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/*! stripe-js 18-02-2017 */
(function() {
var a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m = {}.hasOwnProperty,
n = function(a, b) {
function c() {
this.constructor = a
for (var d in b), d) && (a[d] = b[d]);
return c.prototype = b.prototype, a.prototype = new c, a.__super__ = b.prototype, a
if (j = "", e = "", f = !!/stripe\.com$/.test("undefined" != typeof window && null !== window ? : void 0), d = "console" in window && "warn" in window.console, c = function() {
var a;
return (null != (a = window.performance) && "function" == typeof ? : void 0) || ("function" == typeof ? : void 0)
}, i = c(), !f && "querySelectorAll" in document && d && (h = document.querySelectorAll('script[src^="' + j + '"]'), h.length || console.warn("It looks like Stripe.js is not being loaded from Stripe does not support serving Stripe.js from your own domain.")), a = function() {
function a() {
if (a.StripeV3) return a.StripeV3.apply(a, arguments)
return a.version = 2, a.endpoint = "", a.StripeV3 = null, a.setPublishableKey = function(b) {
return a.key = b, a.utils.validateProtocol(a.key)
}, a._language = "en-US", a.setLanguage = function(b) {
return a._language = b
}, a._allowedCustomHeaders = ["X-Stripe-Livemode", "Authorization"], a._customHeaders = {}, a._setCustomHeader = function(a, b) {
var c, d, e, f, g;
for (d = !1, g = this._allowedCustomHeaders, e = 0, f = g.length; e < f; e++)
if (c = g[e], c === a) {
this._customHeaders[a] = b, d = !0;
return d
}, a.trackPerf = !1, a._isChannel = "#__stripe_transport__" === ("undefined" != typeof window && null !== window ? window.location.hash : void 0), a._isSafeStripeDomain = f, a._iframeOnAmount = 1, a._isSafeDomain = function() {
return "#__forcedss3__" !== window.location.hash && (!(!a._isSafeStripeDomain && !window.StripeTemporaryNoDSS3) || a._iframeOnAmount < Math.random())
}(), a._finalTransport = "undefined" != typeof window && null !== window && "XMLHttpRequest" in window && "withCredentials" in new XMLHttpRequest ? "cors" : "jsonp", a._transport = a._isChannel || a._isSafeDomain ? a._finalTransport : "iframe", a._fallBackToOldStripeJsTechniques = function() {
return this._transport = "jsonp", this._finalTransport = "jsonp", this._isSafeDomain = "true"
}, a._iframeRequestQueue = [], a._iframePendingRequests = {}, a._iframeChannelStatus = "pending", a._iframeChannelComplete = function(b) {
var c, d, e, f;
for (this._iframeChannelStatus = b ? "success" : "failure", "failure" === this._iframeChannelStatus && this._fallBackToOldStripeJsTechniques(), d = this._iframeRequestQueue, delete this._iframeRequestQueue, this._iframeRequestQueue = [], e = 0, f = d.length; e < f; e++) c = d[e], this.request(c, !0);
this._iframeChannelComplete = function() {
return a.reportError("CompleteDuplicationError")
}, a.request = function(a, b) {
return this.trackPerf && a.tokenType ? this._instrumentedRequest(a, b) : this._rawRequest(a, b)
}, a._rawRequest = function(b, c) {
var d, e, f;
if ( || ( = {}), e = "POST" === b.method && "object" == typeof(null != (f = ? f.card : void 0), c || (null != ? this._isChannel || ( = "" + + " (" + a.stripejs_ua + ")") : = a.stripejs_ua), "iframe" === this._transport) {
if (e) return "pending" === this._iframeChannelStatus ? this._iframeRequestQueue.push(b) : "failure" === this._iframeChannelStatus ? this.ajaxJSONP(b) : this.iframe(b);
if ("cors" === this._finalTransport) try {
return this.xhr(b)
} catch (g) {
return d = g, this._transport = "jsonp", this.request(b, !0)
return this.ajaxJSONP(b)
if ("cors" === this._transport) try {
return this.xhr(b)
} catch (g) {
return d = g, a.reportError("XhrThrewError"), this._transport = "jsonp", this.request(b, !0)
return this.ajaxJSONP(b)
}, a.reportError = function(b, c) {
var d;
return "console" in window && "warn" in window.console, 1, d = Math.round((new Date).getTime() / 1e3), (new Image).src = "" + encodeURIComponent(b) + (c ? "&timing=" + c : "") + "&key=" + a.key + "&timestamp=" + d + "&payment_user_agent=" + encodeURIComponent(a.stripejs_ua)
}, a._instrumentedRequest = function(b, c) {
var d, e;
return d = (new Date).getTime(), e = function(c) {
return function(e, f) {
var g, h, i, j, k;
return j = null != (k = b.tokenType) ? k : "unknown", g = (new Date).getTime(), h = c._getResourceTiming(null != e ? e.responseURL : void 0), i = {
event: "rum.stripejs",
tokenType: j,
url: b.url,
status: f,
start: d,
end: g,
resourceTiming: h
}, a.logRUM(i)
}(this), b.success = function(a) {
return function(b, c, d) {
return e(d, c), a.apply(this, arguments)
}(b.success), b.complete = function(a) {
return function(b, c, d) {
return "success" !== b && e(c, b), a.apply(this, arguments)
}(b.complete), this._rawRequest(b, c)
}, a._getResourceTiming = function(a) {
var b;
switch (b = "undefined" != typeof performance && null !== performance && "function" == typeof performance.getEntriesByName ? performance.getEntriesByName(a) : void 0, !1) {
case 1 !== (null != b ? b.length : void 0):
return this._sanitizeResourceTiming(b[0]);
case 0 !== (null != b ? b.length : void 0):
return {
errorMsg: "No resource timing entries found"
case null == (null != b ? b.length : void 0):
return {
errorMsg: "More than one resource timing entry"
return null
}, a._resourceTimingWhitelist = ["connectEnd", "connectStart", "domainLookupEnd", "domainLookupStart", "duration", "fetchStart", "redirectEnd", "redirectStart", "requestStart", "responseEnd", "responseStart", "secureConnectionStart", "startTime"], a._sanitizeResourceTiming = function(a) {
var b, c, d, e, f;
for (c = {}, f = this._resourceTimingWhitelist, d = 0, e = f.length; d < e; d++) b = f[d], a[b] && (c[b] = a[b]);
return c
}, a.logRUM = function(b) {
return (new Image).src = "" + a.utils.serialize(b)
}, a.complete = function(b, c) {
return function(d, e, f) {
if ("success" !== d) return a.reportError("Complete500-" + d), "function" == typeof b ? b(500, {
error: {
code: d,
type: d,
message: c
}) : void 0
}, a._iframeBaseUrl = e, a._stripejsBaseUrl = j, a._relayResponse = function(b, c, d) {
return a._socket.postMessage(a.JSON.stringify({
code: c,
resp: d,
requestId: b
}, a._callCount = 0, a._callCache = {}, a._receiveChannelRelay = function(b, c) {
var d, e, f, g;
if (f = a._iframeBaseUrl.replace(/^https?:\/\//, "").replace(/\/.*$/, ""), g = c.replace(/^https?:\/\//, "").replace(/\/.*$/, ""), g === f && "string" == typeof b) {
try {
e = a.JSON.parse(b)
} catch (h) {
throw d = h, a.reportError("InvalidJSON-ChannelRelay"), new Error("Stripe.js received invalid JSON")
if ("function" == typeof a._callCache[e.requestId]) return a._callCache[e.requestId](e.resp, e.code), delete a._callCache[e.requestId]
}, a._channelListener = function(b, c) {
var d, e, f, g;
if ("string" == typeof b) {
try {
g = a.JSON.parse(b)
} catch (h) {
throw e = h, a.reportError("InvalidJSON-ChannelListener"), new Error("Stripe.js received invalid JSON")
if (d =, f = g.headers["Accept-Language"], d) return a.setPublishableKey(, f && a.setLanguage(f), null != g.endpoint && a._validateEndpoint(g.endpoint) && (a.endpoint = g.endpoint), null != g.trackPerf && (a.trackPerf = g.trackPerf), "card" === ? a.source.create(, function(b, c) {
return a._relayResponse(g.requestId, b, c)
}) : (delete, a.card.createToken(d,, function(b, c) {
return a._relayResponse(g.requestId, b, c)
throw a.reportError("InvalidChannelUse-NonCard"), new Error("Stripe.js iframe transport used for non-card request")
}, a._validateEndpoint = function(a) {
var b, c;
return c = document.createElement("a"), c.href = a, ("http:" === c.protocol || "https:" === c.protocol) && (b = c.hostname.slice(-11), "" === b)
}, a
}(), this.Stripe) {
if (3 !== this.Stripe.version) return !d || this.Stripe.isDoubleLoaded || this.Stripe.earlyError || console.warn("It looks like Stripe.js was loaded more than one time. Please only load it once per page."), void(this.Stripe.isDoubleLoaded = !0);
a.StripeV3 = this.Stripe
for (this.Stripe = a, this.Stripe.token = function() {
function b() {}
