import compile from "ember-template-compiler/system/compile";
var a = compile("<a href={{url}}></a>"),
something like:
import HBS from "ember-template-compiler/hbs";
var a = hbs`<a href={{url}}></a>`
this would also let: emberjs/ember-test-helpers#38 work without a client-side template compiler.
this would allow for:
var hbs from 'ember-template-compiler/hbs';
test("foo", function() {
this.render( hbs`{{my-component name=myColor}}`);
sometime it is nice to have an extremely concise snippet. This is used all over ember's own code base, so it is similar to 1. But this is another use-case
import Component from 'ember-component';
import hbs from 'ember-template-compilter';
export default Component.extend({
layout: hbs```
<h1> my cool layout</h1>
<some-child-component />
- unsure what the module will be called at this time, but likely similarly to ^^