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Last active September 2, 2020 14:10
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Simple example for a stateful keras LSTM with embedding.
Learning Task:
Given a sequence, predict a label based on the first value of the sequence
Explanation of stateful LSTM and setup:
given a sequence [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], predict 1
given a sequence [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], predict 0
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import choice # for generating trainings data
from keras.models import Sequential # model used
from keras.layers import Dense, Embedding, LSTM # layers used
from keras.utils import generic_utils # show progress
Hyper parameters
number_examples = 1000 # number of trainings examples
sequence_length = 12 # length of the time series sequence of the prediction task
batch_size = 2 # how many sequence to process in parallel
time_steps = 3 # lstm length, number of cells, etc.
input_dim = 1 # number of different values
embedding_size = 5 # size of embedding vector
num_epochs = 3 # number to loop over trainings data
Learning Task:
Given a sequence, predict a label based on the first value of the sequence
Explanation of stateful LSTM and setup:
given a sequence [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], predict 1
given a sequence [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], predict 0
Generate trainings data
X = np.zeros(shape=(number_examples,sequence_length))
one_indexes = choice(a=number_examples, size=number_examples / 2, replace=False)
X[one_indexes, 0] = 1
train_x = X # trainingsdata
train_y = X[:,0] # predict data (y)
Define keras model
model = Sequential()
)) # => [input_dim, time_steps, embedding_size]
model.add(LSTM(10, batch_input_shape=(batch_size,time_steps,embedding_size), return_sequences=False, stateful=True))
model.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid'))
model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy'])
for epoch in xrange(num_epochs):
training_accuracies = []
training_losses = []
progbar = generic_utils.Progbar(number_examples/batch_size)
for row_id in xrange(0, number_examples, batch_size) : # [0,2,4,6,8]
for col_id in xrange(batch_size): # [0,1]
# get batch. need to be reordered because of stateful LSTM
# "If True, the last state for each sample at index i in a batch will be used as initial state for the sample of index i in the following batch."
batch_x = train_x[
batch_y = train_y[row_id:row_id+batch_size]
# gradient updates
batch_loss, batch_accuracy = model.train_on_batch(batch_x, batch_y)
# save accuracies
model.reset_states() # reset states after each sequence have been processed
progbar.add(1, values=[("train loss", np.mean(training_losses)), ("acc", np.mean(training_accuracies))])
print("Epoch %.2d: loss: %0.3f accuracy: %0.3f"%(epoch, np.mean(training_losses),np.mean(training_accuracies)))
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