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Created November 5, 2016 21:05
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* Copyright notice
* (c) 1999-2002 Kasper Sk�rh�j (
* All rights reserved
* This script is part of the Typo3 project. The Typo3 project is
* free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* The GNU General Public License can be found at
* A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
* from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
* This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
* Dynamic configuation of the content-related tables, typ. tt_* series
* @author Kasper Sk�rh�j <>
// ******************************************************************
// This is the standard TypoScript address table, tt_address
// ******************************************************************
$TCA["tt_address"] = Array (
"ctrl" => $TCA["tt_address"]["ctrl"],
"interface" => Array (
"showRecordFieldList" => "name,address,city,zip,country,phone,fax,email,www,title,company,image"
"feInterface" => $TCA["tt_address"]["feInterface"],
"columns" => Array (
"hidden" => Array (
"exclude" => 1,
"label" => $LANG_GENERAL_LABELS["hidden"],
"config" => Array (
"type" => "check"
"name" => Array (
"label" => $LANG_GENERAL_LABELS["name"],
"config" => Array (
"type" => "input",
"size" => "40",
"max" => "256"
"title" => Array (
"exclude" => 1,
"label" => $LANG_GENERAL_LABELS["title"],
"config" => Array (
"type" => "input",
"size" => "20",
"eval" => "trim",
"max" => "40"
"address" => Array (
"label" => $LANG_GENERAL_LABELS["address"],
"config" => Array (
"type" => "text",
"cols" => "20",
"rows" => "3"
"phone" => Array (
"label" => $LANG_GENERAL_LABELS["phone"],
"config" => Array (
"type" => "input",
"eval" => "trim",
"size" => "20",
"max" => "30"
"fax" => Array (
"exclude" => 1,
"label" => $LANG_GENERAL_LABELS["fax"],
"config" => Array (
"type" => "input",
"size" => "20",
"eval" => "trim",
"max" => "30"
"mobile" => Array (
"exclude" => 1,
"label" => "Mobile:|Mobil:|Mobil:|Mobil:|Cellulare:|Mobile:|Celular:|GSM:|Mobil:|Kom:|Mobitel:|Mobile:|Cep telefonu:",
"config" => Array (
"type" => "input",
"eval" => "trim",
"size" => "20",
"max" => "30"
"www" => Array (
"exclude" => 1,
"label" => $LANG_GENERAL_LABELS["www"],
"config" => Array (
"type" => "input",
"eval" => "trim",
"size" => "20",
"max" => "80"
"email" => Array (
"label" => $LANG_GENERAL_LABELS["email"],
"config" => Array (
"type" => "input",
"size" => "40",
"eval" => "trim",
"max" => "80"
"company" => Array (
"exclude" => 1,
"label" => $LANG_GENERAL_LABELS["company"],
"config" => Array (
"type" => "input",
"eval" => "trim",
"size" => "20",
"max" => "80"
"city" => Array (
"label" => $LANG_GENERAL_LABELS["city"],
"config" => Array (
"type" => "input",
"size" => "20",
"eval" => "trim",
"max" => "80"
"zip" => Array (
"label" => $LANG_GENERAL_LABELS["zip"],
"config" => Array (
"type" => "input",
"eval" => "trim",
"size" => "10",
"max" => "20"
"country" => Array (
"exclude" => 1,
"label" => $LANG_GENERAL_LABELS["country"],
"config" => Array (
"type" => "input",
"size" => "20",
"eval" => "trim",
"max" => "30"
"image" => Array (