return b.validate = function(a, b) {
if (!a) throw b + " required";
if ("object" != typeof a) throw b + " invalid"
}, b.formatData = function(b, c) {
var d, e, f;
a.utils.isElement(b) && (b = a.utils.paramsFromForm(b, c));
for (d in b) e = b[d], null == e && delete b[d];
if (a.utils.underscoreKeys(b), "string" == typeof b.exp) {
try {
f = a.utils.parseExpString(b.exp), b.exp_month = f[0], b.exp_year = f[1]
} catch (g) {
b.exp_month = 0, b.exp_year = 0
delete b.exp
return b
}, b.create = function(b, c) {
var d, e;
return b.key || (b.key = a.key || a.publishableKey), a.utils.validateKey(b.key), e = function() {
switch (!1) {
case null == b.card:
return "card";
case null == b.bank_account:
return "bank_account";
case null == b.pii:
return "pii";
case null == b.apple_pay:
return "apple_pay";
return "unknown"
}(), delete b.apple_pay, d = {
url: "" + a.endpoint + "/tokens",
data: b,
method: "POST",
headers: {},
success: function(a, b) {
return "function" == typeof c ? c(b, a) : void 0
complete: a.complete(c, "A network error has occurred, and you have not been charged. Please try again."),
timeout: 4e4,
tokenType: e
}, a._language && (d.headers["Accept-Language"] = a._language), a.request(d)
}, b.get = function(b, c) {
if (!b) throw new Error("token required");
return a.utils.validateKey(a.key), a.request({
url: "" + a.endpoint + "/tokens/" + b,
data: {
key: a.key
success: function(a, b) {
return "function" == typeof c ? c(b, a) : void 0
complete: a.complete(c, "A network error has occurred loading data from Stripe. Please try again."),
timeout: 4e4
}, b
}(), this.Stripe.card = function(b) {
function d() {
return d.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments)
return n(d, b), d.tokenName = "card", d.whitelistedAttrs = ["number", "cvc", "exp", "exp_month", "exp_year", "name", "address_line1", "address_line2", "address_city", "address_state", "address_zip", "address_country", "currency"], d.createToken = function(b, e, f) {
var g, h;
if (null == e && (e = {}), a.token.validate(b, "card"), "function" == typeof e ? (f = e, e = {}) : "object" != typeof e && (g = parseInt(e, 10), e = {}, g > 0 && (e.amount = g)), b._fields && b.createToken) return b.createToken(f);
if (e[d.tokenName] = a.token.formatData(b, d.whitelistedAttrs), e.time_on_page = Math.round(c() - i), null == e.guid && (e.guid = "EMPTY"), null == e.muid && (e.muid = "EMPTY"), "undefined" != typeof StripeMirador && null !== StripeMirador) try {
"EMPTY" === e.guid && (e.guid = a.utils.getSID()), "EMPTY" === e.muid && (e.muid = a.utils.getMID())
} catch (j) {
h = j, a.reportError("DeviceIdError-Extraction")
return a.token.create(e, f)
}, d.getToken = function(b, c) {
return a.token.get(b, c)
}, d.validateCardNumber = function(a) {
return a = (a + "").replace(/\s+|-/g, ""), a.length >= 10 && a.length <= 16 && d.luhnCheck(a)
}, d.validateCVC = function(b) {
return b = a.utils.trim(b), /^\d+$/.test(b) && b.length >= 3 && b.length <= 4
}, d.validateExpiry = function(b, c) {
var d, e, f, g;
if (null != c) f = a.utils.trim(b), c = a.utils.trim(c);
else {
try {
g = a.utils.parseExpString(b), f = g[0], c = g[1]
} catch (h) {
return !1
f += "", c += ""
return !!/^\d+$/.test(f) && (!!/^\d+$/.test(c) && (1 <= f && f <= 12 && (2 === c.length && (c = c < 70 ? "20" + c : "19" + c), 4 === c.length && (e = new Date(c, f), d = new Date, e.setMonth(e.getMonth() - 1), e.setMonth(e.getMonth() + 1, 1), e > d))))
}, d.luhnCheck = function(a) {
var b, c, d, e, f, g;
for (d = !0, e = 0, c = (a + "").split("").reverse(), f = 0, g = c.length; f < g; f++) b = c[f], b = parseInt(b, 10), (d = !d) && (b *= 2), b > 9 && (b -= 9), e += b;
return e % 10 === 0
}, d.cardType = function(a) {
return d.cardTypes[a.slice(0, 2)] || "Unknown"
}, d.cardBrand = function(a) {
return d.cardType(a)
}, d.cardTypes = function() {
var a, b, c, d;
for (b = {}, a = c = 40; c <= 49; a = ++c) b[a] = "Visa";
for (a = d = 50; d <= 59; a = ++d) b[a] = "MasterCard";
return b[34] = b[37] = "American Express", b[60] = b[62] = b[64] = b[65] = "Discover", b[35] = "JCB", b[30] = b[36] = b[38] = b[39] = "Diners Club", b
}(), d
}(this.Stripe.token), this.Stripe.bankAccount = function(b) {
function c() {
return c.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments)
return n(c, b), c.tokenName = "bank_account", c.whitelistedAttrs = ["country", "currency", "routing_number", "account_number", "name", "account_holder_type", "account_holder_name"], c.createToken = function(b, d, e) {
return null == d && (d = {}), a.token.validate(b, "bank account"), "function" == typeof d && (e = d, d = {}), d[c.tokenName] = a.token.formatData(b, c.whitelistedAttrs), a.token.create(d, e)
}, c.getToken = function(b, c) {
return a.token.get(b, c)
}, c.validateRoutingNumber = function(b, d) {
switch (b = a.utils.trim(b), d) {
case "US":
return /^\d+$/.test(b) && 9 === b.length && c.routingChecksum(b);
case "CA":
return /\d{5}\-\d{3}/.test(b) && 9 === b.length;
return !0
}, c.validateAccountNumber = function(b, c) {
switch (b = a.utils.trim(b), c) {
case "US":
return /^\d+$/.test(b) && b.length >= 1 && b.length <= 17;
return !0
}, c.routingChecksum = function(a) {
var b, c, d, e, f, g;
for (d = 0, b = (a + "").split(""), g = [0, 3, 6], e = 0, f = g.length; e < f; e++) c = g[e], d += 3 * parseInt(b[c]), d += 7 * parseInt(b[c + 1]), d += parseInt(b[c + 2]);
return 0 !== d && d % 10 === 0
}, c
}(this.Stripe.token), this.Stripe.piiData = function(b) {
function c() {
return c.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments)
return n(c, b), c.tokenName = "pii", c.whitelistedAttrs = ["personal_id_number"], c.createToken = function(b, d, e) {
return null == d && (d = {}), a.token.validate(b, "pii data"), "function" == typeof d && (e = d, d = {}), d[c.tokenName] = a.token.formatData(b, c.whitelistedAttrs), a.token.create(d, e)
}, c.getToken = function(b, c) {
return a.token.get(b, c)
}, c
}(this.Stripe.token), this.Stripe._poller = function() {
function a() {}
return a._activePolls = {}, a._clearPoll = function(b) {
return delete a._activePolls[b]
}, a._defaultPollInterval = 1500, a._maxPollInterval = 24e3, a._initPoll = function(b) {
if (null != a._activePolls[b]) throw new Error("You are already polling " + b + ". Please cancel that poll before polling it again.");
return a._activePolls[b] = {}
}, a._poll = function(b, c, d, e, f) {
c(b, function(g, h) {
var i;
if (null != a._activePolls[b]) return g >= 400 && g < 500 ? (a._clearPoll(b), "function" == typeof f ? f(g, h) : void 0) : 200 === g && e(b, h) ? (a._clearPoll(b), "function" == typeof f ? f(g, h) : void 0) : (200 === g && d(b, h) && "function" == typeof f && f(g, h), 500 === g && 2 * a._activePolls[b].interval <= a._maxPollInterval ? a._activePolls[b].interval *= 2 : g >= 200 && g < 500 && (a._activePolls[b].interval = a._defaultPollInterval), i = setTimeout(function() {
return a._poll(b, c, d, e, f)
}, a._activePolls[b].interval), a._activePolls[b].timeoutId = i)
}, a._cancelPoll = function(b) {
var c;
if (c = a._activePolls[b], null == c) throw new Error("You are not polling " + b + ".");
null != c.timeoutId && clearTimeout(c.timeoutId), a._clearPoll(b)
}, a
}(), this.Stripe.bitcoinReceiver = function(b) {
function c() {
return c.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments)
return n(c, b), c._whitelistedAttrs = ["amount", "currency", "email", "description"], c.createReceiver = function(b, c) {
var d;
return a.token.validate(b, "bitcoin_receiver data"), d = a.token.formatData(b, this._whitelistedAttrs), d.key = a.key || a.publishableKey, a.utils.validateKey(d.key), a.request({
url: "" + a.endpoint + "/bitcoin/receivers",
data: d,
method: "POST",
success: function(a, b) {
return "function" == typeof c ? c(b, a) : void 0
complete: a.complete(c, "A network error has occurred while creating a Bitcoin address. Please try again."),
timeout: 4e4
}, c.getReceiver = function(b, c) {
var d;
if (!b) throw new Error("receiver id required");
return d = a.key || a.publishableKey, a.utils.validateKey(d), a.request({
url: "" + a.endpoint + "/bitcoin/receivers/" + b,
