to name.
if (is_numeric($mixIdentifier))
$mixIdentifier = $objFactory->translateIdToMetaModelName($mixIdentifier);
// Check the cache.
if (!isset(self::$arrCache['mm'][ $mixIdentifier ]))
// Create mm, if yowl is true check if we have really a mm .
$objMetaModels = $objFactory->getMetaModel($mixIdentifier);
// If yowl is on and we have no mm throw a new exception.
if ($blnYowl == true && $objMetaModels == null)
throw new \RuntimeException('Could not find the MetaModels with the name ' . $mixIdentifier);
// Add to the cache.
self::$arrCache['mm'][ $mixIdentifier ] = $objMetaModels;
// Return the metamodels.
return self::$arrCache['mm'][ $mixIdentifier ];
* Get a filter based on the id.
* @param int $intId Id of the filter
* @return \MetaModels\Filter\Setting\ICollection The filter
protected function getFilterSettings($intId)
if (!isset(self::$arrCache['filter'][ $intId ]))
self::$arrCache['filter'][ $intId ] = FilterFactory::byId($intId);
return self::$arrCache['filter'][ $intId ];
* Get the view for a metamodels.
* @param int $intMetaModels ID of the MetaModels.
* @param int $intView ID of the view.
* @return \MetaModels\Render\Setting\ICollection
protected function getView($intMetaModels, $intView)
if (!isset(self::$arrCache['view'][ $intView ]))
$objMetaModels = $this->getMetaModels($intMetaModels, true);
self::$arrCache['view'][ $intView ] = $objMetaModels->getView($intView);
return self::$arrCache['view'][ $intView ];
* Set parameters.
* @param int $intFilterId The id of the filter.
* @param string[] $arrPresets The parameter preset values to use.
* @param string[] $arrValues The dynamic parameter values that may be used.
* @return array
public function setFilterParameters($intFilterId, $arrPresets, $arrValues)
$objFilterSettings = $this->getFilterSettings($intFilterId);
$arrPresetNames = $objFilterSettings->getParameters();
$arrFEFilterParams = array_keys($objFilterSettings->getParameterFilterNames());
$arrProcessed = array();
// We have to use all the preset values we want first.
foreach ($arrPresets as $strPresetName => $arrPreset)
if (in_array($strPresetName, $arrPresetNames))
$arrProcessed[ $strPresetName ] = $arrPreset['value'];
// Now we have to use all FE filter params, that are either:
// * not contained within the presets
// * or are overridable.
foreach ($arrFEFilterParams as $strParameter)
// Unknown parameter? - next please.
if (!array_key_exists($strParameter, $arrValues))
// Not a preset or allowed to override? - use value.
if ((!array_key_exists($strParameter, $arrPresets)) || $arrPresets[ $strParameter ]['use_get'])
$arrProcessed[ $strParameter ] = $arrValues[ $strParameter ];
return $arrProcessed;
// Main Functions
* Start point for the hook.
* @param array $arrPages List with all pages.
* @return array
public function addPages($arrPages)
// Save the pages in the locale array.
$this->arrFoundPages = $arrPages;
// Run each entry in the config array.
foreach ($this->arrConfig as $arrConfig)
// Return the new list.
return $this->arrFoundPages;
* Get a MetaModels, a filter and a rendersetting. Get all items based on the filter
* and build the jumpTo urls.
* @param int $intMetaModels ID of the MetaModels.
* @param int $intFilter ID of the filter setting.
* @param array $arrPresetParams The list with the parameter settings for the filters.
* @param int $intRenderSetting ID of the rendersetting.
function getMetaModelsPages($intMetaModels, $intFilter, $arrPresetParams, $intRenderSetting)
// Get the MetaModels.
$objMetaModels = $this->getMetaModels($intMetaModels, true);
$arrAvailableLanguage = $objMetaModels->getAvailableLanguages();
$strCurrentLanguage = $GLOBALS['TL_LANGUAGE'];
// Get the view.
$objView = $this->getView($intMetaModels, $intRenderSetting);
$arrJumpTos = $objView->get('jumpTo');
// Set the filter.
$arrProcessed = $this->setFilterParameters($intFilter, $arrPresetParams, array());
// Create a new filter for the search.
$objFilter = $objMetaModels->getEmptyFilter();
$objFilterSetting = $this->getFilterSettings($intFilter);
$objFilterSetting->addRules($objFilter, $arrProcessed);
$arrNewEntries = array();
foreach ($arrAvailableLanguage as $strLanguage)
// Set the language.
$GLOBALS['TL_LANGUAGE'] = $strLanguage;
// Get the object.
$objItems = $objMetaModels->findByFilter
/** @var Item $objItem */
foreach ($objItems as $objItem)
$arrJumpTo = $objItem->buildJumpToLink($objView);
$srtUrl = \Environment::get('base') . $arrJumpTo['url'];
$arrNewEntries[] = $srtUrl;
// Remove the detail pages.
foreach ($arrJumpTos as $arrJumpTo)
// Get the page from the url.
$event = new GetPageDetailsEvent($arrJumpTo['value']);
$this->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch(ContaoEvents::CONTROLLER_GET_PAGE_DETAILS, $event);
$arrPage = $event->getPageDetails();
// Build the url.
$event = new GenerateFrontendUrlEvent($arrPage, null, $arrPage['language']);
$this->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch(ContaoEvents::CONTROLLER_GENERATE_FRONTEND_URL, $event);
// Make a full url from it.
$strFullUrl = \Environment::get('base') . $event->getUrl();
if (($strKey = array_search($strFullUrl, $this->arrFoundPages)) !== false)
unset($this->arrFoundPages[ $strKey ]);
// Reset language.
$GLOBALS['TL_LANGUAGE'] = $strCurrentLanguage;
// Merge all results.
$this->arrFoundPages = array_merge($this->arrFoundPages, $arrNewEntries);
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