"exclude" => 1,
"label" => $LANG_GENERAL_LABELS["image"],
"config" => Array (
"type" => "group",
"internal_type" => "file",
"allowed" => $GLOBALS["TYPO3_CONF_VARS"]["GFX"]["imagefile_ext"],
"max_size" => "1000",
"uploadfolder" => "uploads/pics",
"show_thumbs" => "1",
"size" => "3",
"maxitems" => "6",
"minitems" => "0"
"description" => Array (
"exclude" => 1,
"label" => $LANG_GENERAL_LABELS["description"],
"config" => Array (
"type" => "text",
"rows" => 5,
"cols" => 48
"module_sys_dmail_category" => Array("config"=>array("type"=>"passthrough")),
"module_sys_dmail_html" => Array("config"=>array("type"=>"passthrough"))
"types" => Array (
"1" => Array("showitem" => "hidden;;;;1-1-1, name;;2;;3-3-3, address, zip, city;;3, email;;5, phone;;4, image;;;;4-4-4, description")
"palettes" => Array (
"2" => Array("showitem" => "title, company"),
"3" => Array("showitem" => "country"),
"4" => Array("showitem" => "mobile, fax"),
"5" => Array("showitem" => "www")
// ******************************************************************
// This is the standard TypoScript links table, tt_links
// ******************************************************************
$TCA["tt_links"] = Array (
"ctrl" => $TCA["tt_links"]["ctrl"],
"interface" => Array (
"showRecordFieldList" => "title,url,hidden,note,note2"
"columns" => Array (
"title" => Array (
"label" => $LANG_GENERAL_LABELS["title"],
"config" => Array (
"type" => "input",
"size" => "40",
"max" => "256"
"note" => Array (
"label" => $LANG_GENERAL_LABELS["note"],
"config" => Array (
"type" => "text",
"cols" => "40",
"rows" => "5"
"note2" => Array (
"exclude" => 1,
"label" => "Note (alt):|Note (alt):|Bemerkung (alt):|Merk deg (alt):|Note(alt.):|Note (alt):|Nota (alt):|Aantekening (alt):|Pozn�mka (alt):|Notatka (alt):|Opomba (alt):|Muistio (vaihtoeht.)|Not (alt):",
"config" => Array (
"type" => "text",
"cols" => "40",
"rows" => "5"
"url" => Array (
"label" => "URL:|URL:|URL:|URL:|URL:|URL:|URL:|URL:|URL:|URL:|URL:|URL:|URL:",
"config" => Array (
"type" => "input",
"size" => "40",
"eval" => "trim",
"max" => "256"
"hidden" => Array (
"exclude" => 1,
"label" => $LANG_GENERAL_LABELS["hidden"],
"config" => Array (
"type" => "check",
"default" => "1"
"types" => Array (
"1" => Array("showitem" => "hidden;;;;1-1-1, title;;;;3-3-3, note, note2, url")
// ******************************************************************
// This is the standard TypoScript guestbook
// ******************************************************************
$TCA["tt_guest"] = Array (
"ctrl" => $TCA["tt_guest"]["ctrl"],
"interface" => Array (
"showRecordFieldList" => "title,cr_name,cr_email,note,www,hidden"
"columns" => Array (
"title" => Array (
"label" => $LANG_GENERAL_LABELS["title"],
"config" => Array (
"type" => "input",
"size" => "40",
"max" => "256"
"note" => Array (
"label" => $LANG_GENERAL_LABELS["note"],
"config" => Array (
"type" => "text",
"cols" => "40",
"rows" => "5"
"cr_name" => Array (
"label" => "Sender name:|Afsender navn:|Absender Name:|Avsenderens navn:|Mittente:|Nom de l\'auteur:|Nombre del remitente:|Naam afzender:|Odes�latel:|Autor:|Ime po�iljatelja:|L�hett�j�n nimi:|G�nderenin ad�:",
"config" => Array (