data: {
key: d
success: function(a, b) {
return "function" == typeof c ? c(b, a) : void 0
complete: a.complete(c, "A network error has occurred loading data from Stripe. Please try again."),
timeout: 4e4
}, c.pollReceiver = function(a, b) {
return this._initPoll(a), this._poll(a, function(a) {
return function(b, c) {
return a.getReceiver(b, c)
}(this), function(a, b) {
return !1
}, function(a, b) {
return b.filled
}, b)
}, c.cancelReceiverPoll = function(a) {
return c._cancelPoll(a)
}, c
}(this.Stripe._poller), this.Stripe.source = function(b) {
function c() {
return c.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments)
return n(c, b), c.stripeAccount = null, c.create = function(b, c) {
var d, e;
return a.token.validate(b, "source data"), d = a.token.formatData(b, this._whitelistedAttrs), d.key = a.key || a.publishableKey, a.utils.validateKey(d.key), e = {
url: "" + a.endpoint + "/sources",
data: d,
method: "POST",
success: function(a, b) {
return "function" == typeof c ? c(b, a) : void 0
complete: a.complete(c, "A network error has occurred while creating a Source. Please try again."),
timeout: 4e4,
headers: a.source.stripeAccount ? {
"Stripe-Account": a.source.stripeAccount
} : {}
}, a._language && (e.headers["Accept-Language"] = a._language), a.request(e)
}, c.createThreeDSecure = function(a, b) {
var c, d, e, f;
return c = {
type: "card",
currency: a.currency
}, (null != (e = a.three_d_secure) ? e.card : void 0) && (c.card = {
number: a.three_d_secure.card.number,
cvc: a.three_d_secure.card.cvc,
exp_month: a.three_d_secure.card.exp_month,
exp_year: a.three_d_secure.card.exp_year
}), (null != (f = a.owner) ? f.address : void 0) && (c.owner || (c.owner = {}), (d = c.owner).address || (d.address = a.owner.address)), this.create(c, function(c) {
return function(d, e) {
var f;
return 200 === d ? (f = {
type: "three_d_secure",
amount: a.amount,
currency: e.currency,
three_d_secure: {
redirect: {
return_url: a.redirect.return_url
}, c.create(f, b)) : [d, e]
}, c.get = function(b, c, d) {
var e, f;
if (!b) throw new Error("sourceId required");
if (!c) throw new Error("clientSecret required");
return e = a.key || a.publishableKey, a.utils.validateKey(e), f = {}, f.key = e, f.client_secret = c, a.request({
url: "" + a.endpoint + "/sources/" + b,
data: f,
success: function(a, b) {
return "function" == typeof d ? d(b, a) : void 0
complete: a.complete(d, "A network error has occurred loading data from Stripe. Please try again."),
timeout: 4e4,
headers: a.source.stripeAccount ? {
"Stripe-Account": a.source.stripeAccount
} : {}
}, c.poll = function(a, b, c) {
return this._initPoll(a), this._poll(a, function(a) {
return function(c, d) {
return a.get(c, b, d)
}(this), function(a) {
return function(b, c) {
return a._activePolls[b].source_status !== c.status && (a._activePolls[b].source_status = c.status, !0)
}(this), function(a, b) {
return !1
}, c)
}, c.cancelPoll = function(a) {
return this._cancelPoll(a)
}, c
}(this.Stripe._poller), this.Stripe.threeDSecure = function() {
function b() {}
return b.create = function(b, c) {
var d;
if ("object" != typeof b) throw new Error("params must be an object.");
if ("function" != typeof c) throw new Error("callback must be a function.");
return b.key || (b.key = a.key || a.publishableKey), b.return_url || (b.return_url = "_callback"), a.utils.validateKey(b.key), d = {
url: "" + a.endpoint + "/3d_secure",
data: b,
method: "POST",
headers: {},
success: function(a, b) {
return "function" == typeof c ? c(b, a) : void 0
complete: a.complete(c, "A network error has occurred, and you have not been charged. Please try again."),
timeout: 4e4,
tokenType: "three_d_secure"
}, a._language && (d.headers["Accept-Language"] = a._language), a.request(d), null
}, b.createIframe = function(b, c, d) {
var e, f;
if (f = null, !a.validator.isUrl(b)) throw new Error("redirectUrl must be a valid URL.");
if (!a.validator.isElementOrId(c)) throw new Error("parentElement must be a DOM Element, or the ID of a DOM element.");
if ("function" != typeof d) throw new Error("callback must be a function.");
return e = function(b, c) {
var e, g;
try {
g = a.JSON.parse(b)
} catch (h) {
throw e = h, a.reportError("InvalidJSON-3DSecureCallback"), new Error("Stripe.js received invalid JSON")
return f.destroy(), d(g)
}, f = new a.easyXDM.Socket({
swf: "" + a._iframeBaseUrl + "/v2/stripexdm.swf",
remote: b,
onMessage: e,
container: c
}), null
}, b
}(), this.Stripe.applePay = function() {
function b() {}
return b.stripeAccount = null, b._isOverHTTPS = function() {
return "https:" === window.location.protocol
}, b.checkAvailability = function(b) {
var c, d, e, f;
if (null == b) throw new Error("This function executes asynchronously; please pass it a callback function.");
return this._isOverHTTPS() ? (d = /^pk_test_/.test(a.key || a.publishableKey)) ? void b(null != (e = window.ApplePaySession) ? e.canMakePayments() : void 0) : (null != (f = window.ApplePaySession) ? f.canMakePayments() : void 0) ? (c = this.stripeAccount ? "merchant." + window.location.hostname + "." + this.stripeAccount + ".stripe" : "merchant." + window.location.hostname + ".stripe", ApplePaySession.canMakePaymentsWithActiveCard(c).then(function(a) {
return b(a)
})) : void b(!1) : (console.warn("To use Apple Pay, you must serve your page over HTTPS."), void b(!1))
}, b.buildSession = function(b, c, d) {
return new a.ApplePaySession(b, c, d)
}, b.createToken = function(b, c) {
var d, e, f;
return d = {
apple_pay: !0,
pk_token: a.JSON.stringify(b.token.paymentData),
pk_token_transaction_id: b.token.transactionIdentifier,
pk_token_instrument_name: b.token.paymentMethod.displayName
}, null != b.billingContact && (d.card = {
name: [b.billingContact.givenName, b.billingContact.familyName].join(" ").trim(),
address_line1: null != (e = b.billingContact.addressLines) ? e[0] : void 0,
address_line2: null != (f = b.billingContact.addressLines) ? f[1] : void 0,
address_city: b.billingContact.locality,
address_state: b.billingContact.administrativeArea,
address_zip: b.billingContact.postalCode,
address_country: b.billingContact.countryCode
}), a.token.create(d, c)
}, b
}(), b = ["createToken", "getToken", "cardType", "validateExpiry", "validateCVC", "validateCardNumber"], k = 0, l = b.length; k < l; k++) g = b[k], this.Stripe[g] = this.Stripe.card[g];
this.Stripe.stripejs_ua = "stripe.js/3428e68", this.Stripe._isChannel || "undefined" != typeof StripeMirador && null !== StripeMirador && StripeMirador.p({
t: !0
}), "undefined" != typeof module && null !== module && (module.exports = this.Stripe), "function" == typeof define && define("stripe", [], function(a) {
return function() {
return a.Stripe
function() {
this.Stripe.isDoubleLoaded || function(a) {
function b(a, e) {
function f(a) {
if (f[a] !== q) return f[a];
var b;
if ("bug-string-char-index" == a) b = "a" != "a" [0];
else if ("json" == a) b = f("json-stringify") && f("json-parse");
else {
var c, d = '{"a":[1,true,false,null,"\\u0000\\b\\n\\f\\r\\t"]}';
if ("json-stringify" == a) {
var i = e.stringify,
k = "function" == typeof i && t;
if (k) {
(c = function() {
return 1
}).toJSON = c;
try {
k = "0" === i(0) && "0" === i(new g) && '""' == i(new h) && i(s) === q && i(q) === q && i() === q && "1" === i(c) && "[1]" == i([c]) && "[null]" == i([q]) && "null" == i(null) && "[null,null,null]" == i([q, s, null]) && i({
a: [c, !0, !1, null, "\0\b\n\f\r\t"]
}) == d && "1" === i(null, c) && "[\n 1,\n 2\n]" == i([1, 2], null, 1) && '"-271821-04-20T00:00:00.000Z"' == i(new j((-864e13))) && '"+275760-09-13T00:00:00.000Z"' == i(new j(864e13)) && '"-000001-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"' == i(new j((-621987552e5))) && '"1969-12-31T23:59:59.999Z"' == i(new j((-1)))
} catch (l) {
k = !1
b = k
if ("json-parse" == a) {
var m = e.parse;
if ("function" == typeof m) try {
if (0 === m("0") && !m(!1)) {
c = m(d);
var n = 5 == c.a.length && 1 === c.a[0];
if (n) {
try {
n = !m('"\t"')
} catch (l) {}
if (n) try {
n = 1 !== m("01")
} catch (l) {}
if (n) try {
n = 1 !== m("1.")
