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Compute curvature of binary mask. Code to my tutorial on Medium:
Script Name:
Author: Stefan Herdy
Date: 14.11.2023
This script performs a curvature analysis on binary masks
- Change the the path to the path to your binary mask and execute the script.
- Additionally you can set the minimum contour length, the window size ratio and the min/max values of the colormap according to your specific requirements
from skimage import measure
import os
import numpy as np
import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def compute_curvature(point, i, contour, window_size):
# Compute the curvature using polynomial fitting in a local and rotated coordinate system
# Extract neighboring edge oints
start = max(0, i - window_size // 2)
end = min(len(contour), i + window_size // 2 + 1)
neighborhood = contour[start:end]
# Extract x and y coordinates from the neighborhood
x_neighborhood = neighborhood[:, 1]
y_neighborhood = neighborhood[:, 0]
# Compute the tangent direction over the entire neighborhood and rotate the points
tangent_direction_original = np.arctan2(np.gradient(y_neighborhood), np.gradient(x_neighborhood))
# Translate the neighborhood points to the central point
translated_x = x_neighborhood - point[1]
translated_y = y_neighborhood - point[0]
# Apply rotation to the translated neighborhood points
# We have to rotate the points to be able to compute the curvature independend of the local orientation of the curve
rotated_x = translated_x * np.cos(-tangent_direction_original) - translated_y * np.sin(-tangent_direction_original)
rotated_y = translated_x * np.sin(-tangent_direction_original) + translated_y * np.cos(-tangent_direction_original)
# Fit a polynomial of degree 2 to the rotated coordinates
coeffs = np.polyfit(rotated_x, rotated_y, 2)
# You can compute the curvature using the formula: curvature = |d2y/dx2| / (1 + (dy/dx)^2)^(3/2)
# dy_dx = np.polyval(np.polyder(coeffs), rotated_x)
# d2y_dx2 = np.polyval(np.polyder(coeffs, 2), rotated_x)
# curvature = np.abs(d2y_dx2) / np.power(1 + np.power(dy_dx, 2), 1.5)
# We compute the 2nd derivative in order to determine wether the curve at the certain point is convex or concave
curvature = np.polyval(np.polyder(coeffs, 2), rotated_x)
# Return the mean curvature for the central point
return np.mean(curvature)
def compute_curvature_profile(mask, min_contour_length, window_size_ratio):
# Compute the contours of the mask to be able to analyze each part individually
contours = measure.find_contours(mask, 0.5)
# Initialize arrays to store the curvature information for each edge pixel
curvature_values = []
edge_pixels = []
# Iterate over each contour
for contour in contours:
# Iterate over each point in the contour
for i, point in enumerate(contour):
if contour.shape[0] > min_contour_length:
# Compute the curvature for the point
# We set the window size to 1/5 of the whole contour edge. Adjust this value according to your specific task
window_size = int(contour.shape[0]/window_size_ratio)
curvature = compute_curvature(point, i, contour, window_size)
# We compute, whether a point is convex or concave.
# If you want to have the 2nd derivative shown you can comment this part
if curvature > 0:
curvature = 1
if curvature <= 0:
curvature = -1
# Store curvature information and corresponding edge pixel
# Convert lists to numpy arrays for further processing
curvature_values = np.array(curvature_values)
edge_pixels = np.array(edge_pixels)
return edge_pixels, curvature_values
def plot_edges_with_curvature(mask, min_contour_length, window_size_ratio):
# Compute edge properties
edge_pixels, curvature_values = compute_curvature_profile(mask, min_contour_length, window_size_ratio)
# Plot the mask
plt.imshow(mask, cmap='gray')
# We set the min and max of the colorbar, so that 90% of the curvature values are shown.
# This is to have a nice visualization. You can change this threshold according to your specific task.
threshold = np.percentile(np.abs(curvature_values), 90)
plt.scatter(edge_pixels[:, 1], edge_pixels[:, 0], c=curvature_values, cmap='cool', s=5, vmin=-threshold, vmax=threshold)
plt.title("Curvature of Binary Mask")
# Set the path to the mask you want to analyze and you are ready to start
mask = cv2.imread('path_to_your_mask', cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
# Set minimum length of the contours that should be analyzed
min_contour_length = 20
# Set the ratio of the window size (contour length / window_size_ratio) for local polynomial approximation
window_size_ratio = 5
# Visualize curvature on the binary mask
plot_edges_with_curvature(mask, min_contour_length, window_size_ratio)
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Thank you very much. This really help.

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Thank you very much. This really help.

I'm glad it helped you :)

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