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stefansundin / svnsync.php
Last active December 15, 2015 07:38
This is a PHP script that can process PostCommitWebHooks from Google Code Project Hosting.
To use PHP to verify the authentication hash, you can do this. It supports multiple projects and can also run svnsync. However, this requires you to make your web server user (often 'www-data') to be able to launch svnsync without sudo having to ask for a password:
$ sudo visudo
Then add this to the bottom (it's important that it is in the bottom!):
www-data ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/svnsync
stefansundin / youtube_live.php
Last active December 17, 2015 00:10
PHP script that converts GData feeds for YouTube Live events to human readable feeds.
Converts GData feeds for YouTube Live events to human readable feeds.
Use this url to get data for streams that no longer appear in any of the feeds:
It does not appear to contain all of the info though. Replace CHANNELNAME and VIDEOID.
stefansundin /
Last active April 16, 2016 01:42
Python script to hax YouTube Live segments that are no longer accessible via the playlist. See
# Python 3.x
# Binary search for the correct clen parameter for YouTube live streams, which is useful when a segment is no longer listed in the playlist file (check EXT-X-EARLIEST-MEDIA-SEQUENCE).
# It's quick and dirty. clen is always a multiple of 188 (since it is TS). lmt and dur does not have any impact it seems.
# Usually finds the correct url in about 15 tries.
# See
# TODO: add threading to process multiple sequence numbers at the same time.
Regexps to extract clen and dur from a playlist:
stefansundin / paypal-gadget.xml
Last active December 22, 2015 22:29
Google Gadget for a PayPal button with an amount text input. Meant to be used on Google Project Hosting.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ModulePrefs title="PayPal gadget" author="Stefan Sundin" width="400" height="35"></ModulePrefs>
<UserPref name="business" datatype="string" default_value="8727MAF7NTYRE" />
<UserPref name="item_number" datatype="string" default_value="Donation" />
<UserPref name="amount" datatype="string" default_value="$5.00" />
<UserPref name="return_url" datatype="string" default_value="" />
<UserPref name="return_text" datatype="string" default_value="" />
<Content type="html">
stefansundin / .Xmodmap
Last active March 6, 2024 18:23
Xmodmap for Chromebook Pixel. This is customized for a Swedish layout, you might want to edit these lines for your preferred layout. Use 'xmodmap -pke' to print your current Xmodmap.
! Chromebook Pixel Xmodmap
! setxkbmap -layout se
! xmodmap .Xmodmap
! xev
! Startup applications:
! Command: sh -c "xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap"
! I also manually bind F4 and F5 in Ubuntu's keyboard shortcuts:
stefansundin /
Last active June 9, 2024 10:25
Script to control keyboard backlight brightness on a Chromebook Pixel running Ubuntu. Includes extra bits like restore old session value on boot, dim keyboard on screen lock, restoring value when resuming from suspend, and so on. Relies on kernel module acpi_call (instructions below).
# This script will install the files below.
# Please look through them first so you know what will happen.
# Install by running this command:
# curl -fL | sh
# Uninstall with:
# sudo rm /opt/kbd-{backlight,lock}.sh /etc/pm/sleep.d/70-kbd-backlight
# rm ~/.config/autostart/kbd-{backlight,lock}.sh.desktop
stefansundin /
Last active October 29, 2021 23:57
A node.js server to redirect custom TLDs in Chrome without the need for the http:// prefix. You can extend this to do all kinds of things.

What this is

A simple node.js server to redirect to It also redirects you to other websites based on your query (see tips below).


You can quickly go to different websites with certain queries:

  • mdn css transition will search MDN for css transition
  • AWS identifiers will take you to the correct place in the AWS console:
stefansundin / youtube-iframe.xml
Last active January 1, 2016 19:59
Google Gadget to embed YouTube videos.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ModulePrefs title="YouTube iframe embed" author="Stefan Sundin" width="640" height="390"></ModulePrefs>
<UserPref name="id" datatype="string" default_value="" />
<UserPref name="width" datatype="string" default_value="" />
<UserPref name="height" datatype="string" default_value="" />
<UserPref name="args" datatype="string" default_value="" />
<Content type="html">
<script type="text/javascript">
stefansundin / flattr-gadget.xml
Last active January 1, 2016 20:09
Google Gadget for Flattr.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ModulePrefs title="Flattr button" author="Stefan Sundin" width="55" height="62" scrolling="false"></ModulePrefs>
<UserPref name="url" datatype="string" default_value="" />
<UserPref name="uid" datatype="string" default_value="" />
<UserPref name="title" datatype="string" default_value="" />
<UserPref name="desc" datatype="string" default_value="" />
<UserPref name="cat" datatype="string" default_value="software" />
<UserPref name="lang" datatype="string" default_value="en_GB" />
<UserPref name="tags" datatype="string" default_value="" />