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Created August 27, 2020 22:05
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Automated setup of side-by-side displays in i3
# Modified from:
# Switch screens on, in case they were asleep
xset dpms force on
# Find laptop display (DEFAULT)
DEFAULT=`xrandr | grep -e eDP.*connected | cut -f 1 -d ' '`
echo "Laptop display: $DEFAULT"
# By default, set default display as primary, and move all workspaces there
xrandr --output $DEFAULT --primary
# Place other displays above of laptop display
# and set as primary output
for output in $(xrandr | grep -v $DEFAULT | grep '\Wconnected' | cut -f 1 -d ' '); do
if [[ ! $output =~ ^DEFAULT.*$ ]]; then
echo "Positioning $output to the above of $DEFAULT"
# This is only necessary because not all external monitors advertise
# their preferred mode. Otherwise xrandr argument '--auto' would suffice.
FIRSTMODE=$(xrandr | grep -A 1 "$output connected" | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $1}')
echo "Detected first mode of $output as $FIRSTMODE"
xrandr --output $DEFAULT --auto \
--output $output --pos 0x0 --mode "$FIRSTMODE" \
--right-of $DEFAULT --primary
${SWITCH_WS} $output
# Switch off disconnected external monitors
for output in $(xrandr | grep -v $DEFAULT | grep '\Wdisconnected' | cut -f 1 -d ' '); do
xrandr --output $output --off
# Hack to get office keyboard fixed as well
if [[ -n `xinput -list | grep "Apple Keyboard"` ]]; then
echo "Apple keyboard detected--setting up."
echo "Setting up keyboard for laptop"
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