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Copy all csv-files from the data folder to the last added usb-device. Implemented as a cron job, this can be used for automated data logging/ data backup. We used this script in the remote areas of the Amazon Rain Forest to do regular backups of our sensor stations.
# This script is the main script to automatically mount
# a USB device to the data folder and copy the required data
# Data folder: /your/data/folder/path/ (the folder where the data is stored)
# Target folder: /media/usb/ (the mounted USB folder, where the data is copied to)
#exec >> /home/your_directory/backup-sync.log 2>&1
echo 'Copy microclimate data to USB device'
echo 'Date/Time:'
# Load USB device data path
echo 'Searching for latest USB device'
d=$(lsblk --noheadings --raw --output rm,tran,type,path --sort path | awk '/^1 part/ {d=$3} END {print d}')
echo 'USB device path:'
echo $d
# Mount the USB device to the folder /media/usb
echo 'Mounting USB device to path...'
mount -v $d /media/usb
echo 'Mounted path:'
m=$(lsblk --noheadings --raw --output rm,tran,type,path,mountpoint --sort path | awk '/^1 part/ {m=$4} END {print m}')
echo $m
# Check if the mounting point /media/usb exists
if [[ $m = /media/usb ]]
printf ${GREEN}'USB device successfully mounted\n'
printf ${NC}
printf ${RED}'USB-device not successfully mounted to path /media/usb\n'
printf ${NC}
# List all block devices
# Transfer all csv-Files from /your/data/folder/path/ to the mounted USB device folder
if [[ $m = /media/usb ]]
echo 'Tranferring data'
cp -v /your/data/folder/path/*.csv /media/usb/
printf ${GREEN}'Data transfer was successful\n'
printf ${GREEN}'Transfer time:' | date
printf ${NC}
printf ${RED}'Data transfer stopped! No USB device detected! Please insert USB device\n'
printf ${NC}
sleep 3
# Unmount the USB device after data transfer
echo 'Unmounting again..'
umount -v -f /media/usb
echo 'Process Done! You can now deconnect your USB device'
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