} catch (l) {}
} catch (l) {
n = !1
b = n
return f[a] = !!b
a || (a = d.Object()), e || (e = d.Object());
var g = a.Number || d.Number,
h = a.String || d.String,
i = a.Object || d.Object,
j = a.Date || d.Date,
k = a.SyntaxError || d.SyntaxError,
l = a.TypeError || d.TypeError,
m = a.Math || d.Math,
n = a.JSON || d.JSON;
"object" == typeof n && n && (e.stringify = n.stringify, e.parse = n.parse);
var o, p, q, r = i.prototype,
s = r.toString,
t = new j((-0xc782b5b800cec));
try {
t = t.getUTCFullYear() == -109252 && 0 === t.getUTCMonth() && 1 === t.getUTCDate() && 10 == t.getUTCHours() && 37 == t.getUTCMinutes() && 6 == t.getUTCSeconds() && 708 == t.getUTCMilliseconds()
} catch (u) {}
if (!f("json")) {
var v = "[object Function]",
w = "[object Date]",
x = "[object Number]",
y = "[object String]",
z = "[object Array]",
A = "[object Boolean]",
B = f("bug-string-char-index");
if (!t) var C = m.floor,
D = [0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334],
E = function(a, b) {
return D[b] + 365 * (a - 1970) + C((a - 1969 + (b = +(b > 1))) / 4) - C((a - 1901 + b) / 100) + C((a - 1601 + b) / 400)
if ((o = r.hasOwnProperty) || (o = function(a) {
var b, c = {};
return (c.__proto__ = null, c.__proto__ = {
toString: 1
}, c).toString != s ? o = function(a) {
var b = this.__proto__,
c = a in (this.__proto__ = null, this);
return this.__proto__ = b, c
} : (b = c.constructor, o = function(a) {
var c = (this.constructor || b).prototype;
return a in this && !(a in c && this[a] === c[a])
}), c = null,, a)
}), p = function(a, b) {
var d, e, f, g = 0;
(d = function() {
this.valueOf = 0
}).prototype.valueOf = 0, e = new d;
for (f in e), f) && g++;
return d = e = null, g ? p = 2 == g ? function(a, b) {
var c, d = {},
e = == v;
for (c in a) e && "prototype" == c ||, c) || !(d[c] = 1) || !, c) || b(c)
} : function(a, b) {
var c, d, e = == v;
for (c in a) e && "prototype" == c || !, c) || (d = "constructor" === c) || b(c);
(d ||, c = "constructor")) && b(c)
} : (e = ["valueOf", "toString", "toLocaleString", "propertyIsEnumerable", "isPrototypeOf", "hasOwnProperty", "constructor"], p = function(a, b) {
var d, f, g = == v,
h = !g && "function" != typeof a.constructor && c[typeof a.hasOwnProperty] && a.hasOwnProperty || o;
for (d in a) g && "prototype" == d || !, d) || b(d);
for (f = e.length; d = e[--f];, d) && b(d));
}), p(a, b)
}, !f("json-stringify")) {
var F = {
92: "\\\\",
34: '\\"',
8: "\\b",
12: "\\f",
10: "\\n",
13: "\\r",
9: "\\t"
G = "000000",
H = function(a, b) {
return (G + (b || 0)).slice(-a)
I = "\\u00",
J = function(a) {
for (var b = '"', c = 0, d = a.length, e = !B || d > 10, f = e && (B ? a.split("") : a); c < d; c++) {
var g = a.charCodeAt(c);
switch (g) {
case 8:
case 9:
case 10:
case 12:
case 13:
case 34:
case 92:
b += F[g];
if (g < 32) {
b += I + H(2, g.toString(16));
b += e ? f[c] : a.charAt(c)
return b + '"'
K = function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h, i, j, k, m, n, r, t, u, v, B, D, F, G, I, L;
try {
h = b[a]
} catch (M) {}
if ("object" == typeof h && h)
if (i =, i != w ||, "toJSON")) "function" == typeof h.toJSON && (i != x && i != y && i != z ||, "toJSON")) && (h = h.toJSON(a));
else if (h > -1 / 0 && h < 1 / 0) {
if (E) {
for (m = C(h / 864e5), j = C(m / 365.2425) + 1970 - 1; E(j + 1, 0) <= m; j++);
for (k = C((m - E(j, 0)) / 30.42); E(j, k + 1) <= m; k++);
m = 1 + m - E(j, k), n = (h % 864e5 + 864e5) % 864e5, r = C(n / 36e5) % 24, t = C(n / 6e4) % 60, u = C(n / 1e3) % 60, v = n % 1e3
} else j = h.getUTCFullYear(), k = h.getUTCMonth(), m = h.getUTCDate(), r = h.getUTCHours(), t = h.getUTCMinutes(), u = h.getUTCSeconds(), v = h.getUTCMilliseconds();
h = (j <= 0 || j >= 1e4 ? (j < 0 ? "-" : "+") + H(6, j < 0 ? -j : j) : H(4, j)) + "-" + H(2, k + 1) + "-" + H(2, m) + "T" + H(2, r) + ":" + H(2, t) + ":" + H(2, u) + "." + H(3, v) + "Z"
} else h = null;
if (c && (h =, a, h)), null === h) return "null";
if (i =, i == A) return "" + h;
if (i == x) return h > -1 / 0 && h < 1 / 0 ? "" + h : "null";
if (i == y) return J("" + h);
if ("object" == typeof h) {
for (G = g.length; G--;)
if (g[G] === h) throw l();
if (g.push(h), B = [], I = f, f += e, i == z) {
for (F = 0, G = h.length; F < G; F++) D = K(F, h, c, d, e, f, g), B.push(D === q ? "null" : D);
L = B.length ? e ? "[\n" + f + B.join(",\n" + f) + "\n" + I + "]" : "[" + B.join(",") + "]" : "[]"
} else p(d || h, function(a) {
var b = K(a, h, c, d, e, f, g);
b !== q && B.push(J(a) + ":" + (e ? " " : "") + b)
}), L = B.length ? e ? "{\n" + f + B.join(",\n" + f) + "\n" + I + "}" : "{" + B.join(",") + "}" : "{}";
return g.pop(), L
e.stringify = function(a, b, d) {
var e, f, g, h;
if (c[typeof b] && b)
if ((h = == v) f = b;
else if (h == z) {
g = {};
for (var i, j = 0, k = b.length; j < k; i = b[j++], h =, (h == y || h == x) && (g[i] = 1));
if (d)
if ((h = == x) {
if ((d -= d % 1) > 0)
for (e = "", d > 10 && (d = 10); e.length < d; e += " ");
} else h == y && (e = d.length <= 10 ? d : d.slice(0, 10));
return K("", (i = {}, i[""] = a, i), f, g, e, "", [])
if (!f("json-parse")) {
var L, M, N = h.fromCharCode,
O = {
92: "\\",
34: '"',
47: "/",
98: "\b",
116: "\t",
110: "\n",
102: "\f",
114: "\r"
P = function() {
throw L = M = null, k()
Q = function() {
for (var a, b, c, d, e, f = M, g = f.length; L < g;) switch (e = f.charCodeAt(L)) {
case 9:
case 10:
case 13:
case 32:
case 123:
case 125:
case 91:
case 93:
case 58:
case 44:
return a = B ? f.charAt(L) : f[L], L++, a;
case 34:
for (a = "@", L++; L < g;)
if (e = f.charCodeAt(L), e < 32) P();
else if (92 == e) switch (e = f.charCodeAt(++L)) {
case 92:
case 34:
case 47:
case 98:
case 116:
case 110:
case 102:
case 114:
a += O[e], L++;
case 117:
for (b = ++L, c = L + 4; L < c; L++) e = f.charCodeAt(L), e >= 48 && e <= 57 || e >= 97 && e <= 102 || e >= 65 && e <= 70 || P();
a += N("0x" + f.slice(b, L));
} else {
if (34 == e) break;
for (e = f.charCodeAt(L), b = L; e >= 32 && 92 != e && 34 != e;) e = f.charCodeAt(++L);
a += f.slice(b, L)
if (34 == f.charCodeAt(L)) return L++, a;
if (b = L, 45 == e && (d = !0, e = f.charCodeAt(++L)), e >= 48 && e <= 57) {
for (48 == e && (e = f.charCodeAt(L + 1), e >= 48 && e <= 57) && P(), d = !1; L < g && (e = f.charCodeAt(L), e >= 48 && e <= 57); L++);
if (46 == f.charCodeAt(L)) {
for (c = ++L; c < g && (e = f.charCodeAt(c), e >= 48 && e <= 57); c++);
c == L && P(), L = c
if (e = f.charCodeAt(L), 101 == e || 69 == e) {
for (e = f.charCodeAt(++L), 43 != e && 45 != e || L++, c = L; c < g && (e = f.charCodeAt(c), e >= 48 && e <= 57); c++);
c == L && P(), L = c
return +f.slice(b, L)
if (d && P(), "true" == f.slice(L, L + 4)) return L += 4, !0;
if ("false" == f.slice(L, L + 5)) return L += 5, !1;
if ("null" == f.slice(L, L + 4)) return L += 4, null;
return "$"
R = function(a) {
var b, c;
if ("$" == a && P(), "string" == typeof a) {
if ("@" == (B ? a.charAt(0) : a[0])) return a.slice(1);
if ("[" == a) {
for (b = []; a = Q(), "]" != a; c || (c = !0)) c && ("," == a ? (a = Q(), "]" == a && P()) : P()), "," == a && P(), b.push(R(a));
return b
if ("{" == a) {
for (b = {}; a = Q(), "}" != a; c || (c = !0)) c && ("," == a ? (a = Q(), "}" == a && P()) : P()), "," != a && "string" == typeof a && "@" == (B ? a.charAt(0) : a[0]) && ":" == Q() || P(), b[a.slice(1)] = R(Q());
return b
return a
S = function(a, b, c) {
var d = T(a, b, c);
d === q ? delete a[b] : a[b] = d
T = function(a, b, c) {
var d, e = a[b];
if ("object" == typeof e && e)
if ( == z)
for (d = e.length; d--;) S(e, d, c);
else p(e, function(a) {
S(e, a, c)
return, b, e)
e.parse = function(a, b) {
var c, d;
return L = 0, M = "" + a, c = R(Q()), "$" != Q() && P(), L = M = null, b && == v ? T((d = {}, d[""] = c, d), "", b) : c
return e.runInContext = b, e
var c = {
"function": !0,
object: !0
d = this,
e = b(a, d);
d.JSON = {
parse: e.parse,
stringify: e.stringify
}.call(Stripe, this)
function() {
this.Stripe.isDoubleLoaded || ! function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
function g(a, b) {
var c = typeof a[b];
return "function" == c || !("object" != c || !a[b]) || "unknown" == c
function h() {
var a = "Shockwave Flash",
b = "application/x-shockwave-flash";
if (!p(navigator.plugins) && "object" == typeof navigator.plugins[a]) {
var c = navigator.plugins[a].description;
c && !p(navigator.mimeTypes) && navigator.mimeTypes[b] && navigator.mimeTypes[b].enabledPlugin && (x = c.match(/\d+/g))
if (!x) {
var d;
try {
d = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash"), x ="$version").match(/(\d+),(\d+),(\d+),(\d+)/), 1), d = null
} catch (e) {}
if (!x) return !1;
var f = parseInt(x[0], 10),
g = parseInt(x[1], 10);
return y = f > 9 && g > 0, !0
