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Created December 26, 2011 11:24
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Authentication and authorization in ServiceStack

Authentication and authorization in ServiceStack


ServiceStack supports basic authentication and OAuth authentication out of the box. There exists a project template/example which shows, what you have to do, to enable OAuth and basic authentication.

In the example project, most of the magic happens in the AppHost.

//Register all Authentication methods you want to enable for this web app.
AuthService.Init(this, () => new CustomUserSession()
    new AuthConfig[] {
    new CredentialsAuthConfig(), //HTML Form post of UserName/Password credentials
    new TwitterAuthConfig(appSettings),  //Sign-in with Twitter
    new FacebookAuthConfig(appSettings), //Sign-in with Facebook
        new BasicAuthConfig(), //Sign-in with Basic Auth

Then the routes for authentication are registered:

//Using ServiceStack's built-in Auth and Registration services

When the client now tries to authenticate with a GET http://localhost/auth request and the auth succeeded, the client will have two sessions (with an unique id) which identify the client. With these two sessions, the server knows, that the client is authenticated and allows the access to secured web services.

But how does ServiceStack remember which session id belongs to which client?
For this purpose, ServiceStack uses an ICacheClient. A cache client is actually a simple key/value-store. When the cache client is used to save client session, the key is the session id and the value is an instance of the interface IOAuthSession.

The IOAuthSession can be accessed inside a ServiceStack service:

public class SecuredService : RestServiceBase<Secured>
    public override object OnGet(Secured request)
        OAuthUserSession session = this.GetSession();
        return new SecuredResponse() { Test = "You're" + session.FirstName };

ServiceStack uses the CacheClient which was registered in the IoC container:

//Register a external dependency-free 
container.Register<ICacheClient>(new MemoryCacheClient());
//Configure an alt. distributed peristed cache that survives AppDomain restarts. e.g Redis
//container.Register<IRedisClientsManager>(c => new PooledRedisClientManager("localhost:6379"));

If you've got multiple server which run the same ServiceStack service, you can use Redis to share the sessions between these servers.

But how do you implement custom authenticate logic?

Then you need to override OAuthUserSession like here. You can override the TryAuthenticate method to provide custom authentication logic against your database or something like that.

OAuthUserSession is an implementation IOAuthSession

This custom user session needs to be passed to the init method of the AuthService:

AuthService.Init(this, () => new CustomUserSession(), ...);

Please look at SocialBootstrapApi to get a full example.

Of course you can also implement your own - custom - authentication mechanism. You aren't forced to use the built-in ServiceStack auth mechanism.

The Authenticate attribute

But how does ServiceStack know, which service needs authentication? This happens with the AuthenticateAttribute.

You simply have to mark your request dto with this attribute:

//Authentication for all HTTP methods (GET, POST...) required
public class Secured
    public bool Test { get; set; }

Now this service can only be accessed if the client is authenticated:

public class SecuredService : RestServiceBase<Secured>
    public override object OnGet(Secured request)
        IOAuthSession session = this.GetSession();
        return new SecuredResponse() { Test = "You're" + session.FirstName };

    public override object OnPut(Secured request)
        return new SecuredResponse() { Test = "Valid!" };

    public override object OnPost(Secured request)
        return new SecuredResponse() { Test = "Valid!" };

    public override object OnDelete(Secured request)
        return new SecuredResponse() { Test = "Valid!" };

If you want, that authentication is only required for GET and PUT requests for example, you have to provide some extra parameters to the Authenticate attribute.

[Authenticate(ApplyTo.Get | ApplyTo.Put)] 

The RequiredPermission attribute

ServiceStack also includes a built-in permission based authorization mechanism. To activate the permission mechanism you first need to init it in the app host:


Your request dto which requires specific permissions:

//All HTTP (GET, POST...) methods need "CanAccess"
[RequiredPermission(ApplyTo.Put | ApplyTo.Post, "CanAdd")]
[RequiredPermission(ApplyTo.Delete, "AdminRights", "CanDelete")]
public class Secured
    public bool Test { get; set; }

Now the client needs the permissions...

  • "CanAccess" to make a GET request
  • "CanAccess", "CanAdd" to make a PUT/POST request
  • "CanAccess", "AdminRights" and "CanDelete" to make a DELETE request

Normally ServiceStack calls the method bool HasPermission(string permission) in IOAuthSession. This method checks if the list List<string> Permissions in IOAuthSession contains the required permission.

IOAuthSession is stored in a cache client as explained above

You can fill this list in the method TryAuthenticate you've overriden in the first part of this tutorial. Alternatively you can also override the method HasPermission.

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