"type" => "input",
"size" => "40",
"eval" => "trim",
"max" => "80"
"cr_email" => Array (
"label" => "Sender email:|Afsender email:|Absender email:|Avsenderens Epost:|E-mail mittente:|E-Mail de l\'auteur:|E-mail de remitente:|Emailadres afzender:|E-mail odes�latele:|Email autora:|Email po�iljatelja:|L�hett�j�n s�hk�postiosoite;|G�nderenin e-maili:",
"config" => Array (
"type" => "input",
"size" => "40",
"eval" => "trim",
"max" => "80"
"www" => Array (
"exclude" => 1,
"label" => $LANG_GENERAL_LABELS["www"],
"config" => Array (
"type" => "input",
"eval" => "trim",
"size" => "20",
"max" => "256"
"hidden" => Array (
"exclude" => 1,
"label" => $LANG_GENERAL_LABELS["hidden"],
"config" => Array (
"type" => "check",
"default" => "1"
"types" => Array (
"0" => Array("showitem" => "hidden;;;;1-1-1, title;;;;3-3-3, note, cr_name, cr_email, www")
// ******************************************************************
// This is the standard TypoScript Board table, tt_board
// ******************************************************************
$TCA["tt_board"] = Array (
"ctrl" => $TCA["tt_board"]["ctrl"],
"interface" => Array (
"showRecordFieldList" => "subject,author,email,message"
"columns" => Array (
"subject" => Array (
"label" => "Subject:|Emne:|Titel:|Emne:|Soggetto:|Sujet:|Asunto:|Onderwerp:|P�edm�t:|Temat:|Predmet:|Asia:|Konu:",
"config" => Array (
"type" => "input",
"size" => "40",
"max" => "256"
"message" => Array (
"label" => "Message:|Indhold:|Mitteilung:|Innhold:|Messaggio:|Message:|Mensaje:|Bericht:|Zpr�va:|Wiadomo��:|Sporo�ilo:|Viesti:|Mesaj:",
"config" => Array (
"type" => "text",
"cols" => "40",
"rows" => "5"
"author" => Array (
"label" => $LANG_GENERAL_LABELS["author"],
"config" => Array (
"type" => "input",
"size" => "40",
"eval" => "trim",
"max" => "80"
"email" => Array (
"label" => $LANG_GENERAL_LABELS["email"],
"config" => Array (
"type" => "input",
"size" => "40",
"eval" => "trim",
"max" => "80"
"hidden" => Array (
"label" => $LANG_GENERAL_LABELS["hidden"],
"config" => Array (
"type" => "check"
"parent" => Array (
"label" => "Parent:|Forrige:|Vorherige:|Forrige:|Parent:|Parent:|Padre:|Bron:|Odvozen:|Nadrz�dny:||Edellinen:|E� d�zey:",
"config" => Array (
"type" => "group",
"internal_type" => "db",
"allowed" => "tt_board",
"size" => "3",
"maxitems" => "1",
"minitems" => "0",
"show_thumbs" => "1"
"notify_me" => Array (
"label" => "Notify by email:|Orientering pr. email:|Benachrichtigung per email:|Orientering per Epost:|Notifica via email:|Avertir par e-mail:|Notificar por email:|Kennisgeving per email:|Ozn�mit e-mailem:|Powiadom emailem:|Opozori po emailu:|Muistuta s�hk�postitse:|E-maille haber ver:",
"config" => Array (
"type" => "check"
"crdate" => Array ( // This field is by default filled with creation date. See tt_board "ctrl" section
"exclude" => 1,
"label" => "Date/Time:|Dato/Tidspunkt:|Datum/Zeit:|Dato/tidspunkt:|Data/Ora:|Date/Heure:|Fecha/Hora:|Datum/Tijd:|Datum/�as:|Data/Czas:|Datum/Ura:|P�iv�ys/Kello|Tarih/Zaman:",
"config" => Array (
"type" => "input",
"size" => "10",
"max" => "20",
"eval" => "datetime"
"types" => Array (
"0" => Array("showitem" => "hidden;;;;1-1-1, crdate, subject;;;;3-3-3, message, author, email, parent;;;;5-5-5, notify_me")