function i() {
if (!L) {
L = !0;
for (var a = 0; a < M.length; a++) M[a]();
M.length = 0
function j(a, b) {
return L ? void : void M.push(function() {
function k(a) {
return a.match(D)[3]
function l(a) {
return a.match(D)[4] || ""
function m(a) {
var b, c, d = a.toLowerCase().match(D),
e = "",
f = "";
try {
b = d[2], c = d[3], e = d[4] || "", ("http:" == b && ":80" == e || "https:" == b && ":443" == e) && (e = ""), f = b + "//" + c + e
} catch (g) {
f = a
return f
function n(a) {
if (a = a.replace(F, "$1/"), !a.match(/^(http||https):\/\//)) {
var b = "/" === a.substring(0, 1) ? "" : c.pathname;
"/" !== b.substring(b.length - 1) && (b = b.substring(0, b.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)), a = c.protocol + "//" + + b + a
for (; E.test(a);) a = a.replace(E, "");
return a
function o(a, b) {
var c = "",
d = a.indexOf("#");
d !== -1 && (c = a.substring(d), a = a.substring(0, d));
var e, g = [];
for (var h in b) b.hasOwnProperty(h) && (e = "stripe_" + h, g.push(e + "=" + f(b[h])));
return a + (J ? "#" : a.indexOf("?") == -1 ? "?" : "&") + g.join("&") + c
function p(a) {
return "undefined" == typeof a
function q(a, b, c) {
var d;
for (var e in b) b.hasOwnProperty(e) && (e in a ? (d = b[e], "object" == typeof d ? q(a[e], d, c) : c || (a[e] = b[e])) : a[e] = b[e]);
return a
function r() {
var a = b.body.appendChild(b.createElement("form")),
c = a.appendChild(b.createElement("input")); = I + "TEST" + C, w = c !== a.elements[], b.body.removeChild(a)
function s(c) {
p(w) && r();
var e;
w ? e = b.createElement('<iframe name="' + + '"/>') : (e = b.createElement("IFRAME"), =, = =, delete, "string" == typeof c.container && (c.container = b.getElementById(c.container)), c.container || (q(, {
position: "absolute",
top: "-2000px",
left: "0px"
}), c.container = b.body);
var f = c.props.src;
c.props.src = "about:blank", q(e, c.props), e.border = e.frameBorder = 0, e.allowTransparency = !0;
var g = !1;
return c.onFrameAck && "postMessage" in a && a.addEventListener ? a.addEventListener("message", function(a) {
var b = Stripe._iframeBaseUrl.replace(/^https?:\/\//, "").replace(/\/.*$/, ""),
d = a.origin.replace(/^https?:\/\//, "").replace(/\/.*$/, "");
b === d && "stripe:ack" === && c.onFrameAck(!0)
}, !1) : g = !0, c.container.appendChild(e), c.onLoad && z(e, "load", function() {
c.onLoad.apply(c, arguments), g && c.onFrameAck(!1)
}), c.onError && z(e, "error", function() {
c.onError.apply(c, arguments)
}), e.src = f, c.onAsyncInject && d(function() {, e)
}, 5e3), c.props.src = f, e
function t(c) {
var d, e = c.protocol;
if (c.isHost = c.isHost || p(O.xdm_p), J = c.hash || !1, c.props || (c.props = {}), c.isHost) {
if (c.remote = n(c.remote), = || "default" + C++, c.secret = Math.random().toString(16).substring(2), p(e))
if (g(a, "postMessage") || g(b, "postMessage")) e = "1";
else {
if (!(c.swf && g(a, "ActiveXObject") && h())) throw new Error("No suitable transport protocol for Stripe.js");
e = "6"
} else = O.xdm_c.replace(/["'<>\\]/g, ""), c.secret = O.xdm_s, c.remote = O.xdm_e.replace(/["'<>\\]/g, ""), e = O.xdm_p;
switch (c.protocol = e, e) {
case "1":
d = [new H.stack.PostMessageTransport(c)];
case "6":
x || h(), d = [new H.stack.FlashTransport(c)]
return d ? (d.push(new H.stack.QueueBehavior({
lazy: c.lazy,
remove: !0
})), d) : void, "BadXDMProtocol")
function u(a) {
for (var b, c = {
incoming: function(a, b) {
this.up.incoming(a, b)
outgoing: function(a, b) {
this.down.outgoing(a, b)
callback: function(a) {
init: function() {
destroy: function() {
}, d = 0, e = a.length; d < e; d++) b = a[d], q(b, c, !0), 0 !== d && (b.down = a[d - 1]), d !== e - 1 && (b.up = a[d + 1]);
return b
function v(a) {
a.up.down = a.down, a.down.up = a.up, a.up = a.down = null
var w, x, y, z, A, B = this,
C = Math.floor(1e6 * Math.random()),
D = (Function.prototype, /^((http:|https:|file:|chrome\-extension:|chrome:)\/\/([^:\/\s]+)(:\d+)*)/),
E = /[\-\w]+\/\.\.\//,
F = /([^:])\/\//g,
G = "Stripe",
H = {},
I = "stripeXDM_",
J = !1;
if (g(a, "addEventListener")) z = function(a, b, c) {
a.addEventListener(b, c, !1)
}, A = function(a, b, c) {
a.removeEventListener(b, c, !1)
else {
if (!g(a, "attachEvent")) throw new Error("Browser not supported");
z = function(a, b, c) {
a.attachEvent("on" + b, c)
}, A = function(a, b, c) {
a.detachEvent("on" + b, c)
var K, L = !1,
M = [];
if ("readyState" in b ? (K = b.readyState, L = "complete" == K || ~navigator.userAgent.indexOf("AppleWebKit/") && ("loaded" == K || "interactive" == K)) : L = !!b.body, !L) {
if (g(a, "addEventListener")) z(b, "DOMContentLoaded", i);
else if (z(b, "readystatechange", function() {
"complete" == b.readyState && i()
}), b.documentElement.doScroll && a === top) {
var N = function() {
if (!L) {
try {
} catch (a) {
return void d(N, 1)
z(a, "load", i)
var O = function(a) {
a = a.substring(1).split("&");
for (var b, c = {}, d = a.length; d--;) b = a[d].split("="), c[b[0].replace(/^stripe_/, "")] = e(b[1]);
return c
}(/stripe_xdm_e=/.test( ? : c.hash),
P = function() {
return Stripe.JSON
q(H, {
version: "",
query: O,
stack: {},
apply: q,
getJSONObject: P,
whenReady: j
}), H.DomHelper = {
on: z,
un: A
function() {
var a = {};
H.Fn = {
set: function(b, c) {
a[b] = c
get: function(b, c) {
if (a.hasOwnProperty(b)) {
var d = a[b];
return c && delete a[b], d
}(), H.Socket = function(a) {
var b = u(t(a).concat([{
incoming: function(b, c) {
a.onMessage(b, c)
callback: function(b) {
a.onReady && a.onReady(b)
c = m(a.remote);
this.origin = m(a.remote), this.destroy = function() {
}, this.postMessage = function(a) {
b.outgoing(a, c)
}, b.init()
}, H.stack.FlashTransport = function(a) {
function e(a, b) {
d(function() {
h.up.incoming(a, p)
}, 0)
function g(c) {
var d = a.swf + "?host=" + a.isHost,
e = "easyXDM_swf_" + Math.floor(1e4 * Math.random());
H.Fn.set("flash_loaded" + c.replace(/[\-.]/g, "_"), function() {
H.stack.FlashTransport[c].swf = r = t.firstChild;
for (var a = H.stack.FlashTransport[c].queue, b = 0; b < a.length; b++) a[b]();
a.length = 0
}), a.swfContainer ? t = "string" == typeof a.swfContainer ? b.getElementById(a.swfContainer) : a.swfContainer : (t = b.createElement("div"), q(, y && a.swfNoThrottle ? {
height: "20px",
width: "20px",
position: "fixed",
right: 0,
top: 0
} : {
height: "1px",
width: "1px",
position: "absolute",
overflow: "hidden",
right: 0,
top: 0
}), b.body.appendChild(t));
var g = "callback=flash_loaded" + f(c.replace(/[\-.]/g, "_")) + "&proto=" + B.location.protocol + "&domain=" + f(k(B.location.href)) + "&port=" + f(l(B.location.href)) + "&ns=" + f(G);
t.innerHTML = "<object height='20' width='20' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' id='" + e + "' data='" + d + "'><param name='allowScriptAccess' value='always'></param><param name='wmode' value='transparent'><param name='movie' value='" + d + "'></param><param name='flashvars' value='" + g + "'></param><embed type='application/x-shockwave-flash' FlashVars='" + g + "' allowScriptAccess='always' wmode='transparent' src='" + d + "' height='1' width='1'></embed></object>"
var h, i, p, r, t;
return h = {
outgoing: function(b, c, d) {
r.postMessage(, b.toString()), d && d()
destroy: function() {
try {
} catch (b) {}
r = null, i && (i.parentNode.removeChild(i), i = null)
onDOMReady: function() {
p = a.remote, H.Fn.set("flash_" + + "_init", function() {
d(function() {
}), H.Fn.set("flash_" + + "_onMessage", e), a.swf = n(a.swf);
var b = k(a.swf),
f = function() {
H.stack.FlashTransport[b].init = !0, r = H.stack.FlashTransport[b].swf, r.createChannel(, a.secret, m(a.remote), a.isHost), a.isHost && (y && a.swfNoThrottle && q(a.props, {
position: "fixed",
right: 0,
top: 0,
height: "20px",
width: "20px"
}), q(a.props, {
src: o(a.remote, {
xdm_e: m(c.href),
xdm_p: 6,
xdm_s: a.secret
name: I + + "_provider"
}), i = s(a))
H.stack.FlashTransport[b] && H.stack.FlashTransport[b].init ? f() : H.stack.FlashTransport[b] ? H.stack.FlashTransport[b].queue.push(f) : (H.stack.FlashTransport[b] = {
queue: [f]
}, g(b))
init: function() {
j(h.onDOMReady, h)
}, H.stack.PostMessageTransport = function(b) {
function e(a) {
if (a.origin) return m(a.origin);
if (a.uri) return m(a.uri);
if (a.domain) return c.protocol + "//" + a.domain;
throw new Error("Unable to retrieve the origin of the event")
function f(a) {
var c = e(a);
c == k && "string" == typeof &&, + 1) == + " " && g.up.incoming( + 1), c)
var g, h, i, k;
return g = {
outgoing: function(a, c, d) {
try {
i.postMessage( + " " + a, c || k), d && d()
} catch (e) {
b.onInternalError &&, "CallerWindowError")
destroy: function() {
A(a, "message", f), h && (i = null, h.parentNode.removeChild(h), h = null)
