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Leonardo Steffen steffencrespo

  • GuestLogix
  • Toronto, ON
View GitHub Profile
1-In the github repo on Settings > Integration & Services, enable
2-Go to travisCI page and enable the repo
3-Configure the env variables on TravisCI so that it is not necessary to save credentials on github
-in the project Settings on TravisCI, add the entry for netlify site id: NETLIFY_SITE_ID - <site_id from .netlify file generated on netlify create>
-create a netlify access token for TravisCI
-On Netlify Dashboard, Go to Account Settings > OAuth Applications ( > Personal access tokens and press New Access Token
-Name it anything, but to make it easier the suggestion is name TravisCI.
-Generate it and COPY it - you won’t see it again!
-in the project Settings on TravisCI, add the entry for netlify personal access token generated for TravisCI: NETLIFY_ACCESS_TOKEN
4-Generate a .travis.yml file in the local repo
Deploy to Netlify:
-(npm install -g netlify-cli if not yet installed)
-set all the requests to be routed to index.html: in the public folder, add a _redirects file with /* /index.html 200 in it
-run npm run build
-run netlify create (then get the site id that is stored into the .netlify file.
-add .netlify to gitignore (echo ".netlify" >> .gitignore)
-get the .netlify access token by running 'cat ~/.netlify/config’
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