// ******************************************************************
// This is the standard TypoScript calendar table, tt_calender
// ******************************************************************
$TCA["tt_calender"] = Array (
"ctrl" => $TCA["tt_calender"]["ctrl"],
"interface" => Array (
"showRecordFieldList" => "type,date,title,note,category,responsible,workgroup,time,week,hidden,starttime,endtime"
"columns" => Array (
"starttime" => Array (
"exclude" => 1,
"label" => $LANG_GENERAL_LABELS["starttime"],
"config" => Array (
"type" => "input",
"size" => "8",
"max" => "20",
"eval" => "date",
"checkbox" => "0",
"default" => "0"
"endtime" => Array (
"exclude" => 1,
"label" => $LANG_GENERAL_LABELS["endtime"],
"config" => Array (
"type" => "input",
"size" => "8",
"max" => "20",
"eval" => "date",
"checkbox" => "0",
"default" => "0",
"range" => Array (
"upper" => mktime(0,0,0,12,31,2020),
"lower" => mktime(0,0,0,date("m")-1,date("d"),date("Y"))
"hidden" => Array (
"exclude" => 1,
"label" => $LANG_GENERAL_LABELS["hidden"],
"config" => Array (
"type" => "check",
"default" => "1"
"title" => Array (
"label" => $LANG_GENERAL_LABELS["title"],
"config" => Array (
"type" => "input",
"size" => "40",
"max" => "256"
"note" => Array (
"label" => $LANG_GENERAL_LABELS["note"],
"config" => Array (
"type" => "text",
"cols" => "40",
"rows" => "5"
"type" => Array (
"exclude" => 1,
"label" => $LANG_GENERAL_LABELS["type"],
"config" => Array (
"type" => "select",
"items" => Array (
Array("Calendar|Kalender|Kalender|Kalender|Calendario|Calendrier|Calendario|Kalender|Kalend��|Kalendarz|Koledar|Kalenteri|Takvim", 0),
Array("Todo|Todo|Todo|Todo|Da fare|A Faire|Pendiente|TeDoen|�koly|Zadanie|Naloge|To-Do|Yap�lacak i�ler", 1)
"default" => 0
"date" => Array (
"exclude" => 1,
"label" => "Date:|Dato:|Datum:|Dato:|Data:|Date:|Fecha:|Datum:|Datum:|Data:|Datum:|P�iv�ys:|Tarih:",
"config" => Array (
"type" => "input",
"size" => "10",
"max" => "20",
"eval" => "date",
"default" => "0"
"time" => Array (
"exclude" => 1,
"label" => "Time:|Tidspunkt:|Zeit:|Tidspunkt:|Ora:|Temps:|Hora:|Tijd:|�as:|Czas:|Ura:|Kello:|Zaman:",
"config" => Array (
"type" => "input",
"size" => "10",
"max" => "20",
"eval" => "time",
"default" => "0"
"week" => Array (
"exclude" => 1,
"label" => "Week:|Uge:|Woche:|Uke:|Settimana:|Semaine:|Semana:|Week:|T�den:|Tydzie�:|Teden:|Viikko:|Hafta:",
"config" => Array (
"type" => "input",
"size" => "6",
"max" => "6",
"eval" => "int",
"range" => Array (
"upper" => 52,
"lower" => 1
"default" => "0"
"datetext" => Array (
"exclude" => 1,
"label" => "Datetext:|Datotekst:|Datumstext:|Datotekst:|Data:|Date:|Texto:|Datumtekst:|Datumtext:|Data tekstowo:|Datum z besedo:|P�iv�yksen teksti:|Tarih metni:",
"config" => Array (
"type" => "input",
"size" => "40",
"eval" => "trim",
"max" => "80"
"complete" => Array (
"exclude" => 1,
"label" => "Finished:|Afsluttet:|Ende:|Avslutt:|Finire:|Termin�:|Finalizar:|Geeindigd:|Dokon�eno:|Zako�czone:|Kon�ano:|Valmis:|Sonland�:",
"config" => Array (
"type" => "check",
"default" => "0"
"workgroup" => Array (
"exclude" => 1,