onDOMReady: function() {
if (k = m(b.remote), b.isHost) {
var e = function(c) { == + "-ready" && (i = "postMessage" in h.contentWindow ? h.contentWindow : h.contentWindow.document, A(a, "message", e), z(a, "message", f), d(function() {
}, 0))
z(a, "message", e), q(b.props, {
src: o(b.remote, {
xdm_e: m(c.href),
xdm_p: 1
name: I + + "_provider"
}), h = s(b)
} else z(a, "message", f), i = "postMessage" in a.parent ? a.parent : a.parent.document, i.postMessage( + "-ready", k), d(function() {
}, 0)
init: function() {
j(g.onDOMReady, g)
}, H.stack.QueueBehavior = function(a) {
function b() {
if (a.remove && 0 === h.length) return void v(c);
if (!i && 0 !== h.length && !g) {
i = !0;
var e = h.shift();
c.down.outgoing(, e.origin, function(a) {
i = !1, e.callback && d(function() {
}, 0), b()
var c, g, h = [],
i = !0,
j = "",
k = 0,
l = !1,
m = !1;
return c = {
init: function() {
p(a) && (a = {}), a.maxLength && (k = a.maxLength, m = !0), a.lazy ? l = !0 : c.down.init()
callback: function(a) {
i = !1;
var d = c.up;
b(), d.callback(a)
incoming: function(b, d) {
if (m) {
var f = b.indexOf("_"),
g = parseInt(b.substring(0, f), 10);
j += b.substring(f + 1), 0 === g && (a.encode && (j = e(j)), c.up.incoming(j, d), j = "")
} else c.up.incoming(b, d)
outgoing: function(d, e, g) {
a.encode && (d = f(d));
var i, j = [];
if (m) {
for (; 0 !== d.length;) i = d.substring(0, k), d = d.substring(i.length), j.push(i);
for (; i = j.shift();) h.push({
data: j.length + "_" + i,
origin: e,
callback: 0 === j.length ? g : null
} else h.push({
data: d,
origin: e,
callback: g
l ? c.down.init() : b()
destroy: function() {
g = !0, c.down.destroy()
}, Stripe.easyXDM = H
}(window, document, location, window.setTimeout, decodeURIComponent, encodeURIComponent)
function() {
var a, b = [].slice,
c = [].indexOf || function(a) {
for (var b = 0, c = this.length; b < c; b++)
if (b in this && this[b] === a) return b;
return -1
this.Stripe.isDoubleLoaded || (a = function() {
function a(a, b, f, g) {
var h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o;
if (null == window.ApplePaySession && !g) throw new Error("Apple Pay is not supported in this browser. You should check the result of Stripe.applePay.checkAvailability before trying to create an Apple Pay session.");
for (i = function(a) {
return function(b) {
var c;
return c = (null != b ? b.error : void 0) || {
message: "Something went wrong validating your Apple Pay Session."
}, null != c.message && console.warn(c.message), a.session.abort(), "function" == typeof f ? f(c) : void 0
}(this), this.paymentRequest = e(a), k = null != (n = this.paymentRequest.shippingMethods) ? n[0] : void 0, this.session = g || new ApplePaySession(1, this.paymentRequest), j = function(a) {
return function(b) {
return Object.defineProperty(a, b, {
set: function(a) {
if ("onpaymentauthorized" === b || "onvalidatemerchant" === b) throw new Error("Stripe handles this callback for you; you shouldn't set this property yourself. For more help, see");
return this.session[b] = a
get: function() {
return this.session[b]
}(this), o = ["oncancel", "onpaymentauthorized", "onpaymentmethodselected", "onshippingcontactselected", "onshippingmethodselected", "onvalidatemerchant"], l = 0, m = o.length; l < m; l++) h = o[l], j(h);
this.addEventListener("shippingmethodselected", function(a) {
return k = a.shippingMethod
}), this.addEventListener("validatemerchant", function(b) {
return function(c) {
var d;
return d = {
method: "POST",
url: "" + Stripe.endpoint + "/apple_pay/sessions",
headers: Stripe.applePay.stripeAccount ? {
"Stripe-Account": Stripe.applePay.stripeAccount
} : {},
data: {
key: Stripe.key || Stripe.publishableKey,
validation_url: c.validationURL,
domain_name: window.location.hostname,
success: function(a, c) {
var d;
return null != a.session ? (d = Stripe.JSON.parse(a.session), b.session.completeMerchantValidation(d)) : i(a)
complete: function(a, b, c) {
if ("success" !== a) return i(b)
timeout: 4e4
}, Stripe.request(d)
}(this)), this.addEventListener("paymentauthorized", function(e) {
return function(g) {
var h, i, j, l, m;
return null != e._stripeSkipTokenizationForDemo ? void e.session.completePayment(ApplePaySession.STATUS_SUCCESS) : (l = g.payment, "simulated identifier" === l.token.transactionIdentifier.toLowerCase() && (h = "4242424242424242", j = a.currencyCode.toLowerCase(), i = Stripe.utils.formatAmountWithCurrency(, j), m = Math.random().toString(36).slice(-10), l.token.transactionIdentifier = ["ApplePayStubs", h, i, j, m].join("~"), l.token.paymentData = h), Stripe.applePay.createToken(l, function(g, h) {
var i, j, m, n, o;
if (null != h.error) return e.session.completePayment(ApplePaySession.STATUS_FAILURE), "function" == typeof f ? f(h.error) : void 0;
if (j = {
token: h
}, null != k && (j.shippingMethod = k), null != l.billingContact && (l.billingContact = d(l.billingContact), i = a.requiredBillingContactFields || [],, "postalAddress") >= 0 && (null === (n = l.billingContact.countryCode) || void 0 === n || "" === n))) return (new Image).src = "" + Stripe.utils.serialize(l.billingContact), void e.session.completePayment(ApplePaySession.STATUS_INVALID_BILLING_POSTAL_ADDRESS);
if (null != l.shippingContact) {
if (l.shippingContact = d(l.shippingContact), m = a.requiredShippingContactFields || [],, "postalAddress") >= 0 && (null === (o = l.shippingContact.countryCode) || void 0 === o || "" === o)) return (new Image).src = "" + Stripe.utils.serialize(l.shippingContact), void e.session.completePayment(ApplePaySession.STATUS_INVALID_SHIPPING_POSTAL_ADDRESS);
j.shippingContact = l.shippingContact
return b(j, function(a) {
return a === ApplePaySession.STATUS_SUCCESS || a === ApplePaySession.STATUS_FAILURE || a === ApplePaySession.STATUS_INVALID_BILLING_POSTAL_ADDRESS || a === ApplePaySession.STATUS_INVALID_SHIPPING_POSTAL_ADDRESS || a === ApplePaySession.STATUS_INVALID_SHIPPING_CONTACT ? e.session.completePayment(a) : a ? e.session.completePayment(ApplePaySession.STATUS_SUCCESS) : e.session.completePayment(ApplePaySession.STATUS_FAILURE)
var d, e;
return e = function(a) {
return a.supportedNetworks || (a.supportedNetworks = ["amex", "discover", "masterCard", "visa"]), a.merchantCapabilities = ["supports3DS"], a
}, d = function(a) {
var b, c, d, e, f;
return c = {
australia: "AU",
austria: "AT",
canada: "CA",
schweiz: "CH",
deutschland: "DE",
hongkong: "HK",
saudiarabia: "SA",
espaa: "ES",
singapore: "SG",
us: "US",
usa: "US",
unitedstatesofamerica: "US",
unitedstates: "US",
england: "GB",
gb: "GB",
uk: "GB",
unitedkingdom: "GB"
}, null !== (e = a.countryCode) && void 0 !== e && "" !== e || (b = null != (f = && "function" == typeof f.toLowerCase && "function" == typeof(d = f.toLowerCase()).replace ? d.replace(/[^a-z]+/g, "") : void 0, a.countryCode = c[b]), a
}, a.prototype.completeMerchantValidation = function() {
throw new Error("Stripe handles calling this method for you; you shouldn't invoke it directly. For more help, see")
}, a.prototype.completePayment = function() {
throw new Error("Stripe handles calling this method for you; you shouldn't invoke it directly. For more help, see")
}, a.prototype.abort = function() {
var a, c;
return a = 1 <= arguments.length ?, 0) : [], (c = this.session).abort.apply(c, a)
}, a.prototype.addEventListener = function() {
var a, c;
return a = 1 <= arguments.length ?, 0) : [], (c = this.session).addEventListener.apply(c, a)
}, a.prototype.begin = function() {
var a, c;
return a = 1 <= arguments.length ?, 0) : [], (c = this.session).begin.apply(c, a)
}, a.prototype.completePaymentMethodSelection = function() {
var a, c;
return a = 1 <= arguments.length ?, 0) : [], (c = this.session).completePaymentMethodSelection.apply(c, a)
}, a.prototype.completeShippingContactSelection = function() {
var a, c;
return a = 1 <= arguments.length ?, 0) : [], (c = this.session).completeShippingContactSelection.apply(c, a)
}, a.prototype.completeShippingMethodSelection = function() {
var a, c;
return a = 1 <= arguments.length ?, 0) : [], (c = this.session).completeShippingMethodSelection.apply(c, a)
}, a.prototype.supportsVersion = function() {
var a, c;
return a = 1 <= arguments.length ?, 0) : [], (c = this.session).supportsVersion.apply(c, a)
}, a
}(), this.Stripe.ApplePaySession = a)
function() {
var a = [].indexOf || function(a) {
for (var b = 0, c = this.length; b < c; b++)
if (b in this && this[b] === a) return b;
return -1
this.Stripe.isDoubleLoaded || (this.Stripe.utils = function() {
function b() {}
var c;
return c = /^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g, b.trim = function(a) {
