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Last active June 4, 2023 17:14
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A cookies helper class to easily read and set cookies on HttpRequest (Asp.Net Core)
public class CookiesHelper
// Inspired from:
public static IDictionary<string, string> ExtractCookiesFromResponse(HttpResponseMessage response)
IDictionary<string, string> result = new Dictionary<string, string>();
IEnumerable<string> values;
if (response.Headers.TryGetValues("Set-Cookie", out values))
SetCookieHeaderValue.ParseList(values.ToList()).ToList().ForEach(cookie =>
result.Add(cookie.Name, cookie.Value);
return result;
public static HttpRequestMessage PutCookiesOnRequest(HttpRequestMessage request, IDictionary<string, string> cookies)
cookies.Keys.ToList().ForEach(key =>
request.Headers.Add("Cookie", new CookieHeaderValue(key, cookies[key]).ToString());
return request;
public static HttpRequestMessage CopyCookiesFromResponse(HttpRequestMessage request, HttpResponseMessage response)
return PutCookiesOnRequest(request, ExtractCookiesFromResponse(response));
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Yes @rpendleton you are right this leads to a formatting where the semicolon is missing.

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based on your mplmentation we tries but when we get httpresponse it s header doesnt contain set-cookie there anhting that i have to apart from this?

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