"label" => "Workgroup:|Arbejdsgruppe:|Arbeitsgruppe:|Arbeidsgruppe:|Gruppo di lavoro:|Groupe de travail:|Grupo de trabajo:|Werkgroep:|Pracovn� skupina:|Zesp�:|Delovna skupina:|Ty�ryhm�:|�al��ma grubu:",
"config" => Array (
"type" => "input",
"size" => "40",
"eval" => "trim",
"max" => "80"
"priority" => Array (
"label" => "Priority:|Prioritet:|Priorit�t:|Prioritet:|Priorita\':|Priorit�:|Prioridad:|Prioriteit:|D�le�itost:|Priorytet:|Prioriteta:|Prioriteetti:|�ncelikli:",
"config" => Array (
"type" => "select",
"items" => Array (
Array("High|H�j|Hoch|H�y|Alta|Haute|Alta|Hoog|Vysok�|Wysoki|Visoka|Korkea|Y�ksek", 1),
Array("Medium|Mellem|Mittel|Medium|Media|Moyenne|Media|Medium|St�edn�|�redni|Srednja|Normaali|Orta", 3),
Array("Low|Lav|Niedrig|Lav|Bassa|Basse|Baja|Laag|N�zk�|Niski|Nizka|Matala|D���k", 5)
"default" => 3
"responsible" => Array (
"exclude" => 1,
"label" => "Responsible:|Ansvarlige:|Verantwortlich:|Ansvarlige:|Responsabile:|Responsable:|Responsable:|Verantwoordelijk:|Odpov�dn�:|Odpowiedzialny:|Odgovorna oseba:|Vastuullinen|Sorumlu:",
"config" => Array (
"type" => "group",
"internal_type" => "db",
"allowed" => "tt_address",
"size" => "3",
"eval" => "trim",
"maxitems" => "6",
"minitems" => "0",
"show_thumbs" => "1"
"category" => Array (
"exclude" => 1,
"label" => $LANG_GENERAL_LABELS["category"],
"config" => Array (
"type" => "select",
"items" => Array (
Array("", 0)
"foreign_table" => "tt_calender_cat"
"link" => Array (
"exclude" => 1,
"label" => "Link to page:|Link til side:|Link zur Seite:|Link til side:|Lonk alla pagina:|Liens vers la page:|Ligar a la p�gina:|Link naar pagina:|Odkaz na stranu:|Odno�nik do strony:|Povezava na stran:|Linkki sivulle|Sayfaya link:",
"config" => Array (
"type" => "group",
"internal_type" => "db",
"allowed" => "pages",
"size" => "3",
"maxitems" => "5",
"minitems" => "0",
"show_thumbs" => "1"
"types" => Array (
"0" => Array("showitem" => "type;;;;1-1-1, hidden, date;;2;;3-3-3, title, note, category, --div--, datetext;;;;5-5-5, link"),
"1" => Array("showitem" => "type;;;;1-1-1, hidden, date;;2;;3-3-3, title, note, category, --div--, complete;;;;5-5-5, priority, workgroup, responsible, link")
"palettes" => Array (
"1" => Array("showitem" => "starttime, endtime"),
"2" => Array("showitem" => "week,time") //, month
// ******************************************************************
// This is the standard TypoScript calendar category table, tt_calender_cat
// ******************************************************************
$TCA["tt_calender_cat"] = Array (
"ctrl" => $TCA["tt_calender_cat"]["ctrl"],
"interface" => Array (
"showRecordFieldList" => "title"
"columns" => Array (
"title" => Array (
"label" => $LANG_GENERAL_LABELS["title"],
"config" => Array (
"type" => "input",
"size" => "40",
"max" => "256"
"types" => Array (
"0" => Array("showitem" => "title;;;;3-3-3")
// ******************************************************************
// This is the standard TypoScript address table, tt_address
// ******************************************************************
$TCA["tt_products"] = Array (
"ctrl" => $TCA["tt_products"]["ctrl"],
"interface" => Array (
"showRecordFieldList" => "title,itemnumber,price,price2,note,category,inStock,image,hidden,starttime,endtime"
