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Created December 31, 2020 15:04
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Playing around with forecasting gains in SP 500 time series data with XGBoost classifiers
using AlphaVantage
using DataFrames
using StatPlots
using Dates
using TimeSeries
using Statistics
using MLJ
using LossFunctions
## Decide on some time series to model:
# - or something like the E-S&P, where one could
# - create target as the % change in the market
# - create lags for 365 days, which will be fed into the lasso
# - create binaries for days of the week and months, which will be fed into the lasso
# - decide on which pct change to model
# - use a lasso to select proper lags to estimate the likelihood of significant increase
# - use data at a day scale to make estimates
# - use purged cross-validation
# - goal is to show mean-reversion properties after controlling for trend
# Get daily S&P 500 data
spy = time_series_daily("SPY", outputsize="full", datatype="csv");
# Convert to a DataFrame
data = DataFrame(spy[1]);
# Add column names
data = DataFrames.rename(data, Symbol.(vcat(spy[2]...)));
# Convert timestamp column to Date type
data[!, :timestamp] = Dates.Date.(data[!, :timestamp]);
data[!, :close] = Float64.(data[!, :close])
data[!, :volume] = Int64.(data[!, :volume])
# create a timearray
ta = TimeArray(data[!, [:timestamp, :close, :volume]]; timestamp=:timestamp)
# Subtract the values of prior to get the de-seasoned values
# or use the seasonal values to predict the effect of seasons
## Get the percent change in each measure
pch = percentchange(ta, padding=true)
# Extend lag function to return an array of lags of arbitrary size
rangelag = function(ta::TimeArray{Float64,1,Date,Array{Float64,1}}, lagrange::UnitRange{Int64}; padding=true)
n_lags = maximum(lagrange)
lagarray = zeros(size(ta)[1], n_lags)
# create lag array - using lags up to thirty
for x in lagrange
lagarray[:, x] .= values(lag(ta, x, padding=padding))
# the replacement name
string_name = string(colnames(ta)[1])
# The final result
range_lagarray = lagarray |>
(df -> DataFrame(df, Symbol.([string_name*"_l$x" for x in 1:size(lagarray)[2]]))) |>
(df -> insertcols!(df, 1, :timestamp => timestamp(ta)))
lagarray_ts = TimeArray(range_lagarray, timestamp = :timestamp)
return lagarray_ts
## Create lags of closing value
closing_lags = rangelag(pch[:close], 1:365)
## Create lags of volume
volume_lags = rangelag(pch[:volume], 1:365)
# Get the seasonal component for day of week, and the month
# create a bunch of binaries for each day of the week and calendar month 0
get_weekly_binaries = function(ta::TimeArray)
weekday_names = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday"]
weekday_dates = [ timestamp(when(ta, dayname, "$day")) for day in weekday_names]
week_binaries = [timestamp(ta) .∈ (weekday_dates[x], ) for x in 1:size(weekday_dates)[1]]
useable_array = hcat(week_binaries...)
return useable_array
## Monthly binaries
get_monthly_binaries = function(ta::TimeArray)
month_names = [Dates.monthname(x) for x in 1:12]
month_dates = [timestamp(when(ta, monthname, "$mo")) for mo in month_names]
month_binaries = [timestamp(ta) .∈ (month_dates[x], ) for x in 1:size(month_dates)[1]]
useable_array = hcat(month_binaries...)
return useable_array
#Create the actual weekly binaries
seasonal_weeklies = get_weekly_binaries(pch)
seasonal_weeklies = DataFrame(seasonal_weeklies, [Dates.dayname(x) for x in 1:5])
seasonal_monthlies = get_monthly_binaries(pch)
seasonal_monthlies = DataFrame(seasonal_monthlies, [Dates.monthname(x) for x in 1:12])
## Create the final target, based on the distribution of percent_change
closing_quantiles = quantile( DataFrame(dropnan(pch)).close, [.25, .75])
gen_target = function(target_array, quants)
res = []
for x in target_array
if (x <= quants[1])
push!(res, "25th")
elseif (x <= quants[2])
push!(res, "50th")
push!(res, "75th")
return res
my_target = gen_target(values(pch.close), closing_quantiles)
my_target = DataFrame(my_target = string.(my_target))
## Collect everything into a dataframe for ML
df_full = hcat(my_target, seasonal_monthlies, seasonal_weeklies,
DataFrame(closing_lags)[:, 2:end],
DataFrame(volume_lags)[:, 2:end])
df_full.timestamp = timestamp(closing_lags)
df_full.my_target = categorical(df_full.my_target)
## Filter out the missing values
df_full_nomissing =
filter(:close_l365 => x -> !any(f -> f(x), (ismissing, isnothing, isnan)), df_full) |>
(df -> select(df, Not(:timestamp))) |>
(df -> coerce(df, Count=>Continuous))
## Create outcome matrix
fullY, fullX = unpack(df_full_nomissing, ==(:my_target), colname -> true)
# Create training and testing data
trainrows, testrows = partition(1:nrow(df_full_nomissing), .7)
# Specify train test pairs
fold1 = 1:6; fold2 = 7:12;
# write a function to do windowed cross-validation
gen_ts_cv_pairs = function(trainsize, window_size)
cv_pairs = [] #output object
for it in 1:(trainsize-window_size*2)
trainset = it:window_size+it
testset = window_size+it+1:window_size*2+it
push!(cv_pairs, (trainset, testset))
return cv_pairs
# Create resampling pairs
#resampling_pairs = Tuple.(gen_ts_cv_pairs(length(trainrows), 800))
resampling_pairs = Tuple.([ (1:2312, 2313:3470), (1156:3470, 1:1155) ])
### 20 meta models
@load XGBoostClassifier()
xgb = XGBoostClassifier()
r_eta = range(xgb, :eta, lower=.01, upper=.4)
tm = TunedModel(model=xgb, tuning=Grid(resolution=20),
resampling=CV(nfolds=5, shuffle=true, rng=1234), ranges=r_eta,
mtm = machine(tm, fullX, fullY)
fit!(mtm, rows=trainrows)
yhat = predict(mtm, rows=trainrows)
mce = cross_entropy(yhat, fullY[trainrows]) |> mean
accuracy(predict_mode(mtm, rows=testrows), fullY[testrows])
############### SVM Classifier
@load SVMLinearClassifier
svm = SVMLinearClassifier()
r_c = range(svm, :C, lower=.1, upper=1)
tm = TunedModel(model=svm, tuning=Grid(resolution=2),
resampling=resampling_pairs, ranges=r_c)
svtm = machine(svm, fullX, fullY)
fit!(svtm, rows=trainrows)
accuracy(predict(svtm, rows=testrows), fullY[testrows])
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