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Last active January 29, 2021 13:30
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PowerShell script to retrieve Azure DevOps Yaml Pipelines
PowerShell script to retrieve Azure DevOps Yaml Pipelines
- PSDevOps PowerShell Module (Install-Module PSDevOps)
- powershell-yaml PowerShell Module (Install-Module powershell-yaml)
- Personal Access Token for Azure DevOps Organization and Project where you want to retrieve the Yaml Pipelines
Example: Return all Tasks within a job and steps.
$YamlPipelines | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Yaml |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty jobs |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty steps |
Select-Object @{'L'='Task';E={$_.task}}, @{'L'='DisplayName';E={$_.displayName}}
Example: Use RawYaml and RegEx to search in Yaml Pipelines.
Foreach ($Yaml in $YamlPipelines) {[regex]::Match(($Yaml | Select-Object -ExpandProperty RawYaml),"/*displayName:\s*([^\n\r]*)" ) | Select Value}
$Organization = '[Enter Name of Azure DevOps Organization]'
$Project = '[Enter Name of Project]'
$Null = Connect-ADO -Organization $Organization -PersonalAccessToken '[Enter Persons Access Token]'
$BuildDefinitions = Invoke-ADORestAPI -Uri ('{0}/{1}/_apis/build/definitions' -f $Organization, $Project)
$YamlPipelines = @()
Foreach ($YamlBuild in $BuildDefinitions) {
$BuildDefinition = Get-ADOBuild -Organization $Organization -Project $Project -DefinitionID $($ -DefinitionYAML -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (![System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($BuildDefinition)) {
$YamlPipelines += [PSCustomObject]@{
Name = $($
Id = $($
Yaml = $BuildDefinition | ConvertFrom-Yaml
RawYaml = $BuildDefinition
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