return null === a ? "" : (a + "").replace(c, "")
}, b.isArray = function(a) {
return "[object Array]" ===
}, b.serialize = function(a, b, c) {
var d, e, f;
null == b && (b = []);
try {
for (e in a) f = a[e], c && (e = "" + c + "[" + e + "]"), "object" == typeof f ? this.serialize(f, b, e) : b.push("" + e + "=" + encodeURIComponent(f));
return b.join("&").replace(/%20/g, "+")
} catch (g) {
throw d = g, new Error("Unable to serialize: " + a)
}, b.underscore = function(a) {
return (a + "").replace(/([A-Z])/g, function(a) {
return "_" + a.toLowerCase()
}).replace(/-/g, "_")
}, b.underscoreKeys = function(a) {
var b, c, d;
d = [];
for (b in a) c = a[b], delete a[b], d.push(a[this.underscore(b)] = c);
return d
}, b.isElement = function(a) {
return "object" == typeof a && (!!a.jquery || 1 === a.nodeType)
}, b.addClass = function(a, b) {
return a.className = this._removedClassString(a, b) + " " + b
}, b.removeClass = function(a, b) {
return a.className = this._removedClassString(a, b)
}, b._removedClassString = function(a, b) {
return Stripe.utils.trim(a.className.replace(new RegExp("( |^)" + b + "( |$)", "g"), " "))
}, b.paramsFromForm = function(b, c) {
var d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m;
for (null == c && (c = []), b.jquery && (b = b[0]), f = b.getElementsByTagName("input"), h = b.getElementsByTagName("select"), i = {}, j = 0, l = f.length; j < l; j++) e = f[j], d = this.underscore(e.getAttribute("data-stripe")),, d) < 0 || (i[d] = e.value);
for (k = 0, m = h.length; k < m; k++) g = h[k], d = this.underscore(g.getAttribute("data-stripe")),, d) < 0 || null != g.selectedIndex && (i[d] = g.options[g.selectedIndex].value);
return i
}, b.validateProtocol = function(a) {
var b;
if (a && "string" == typeof a) return /_live_/g.test(a) && "https:" !== window.location.protocol && null != (null != (b = window.console) ? b.warn : void 0) ? window.console.warn("You are using Stripe.js in live mode over an insecure connection. This is considered unsafe. Please conduct live requests only on sites served over https. For more info, see") : void 0
}, b.validateKey = function(a) {
if (!a || "string" != typeof a) throw new Error("You did not set a valid publishable key. Call Stripe.setPublishableKey() with your publishable key. For more info, see");
if (/\s/g.test(a)) throw new Error("Your key is invalid, as it contains whitespace. For more info, see");
if (/^sk_/.test(a)) throw new Error("You are using a secret key with Stripe.js, instead of the publishable one. For more info, see")
}, b.parseExpString = function(a) {
var b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j;
for (g = function(b) {
throw new Error("You passed an invalid expiration date `" + a + "`. " + (b || "") + "Please pass a string containing a numeric month and year such as `01-17` or `2015 / 05` For more info, see")
}, "string" != typeof a && g(), f = a.split(/[\.\-\/\s]+/g), 2 !== f.length && g(), b = i = 0, j = f.length; i < j; b = ++i) e = f[b], d = parseInt(e), isNaN(d) && g("" + f + " is not a number. "), d < 1 && g("" + d + " is less than one. "), f[b] = d;
return f[0] > 12 ? (h = f[0], c = f[1]) : (c = f[0], h = f[1]), c > 12 && g("Month must be a number 1-12, not " + c + ". "), h < 100 && (h += 2e3), [c, h]
}, b.formatAmountWithCurrency = function(b, c) {
var d, e, f;
return d = parseFloat(b), e = ["bif", "clp", "djf", "gnf", "jpy", "kmf", "krw", "mga", "pyg", "rwf", "vnd", "vuv", "xaf", "xof", "xpf"], f = c.toLowerCase(),, f) < 0 && (d = Math.round(100 * d)), parseInt(d)
}, b.generateID = function() {
return "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g, function(a) {
var b, c;
return b = 16 * Math.random() | 0, c = "x" === a ? b : 3 & b | 8, c.toString(16)
}, b.setCookie = function(a, b, c) {
var d, e;
return null == c && (c = {}), e = new Date, e.setTime(e.getTime() + 31536e6), null == c.path && (c.path = "/"), b = (b + "").replace(/[^!#-+\--:<-\[\]-~]/g, encodeURIComponent), d = "" + encodeURIComponent(a) + "=" + b + ";expires=" + e.toGMTString() + ";path=" + c.path, c.domain && (d += ";domain=" + c.domain), document.cookie = d
}, b.getCookie = function(a) {
var b, c, d, e, f, g, h;
for (c = document.cookie.split("; "), g = 0, h = c.length; g < h; g++)
if (b = c[g], d = b.indexOf("="), e = decodeURIComponent(b.substr(0, d)), f = decodeURIComponent(b.substr(d + 1)), e === a) return f;
return null
}, b.getMID = function() {
var a, b;
try {
return b = this.getCookie("m_mid") || this.generateID(), this.setCookie("m_mid", b, {
domain: "." + document.location.hostname
}), b
} catch (c) {
return a = c, "NA"
}, b.getSID = function() {
var a;
try {
return ("undefined" != typeof StripeMirador && null !== StripeMirador ? StripeMirador.__sid : void 0) || "NA"
} catch (b) {
return a = b, "NA"
}, b
function() {
var a, b = [].slice;
a = (new Date).getTime(), this.Stripe.isDoubleLoaded || (this.Stripe.ajaxJSONP = function(c) {
var d, e, f, g, h, i, j;
return null == c && (c = {}), f = "sjsonp" + ++a, i = document.createElement("script"), e = null, d = function(a) {
var b;
return null == a && (a = "abort"), clearTimeout(e), null != (b = i.parentNode) && b.removeChild(i), f in window && (window[f] = function() {}), "function" == typeof c.complete ? c.complete(a, j, c) : void 0
}, j = {
abort: d
}, i.onerror = function() {
return j.abort(), "function" == typeof c.error ? c.error(j, c) : void 0
}, window[f] = function() {
var a, d;
a = 1 <= arguments.length ?, 0) : [], clearTimeout(e), i.parentNode.removeChild(i);
try {
delete window[f]
} catch (g) {
d = g, window[f] = void 0
return "function" == typeof c.success && c.success.apply(c,[j])), "function" == typeof c.complete ? c.complete("success", j, c) : void 0
}, h = (c.headers || {})["Accept-Language"], || ( = {}), = f, c.method && ( = c.method), h && ( = h), i.src = c.url + "?" + Stripe.utils.serialize(, g = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0], g.appendChild(i), c.timeout > 0 && (e = setTimeout(function() {
return j.abort("timeout")
}, c.timeout)), j
function() {
var a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j = {}.hasOwnProperty;
this.Stripe.isDoubleLoaded || (b = {
contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
accept: {
json: "application/json"
}, g = /^(20\d|1223)$/, f = "invalid_json_response", d = function(a, b, c) {
return function() {
return a._aborted ? c(a.request, "abort") : a.request && 4 === a.request.readyState ? (a.request.onreadystatechange = function() {}, 0 === a.request.status ? c(a.request, "empty_response") : g.test(a.request.status) ? b(a.request, a.request.status) : b(a.request, a.request.status)) : void 0
}, h = function(a, c) {
var d, e, f, g, h;
f = c.headers || {}, f.Accept || (f.Accept = b.accept.json), f["Content-Type"] || (f["Content-Type"] = b.contentType), g = c._globalCustomHeaders;
for (d in g), d) && "setRequestHeader" in a && a.setRequestHeader(d, c._globalCustomHeaders[d]);
h = [];
for (e in f), e) && ("setRequestHeader" in a ? h.push(a.setRequestHeader(e, f[e])) : h.push(void 0));
return h
}, i = function(a, b) {
return /\?/.test(a) ? a + "&" + b : a + "?" + b
}, c = function(a, b) {
var c, e, f, g, j, k, l, m, n;
k = this.o, j = (k.method || "GET").toUpperCase(), l = k.url, g = null != (m = ? m.key : void 0, c = Stripe.utils.serialize(, f = void 0, "GET" === j && c && (l = i(l, c), c = null), n = new XMLHttpRequest,, l, !0), h(n, k), n.onreadystatechange = d(this, a, b);
try {
} catch (o) {
e = o, Stripe.reportError("XHR-" + e.toString()), b(n, "xhr_send_failure")
return n
}, a = function(a) {
return this.o = a, e.apply(this, arguments)
}, e = function(a) {
var b, d, e;
return this.url = a.url, this.timeout = null, this._successHandler = function() {}, this._errorHandlers = [], this._completeHandlers = [], a.timeout && (this.timeout = setTimeout(function(a) {
return function() {
return a.abort()
}(this), a.timeout)), a.success && (this._successHandler = function() {
return a.success.apply(a, arguments)
}), a.error && this._errorHandlers.push(function() {
return a.error.apply(a, arguments)
}), a.complete && this._completeHandlers.push(function() {
return a.complete.apply(a, arguments)
}), b = function(b) {
return function(c, d) {
var e;
for (a.timeout && clearTimeout(b.timeout), b.timeout = null, e = []; b._completeHandlers.length > 0;) e.push(b._completeHandlers.shift()(d, c, a));
return e
}(this), e = function(a) {
return function(c, e) {
var g, h, i;
if (i = c.responseText, !i || !i.length) return d(c, "empty_response");
try {
return h = Stripe.JSON.parse(i), a._successHandler(h, e, c), b(h, "success")
} catch (j) {
return g = j, d(c, f)