"columns" => Array (
"starttime" => Array (
"exclude" => 1,
"label" => $LANG_GENERAL_LABELS["starttime"],
"config" => Array (
"type" => "input",
"size" => "8",
"max" => "20",
"eval" => "date",
"checkbox" => "0",
"default" => "0"
"endtime" => Array (
"exclude" => 1,
"label" => $LANG_GENERAL_LABELS["endtime"],
"config" => Array (
"type" => "input",
"size" => "8",
"max" => "20",
"eval" => "date",
"checkbox" => "0",
"default" => "0",
"range" => Array (
"upper" => mktime(0,0,0,12,31,2020),
"lower" => mktime(0,0,0,date("m")-1,date("d"),date("Y"))
"hidden" => Array (
"exclude" => 1,
"label" => $LANG_GENERAL_LABELS["hidden"],
"config" => Array (
"type" => "check"
"fe_group" => Array (
"exclude" => 1,
"label" => $LANG_GENERAL_LABELS["fe_group"],
"config" => Array (
"type" => "select",
"items" => Array (
Array("", 0),
Array($LANG_GENERAL_LABELS["hide_at_login"], -1),
Array($LANG_GENERAL_LABELS["any_login"], -2),
Array($LANG_GENERAL_LABELS["usergroups"], "--div--")
"foreign_table" => "fe_groups"
"title" => Array (
"label" => $LANG_GENERAL_LABELS["title"],
"config" => Array (
"type" => "input",
"size" => "40",
"max" => "256"
"note" => Array (
"label" => $LANG_GENERAL_LABELS["note"],
"config" => Array (
"type" => "text",
"cols" => "48",
"rows" => "5"
"price" => Array (
"label" => "Price:|Pris:|Preis:|Pris:|Prezzo:|Prix:|Precio:|Prijs:|Cena:|Cena:|Cena:|Hinta:|Fiyat:",
"config" => Array (
"type" => "input",
"size" => "12",
"eval" => "trim,double2",
"max" => "20"
"price2" => Array (
"exclude" => 1,
"label" => "Price (2):|Pris (2):|Preis (2):|Pris (2):|Prezzo(2):|Prix (2):|Precio (2):|Prijs (2):|Cena (2):|Cena (2):|Cena (2):|Hinta (2):|Fiyat (2):",
"config" => Array (
"type" => "input",
"size" => "12",
"eval" => "trim,double2",
"max" => "20"
"www" => Array (
"exclude" => 1,
"label" => $LANG_GENERAL_LABELS["www"],
"config" => Array (
"type" => "input",
"eval" => "trim",
"size" => "20",
"max" => "80"
"itemnumber" => Array (
"label" => "Item number:|Emne nummer:|Artikel Nr.:|Emne nummer:|Numero item:|No article:|N� de parte:|Item nummer:|��slo polo�ky:|Ilo��:|�t. izdelka:|Tuote numero:|Nesne numaras�:",
"config" => Array (
"type" => "input",
"size" => "20",
"eval" => "trim",
"max" => "40"
"category" => Array (
"exclude" => 1,
"label" => $LANG_GENERAL_LABELS["category"],
"config" => Array (
"type" => "select",
"items" => Array (
Array("", 0)
"foreign_table" => "tt_products_cat"
"inStock" => Array (
"exclude" => 1,
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// This is the standard TypoScript products category table, tt_products_cat
// ******************************************************************
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// This is the standard TypoScript news table, tt_news
// ******************************************************************
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// ******************************************************************
// This is the standard TypoScript news category table, tt_news_cat
// ******************************************************************
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