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Created January 26, 2012 11:33
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Group chase and escape
# Stefan van der Walt, 2012
# License: BSD
# Implementation of the simulation described in
# Atsushi Kamimura and Toru Ohira, "Group Chase and Escape",
# New Journal of Physics, 12 (2010).
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
import random
# Board size
P, Q = 80, 150
# Number of chasers and targets
N_c = 30
N_t = 100
# Detection distance
D = np.infty
directions = [(0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1), (-1, 0)]
board = np.zeros((P, Q), dtype=np.uint8)
def manhattan((r0, c0), (r1, c1)):
"""Wrapped manhattan distance between two points on the grid.
if r0 > r1:
r0, r1 = r1, r0
if c0 > c1:
c0, c1 = c1, c0
row_dist = min(r1 - r0, r0 + (P - r1))
col_dist = min(c1 - c0, c0 + (Q - c1))
return row_dist + col_dist
class Agent(object):
mode = 'random'
def __init__(self, row, column, color=0):
self.row = row
self.col = column
self.color = color
self.next_steps = []
def nearest_enemy(self, agents):
agents = [a for a in agents if a.mode != self.mode]
distances = [manhattan((agent.row, agent.col), (self.row, self.col))
for agent in agents]
if not distances:
return None
md = np.argmin(distances)
if distances[md] <= D:
return agents[md]
return None
def get_steps(self, agents):
steps = [((self.row + r) % P, (self.col + c) % Q)
for (r, c) in directions]
steps.append((self.row, self.col))
return steps
def plan(self, agents):
self.next_steps = self.get_steps(agents)
def step(self, filled_positions):
viable_steps = [pos for pos in self.next_steps
if not pos in filled_positions]
next_row, next_col = random.choice(viable_steps)
except IndexError:
next_row, next_col = self.row, self.col
filled_positions.remove((self.row, self.col))
self.row = next_row
self.col = next_col
filled_positions.append((self.row, self.col))
return filled_positions
class SpotterAgent(Agent):
mode = 'spotter'
def get_steps(self, agents):
possible_steps = Agent.get_steps(self, agents)
enemy = self.nearest_enemy(agents)
# Attack or run if there is an enemy nearby, otherwise
# move randomly in any direction.
if enemy is None:
viable_steps = possible_steps
distance_to_enemy = \
[manhattan((enemy.row, enemy.col), (step_r, step_c))
for (step_r, step_c) in possible_steps]
if self.mode == 'hunt':
dist_func = min
dist_func = max
viable_steps = [step for (step, dist) in
zip(possible_steps, distance_to_enemy)
if dist == dist_func(distance_to_enemy)]
return viable_steps
class Chaser(SpotterAgent):
mode = 'hunt'
def __init__(self, row, column):
Agent.__init__(self, row, column, color=1)
class Target(SpotterAgent):
mode = 'hide'
def __init__(self, row, column):
Agent.__init__(self, row, column, color=2)
def killed(targets, chaser_positions):
dead_targets = []
for t in targets:
for (r, c) in chaser_positions:
if (t.row == r) and (t.col == c):
return dead_targets
def act_and_draw(N, image, board, agents):
# Shuffle agents before each step of the simulation
# Run one step of the simulation
for a in agents:
chasers = [a for a in agents if a.mode == 'hunt']
targets = [a for a in agents if a.mode != 'hunt']
filled_positions = [(a.row, a.col) for a in chasers]
for a in chasers:
filled_positions = a.step(filled_positions)
for t in killed(targets, filled_positions):
filled_positions.extend((a.row, a.col) for a in targets)
for a in targets:
filled_positions = a.step(filled_positions)
# Draw agents
for a in agents:
board[a.row, a.col] = a.color
# Update board
# Reset filled_positions
filled_positions = []
## Uncomment to make video frames
# plt.savefig('/tmp/chase_escape_%05d.png' % N)
return image,
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Initial placement of agents.
# Take all positions, shuffle them, and randomly pick
# the necessary number.
positions = list(np.ndindex(P, Q))
positions_c = positions[:N_c]
positions_t = positions[N_c:N_c + N_t]
# Construct agents based on initial positions
agents = [Chaser(r, c) for (r, c) in positions_c]
agents.extend([Target(r, c) for (r, c) in positions_t])
# Set up display
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10 * (P / float(Q))))
cmap = ListedColormap(['k', 'r', 'g'])
image = plt.imshow(board, interpolation='nearest',
cmap=cmap, vmin=0, vmax=2)
# Animate
anim = FuncAnimation(fig, func=act_and_draw,
fargs=(image, board, agents), interval=0, blit=True)
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