}(this), d = function(a) {
return function(b, c) {
var d, e, g;
if (g = b.responseText, e = void 0, g && g.length && c !== f) try {
e = Stripe.JSON.parse(g)
} catch (h) {
d = h, c = c + "_AND_" + f
for (; a._errorHandlers.length > 0;) a._errorHandlers.shift()(e || b, c);
return Stripe.reportError(c), Stripe._fallBackToOldStripeJsTechniques(), Stripe.request(a.o, !0)
}(this), this.request =, e, d)
}, a.prototype = {
abort: function() {
var a;
return this._aborted = !0, null != (a = this.request) ? a.abort() : void 0
}, this.Stripe.xhr = function(b) {
return b._globalCustomHeaders = this._customHeaders, new a(b)
function() {
var a, b, c, d, e = {}.hasOwnProperty;
this.Stripe.isDoubleLoaded || (a = function(a) {
return this.options = a, a.requestId = Stripe._callCount, a.endpoint = Stripe.endpoint, a.trackPerf = Stripe.trackPerf, this.iframeTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
return Stripe._fallBackToOldStripeJsTechniques(), Stripe._iframePendingRequests[a.requestId] && (Stripe.request(Stripe._iframePendingRequests[a.requestId], !0), delete Stripe._iframePendingRequests[a.requestId]), Stripe._callCache[a.requestId] = function() {
return Stripe.reportError("TimeoutEventualReturnError")
}, 1e4), Stripe._iframePendingRequests[a.requestId] = a, Stripe._callCache[a.requestId] = function(b) {
return function() {
return clearTimeout(b.iframeTimeout), delete Stripe._iframePendingRequests[a.requestId], a.success.apply(a, arguments), "function" == typeof a.complete ? a.complete("success", null, a) : void 0
}(this), Stripe._callCount += 1, Stripe._socket.postMessage(Stripe.JSON.stringify(a))
}, this.Stripe.iframe = function(b) {
return new a(b)
}, c = Stripe.easyXDM, this.Stripe._isChannel ? Stripe._socket = new c.Socket({
swf: "" + Stripe._iframeBaseUrl + "/v2/stripexdm.swf",
onMessage: Stripe._channelListener
}) : Stripe._isSafeDomain || (d = function(a) {
var b, c, e;
"console" in window && "warn" in window.console, 1,, !1), Stripe._callCache = {}, Stripe.reportError("FB-" + a), c = document.createElement("script"), e = Math.round((new Date).getTime() / 1e3), c.src = "" + Stripe._iframeBaseUrl + "/v2/cspblocked.js?domain=" + encodeURIComponent(document.location.href) + "&timestamp=" + e + "&info=" + encodeURIComponent(a) + "&payment_user_agent=" + encodeURIComponent(Stripe.stripejs_ua), b = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0], b.parentNode.insertBefore(c, b), d = function() {}
}, b = "", Stripe._socket = new c.Socket({
swf: "" + Stripe._iframeBaseUrl + "/v2/stripexdm.swf",
remote: "" + Stripe._iframeBaseUrl + "/v2" + b + "/channel" + (Stripe.accountDetails ? "-provisioning" : "") + ".html#__stripe_transport__",
onMessage: Stripe._receiveChannelRelay,
ackTimeoutDuration: 1e4,
onLoad: function() {
return this._socketLoadTime = +new Date, this.onError = function() {}, this.onAsyncInject = function() {}, clearTimeout(this.injectTimeout), this._socketAckTime ? this.loadTimeout ? (clearTimeout(this.loadTimeout),, !0)) : Stripe.reportError("LoadDelayError", this._socketLoadTime - this._socketAckTime) : this.ackTimeout = setTimeout(function(a) {
return function() {
return a.onFrameAck = function() {}, clearTimeout(a.loadTimeout), d("AckTimeoutError")
}(this), this.ackTimeoutDuration)
onError: function() {
return this.onLoad = function() {}, this.onAsyncInject = function() {}, this.onFrameAck = function() {}, clearTimeout(this.ackTimeout), clearTimeout(this.injectTimeout), clearTimeout(this.loadTimeout), d("IframeOnError")
onInternalError: function(a) {
var b, c, d;
this.onError = function() {}, this.onLoad = function() {}, this.onFrameAck = function() {}, this.onAsyncInject = function() {}, clearTimeout(this.ackTimeout), clearTimeout(this.loadTimeout), clearTimeout(this.injectTimeout), Stripe.reportError("FB-XDM-" + a), Stripe._fallBackToOldStripeJsTechniques(), d = Stripe._iframePendingRequests;
for (b in d), b) && (c = d[b], Stripe._callCache[c.requestId] = function() {}, delete Stripe._iframePendingRequests[c.requestId], Stripe.request(c, !0))
onAsyncInject: function(a) {
return this.injectTimeout = setTimeout(function(a) {
return function() {
return a.onError = function() {}, a.onLoad = function() {}, a.onFrameAck = function() {}, clearTimeout(a.ackTimeout), clearTimeout(a.loadTimeout), d("InjectTimeoutError")
}(this), this.ackTimeoutDuration)
onFrameAck: function(a) {
return this._socketAckTime = +new Date, clearTimeout(this.ackTimeout), clearTimeout(this.injectTimeout), this.onAsyncInject = function() {}, this.onError = function() {}, this.ackTimeout ?, !0) : this._socketLoadTime ? (this.onLoad = function() {}, Stripe.reportError("AckDelayError", this._socketAckTime - this._socketLoadTime)) : this.loadTimeout = setTimeout(function(a) {
return function() {
return d("LoadTimeoutError"), a.onLoad = function() {}
}(this), this.ackTimeoutDuration)
function() {
var a = [].indexOf || function(a) {
for (var b = 0, c = this.length; b < c; b++)
if (b in this && this[b] === a) return b;
return -1
this.Stripe.isDoubleLoaded || (this.Stripe.validator = {
"boolean": function(a, b) {
if ("true" !== b && "false" !== b) return "Enter a boolean string (true or false)"
integer: function(a, b) {
if (!/^\d+$/.test(b)) return "Enter an integer"
positive: function(a, b) {
if (this.integer(a, b) || !(parseInt(b, 10) > 0)) return "Enter a positive value"
range: function(b, c) {
var d;
if (d = parseInt(c, 10),, d) < 0) return "Needs to be between " + b[0] + " and " + b[b.length - 1]
required: function(a, b) {
if (a && (null == b || "" === b)) return "Required"
year: function(a, b) {
if (!/^\d{4}$/.test(b)) return "Enter a 4-digit year"
birthYear: function(a, b) {
var c;
return c = this.year(a, b), c ? c : parseInt(b, 10) > 2e3 ? "You must be over 18" : parseInt(b, 10) < 1900 ? "Enter your birth year" : void 0
month: function(a, b) {
return this.integer(a, b) ? "Please enter a month" : this.range([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12], b) ? "Needs to be between 1 and 12" : void 0
choices: function(b, c) {
if (, c) < 0) return "Not an acceptable value for this field"
email: function(a, b) {
if (!/^[^@<\s>]+@[^@<\s>]+$/.test(b)) return "That doesn't look like an email address"
url: function(a, b) {
if (!/^https?:\/\/.+\..+/.test(b)) return "Not a valid url"
usTaxID: function(a, b) {
if (!/^\d{2}-?\d{1}-?\d{2}-?\d{4}$/.test(b)) return "Not a valid tax ID"
ein: function(a, b) {
if (!/^\d{2}-?\d{7}$/.test(b)) return "Not a valid EIN"
ssnLast4: function(a, b) {
if (!/^\d{4}$/.test(b)) return "Not a valid last 4 digits for an SSN"
ownerPersonalID: function(a, b) {
var c;
if (c = function() {
switch (a) {
case "CA":
return /^\d{3}-?\d{3}-?\d{3}$/.test(b);
case "US":
return !0
}(), !c) return "Not a valid ID"
bizTaxID: function(a, b) {
var c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j;
if (h = {
CA: ["Tax ID", [/^\d{9}$/]],
US: ["EIN", [/^\d{2}-?\d{7}$/]]
}, g = h[a], null != g) {
for (c = g[0], f = g[1], d = !1, i = 0, j = f.length; i < j; i++)
if (e = f[i], e.test(b)) {
d = !0;
if (!d) return "Not a valid " + c
zip: function(a, b) {
var c;
if (c = function() {
switch (a.toUpperCase()) {
case "CA":
return /^[\d\w]{6}$/.test(null != b ? b.replace(/\s+/g, "") : void 0);
case "US":
return /^\d{5}$/.test(b) || /^\d{9}$/.test(b)
}(), !c) return "Not a valid zip"
bankAccountNumber: function(a, b) {
if (!/^\d{1,17}$/.test(b)) return "Invalid bank account number"
usRoutingNumber: function(a) {
var b, c, d, e, f, g, h;
if (!/^\d{9}$/.test(a)) return "Routing number must have 9 digits";
for (f = 0, b = g = 0, h = a.length - 1; g <= h; b = g += 3) c = 3 * parseInt(a.charAt(b), 10), d = 7 * parseInt(a.charAt(b + 1), 10), e = parseInt(a.charAt(b + 2), 10), f += c + d + e;
return 0 === f || f % 10 !== 0 ? "Invalid routing number" : void 0
caRoutingNumber: function(a) {
if (!/^\d{5}\-\d{3}$/.test(a)) return "Invalid transit number"
routingNumber: function(a, b) {
switch (a.toUpperCase()) {
case "CA":
return this.caRoutingNumber(b);
case "US":
return this.usRoutingNumber(b)
phoneNumber: function(a, b) {
var c;
if (c = b.replace(/[^0-9]/g, ""), 10 !== c.length) return "Invalid phone number"
bizDBA: function(a, b) {
if (!/^.{1,23}$/.test(b)) return "Statement descriptors can only have up to 23 characters"
nameLength: function(a, b) {
if (1 === b.length) return "Names need to be longer than one character"
isUrl: function(a) {
return "string" == typeof a && !this.url(null, a)
isElementOrId: function(a) {
return "object" == typeof a && null != a.appendChild || "string" == typeof a
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