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stefansundin / background.js
Created August 24, 2024 06:53
Firefox browser extension that can disable the persisted queries GraphQL feature on
// Note: This only works in Firefox!
// Load the extension in about:debugging
// If it doesn't seem to be working then click the Inspect button and see if there's any information in the Console tab
// One issue with old Firefox versions is that the host permission isn't automatically granted. Double check this in the Add-ons Manager.
function listener(details) {
stefansundin /
Last active January 17, 2024 07:10
How to limit `docker buildx build` concurrency

If your computer is running out of memory during a docker build, or if the build is CPU intensive, you might want to try building one architecture at a time.

When creating the builder instance, specify a buildkitd config file with --config that limits the concurrency.

Create buildkitd.toml:

max-parallelism = 1
stefansundin / protected-dialer-control.go
Last active February 8, 2022 01:59
Golang dialer control to prevent untrusted input from connecting to private IP addresses.
package main
import (
stefansundin /
Last active February 5, 2021 08:25
Analyze long audio files with
#!/bin/bash -ex
mkdir -p audd
if (( $# < 2 )); then
echo "Please supply two arguments, the input file and the timestamp (HH:MM:SS)."
exit 1
pos=$(date -d "1970-01-01 $2" -u +%s)
stefansundin / ffmpeg.rb
Last active August 20, 2021 14:19
Download Twitch video that has muted sound.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
files = Dir["*.ts"].sort_by { |fn| fn.split(".")[0].to_i }
puts "ffmpeg -i 'concat:#{files.join("|")}' -codec copy output.mkv"
puts "run this first:"
puts "ulimit -n 4096"
stefansundin / manifest.json
Created July 24, 2019 19:11
Make the list of items in Rollbar wider.
"name": "Rollbar",
"version": "1.0",
"description": "Make the list of items in Rollbar wider.",
"content_scripts": [
"matches": ["*"],
"css": ["rollbar.css"]
stefansundin / spf-lookup-counter.rb
Last active October 28, 2018 19:50
Count number of lookups in an SPF record.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# SPF implementations MUST limit the number of mechanisms and modifiers
# that do DNS lookups to at most 10 per SPF check, including any
# lookups caused by the use of the "include" mechanism or the
# "redirect" modifier. If this number is exceeded during a check, a
# PermError MUST be returned. The "include", "a", "mx", "ptr", and
# "exists" mechanisms as well as the "redirect" modifier do count
# against this limit. The "all", "ip4", and "ip6" mechanisms do not
stefansundin /
Last active February 2, 2021 09:27
Bash on Windows shell script file association
# Put this file in C:\ and then run z-register.bat by right clicking it and using "Run as Administrator"
# Translate the windows path to the equivalent Bash on Windows path, then run it!
dir=$(dirname "/mnt/${drive,,}${path//\\/\/}")
cd "$dir"