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Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
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Reddit Daily Programmer Challenge 220 [Easy]: Mangling Sentences
class manglingSentences {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//proof of concept for word sorter - punctuation stays in place, letters are alphabetized, uppercase positions preserved
String inputSentenceTest = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.";
String inputSentence1 = "This challenge doesn't seem so hard.";
String inputSentence2 = "There are more things between heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.";
String challengeInput1 = "Eye of Newt, and Toe of Frog, Wool of Bat, and Tongue of Dog.";
String challengeInput2 = "Adder's fork, and Blind-worm's sting, Lizard's leg, and Howlet's wing.";
String challengeInput3 = "For a charm of powerful trouble, like a hell-broth boil and bubble.";
public static String sentenceMangler(String sentence) {
String[] splitSentence = sentence.split(" ");
String mangledSentence = "";
for (int i = 0; i < splitSentence.length; i++) {
mangledSentence = mangledSentence + wordSorter(stringToArray(splitSentence[i])) + " ";
return mangledSentence;
public static String wordSorter(char[] input) {
for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
if (Character.isLetter(input[i])) {
char smallestFound = input[i];
int indexOfSmallest = i;
//find smallest element in the array that comes after the current one
for (int j = i; j < input.length; j++) {
if ((Character.toLowerCase(input[j]) < Character.toLowerCase(smallestFound)) && Character.isLetter(input[j])) {
smallestFound = input[j];
indexOfSmallest = j;
//swap smallestFound and the current index input[i]
//preserve capitalization of both
if (smallestFound != input[i]) { //only swap if input[i] is not already in the correct position
if (Character.isUpperCase(smallestFound) && Character.isLowerCase(input[i])) {
input[indexOfSmallest] = Character.toLowerCase(smallestFound);
input[i] = Character.toUpperCase(input[i]);
input = swap(input, i, indexOfSmallest);
else if (Character.isLowerCase(smallestFound) && Character.isUpperCase(input[i])) {
input[indexOfSmallest] = Character.toUpperCase(smallestFound);
input[i] = Character.toLowerCase(input[i]);
input = swap(input, i, indexOfSmallest);
else {
input = swap(input, i, indexOfSmallest);
} //end if that places a character if the current character is not punctuation
} //end for, input[] now has the correctly sorted array
String sortedWord = "";
for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
sortedWord = sortedWord + input[i];
return sortedWord;
public static char[] swap(char[] array, int index1, int index2) {
char temp = array[index1];
array[index1] = array[index2];
array[index2] = temp;
return array;
public static char[] stringToArray(String input) {
char[] output = new char[input.length()];
for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) {
output[i] = input.charAt(i);
return output;
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