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Last active September 7, 2023 15:27
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geopocker api rest endpoints

API Rest endpoints

The API is work in progress. This basic structure can be extended starting from the environment variable PREFIX which by default /

(✔️ Work ❌ TODO 🚧 Work in Progress)

Status Method Path Return Description
✔️ GET / html default demo map page if enabled by env var DEMO_PAGE=true
✔️ GET /status object service status, versions, datasets
✔️ GET /datasets array list available datasets and their attributes
✔️ GET /datasets/:datasetId object search dataset by id
✔️ GET /datasets/:lon/:lat array search dataset contains lon,lat
✔️ GET /:datasetId object show attributes of a certain dataset by id
✔️ GET /:datasetId/:lon/:lat array get single location value of dataset, densify not supported
✔️ GET /:datasetId/:locations array locations is a string (format: `lon,lat
✔️ POST /:datasetId/lonlat arrays accept array or object in body
✔️ POST /:datasetId/locations arrays accept array or object of locations in body (format is [[lon,lat],[lon,lat],[lon,lat]])
✔️ POST /:datasetId/geometry object geojson Point or LineString in body (support feature/geometry/f.collection)
✔️ GET /metadata/:locations object return info about direction, length, centroid, middlepoint of locations
✔️ POST /metadata/geometry object return info about direction, length, centroid, middlepoint of geometry

Global Parameters

Status Parameter Default Description
✔️ precision input rounded to digits decimal precision
✔️ format input output format conversion
✔️ densify input enable densification of points in the result
✔️ simplify input enable simplication geometry of the result
height false add vertical distance from the ground(only input has elevation)

Some behaviors to know about parameters are that:

  • precision and densify parameters is only supported by endpoints and formats that return coordinates
  • datasetId can have the value default to referring the main dataset defined in config
  • from version v1.6.1 /<datasetId>/... is the same of /datasets/<datasetId>/... /datasets/ is implicit.


If the format parameter is not specified the default behavior is to output the same format as the input

  • input format can be specified by Content-type: header in request
  • output format can be specified by format parameter

the support for various input and output formats is summarized in the table

Value In Out Description
input ✔️ ✔️ means the same format as the input data
array ✔️ 🚧 each location is Array and a Z dimension as value [lon,lat,val]
json ✔️ 🚧 each location is Object having lon,lat and val attributes
geojson ✔️ 🚧 standard GeoJSON objects Feature, Geometry with a Z dimension in coordinates as value
polyline 🚧 ✔️ Encoded Polyline Algorithm
gpx 🚧 ✔️ GPS eXchange Format is an XML textual format
csv Comma-separated values is an textual format
kml Keyhole Markup Language is an XML format for Google Earth

each endpoint has its own default format, for example endpoint /dataset/lon/lat return a simple array of one value.

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