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IFC Print Hierarchy using IfcOpenShell
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
// ifcOpenShell
#ifdef USE_IFC4
#include <ifcparse/Ifc4.h>
#include <ifcparse/Ifc2x3.h>
#include <ifcparse/IfcBaseClass.h>
#include <ifcparse/IfcHierarchyHelper.h>
using namespace IfcSchema;
// Recursive print function
void PrintEntity(IfcUtil::IfcBaseEntity * entity, int level = 0) {
// ------------------------------------------------
// Print basic stuff
std::string spacer = ". ";
for (int i = 0; i < level; i++)
std::cout << spacer;
// #ID
std::cout << "#" << entity->id() << " = ";
// Classname
std::cout << IfcSchema::Type::ToString(entity->type()) << " ";
// if IfcRoot > name & guid
if (entity->is(IfcRoot::Class())) {
const IfcRoot* root = (IfcRoot*)entity;
if (root->hasName())
std::cout << "'" << root->Name() << "' ";
std::cout << root->GlobalId();
// Case - Entity is Property or PhysicalQuantity
if (entity->is(IfcSchema::IfcProperty::Class())) {
std::cout << entity->getArgument(0)->toString() << " ";
std::cout << "= " << entity->getArgument(2)->toString();
if (entity->is(IfcSchema::IfcPhysicalQuantity::Class())) {
std::cout << entity->getArgument(0)->toString() << " ";
std::cout << "= " << entity->getArgument(3)->toString();
std::cout << std::endl;
// ------------------------------------------------
// Direct Attributes
bool loadAttributes = false;
std::vector<std::string> attNames = entity->getAttributeNames();
for (int i = 0; loadAttributes && (i < (int)attNames.size()); i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < level+1; i++) std::cout << spacer;
std::cout << "'" << attNames[i] << "' = ";
std::cout << entity->getArgument(i)->toString();
std::cout << std::endl;
// ------------------------------------------------
// Recursively follow relations
// Case - Entity is SpatialStructureElement
if (entity->is(IfcSpatialStructureElement::Class())) {
const IfcSpatialStructureElement* spatial = (IfcSpatialStructureElement*)entity;
IfcTemplatedEntityList< IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure >::ptr containsElements = spatial->ContainsElements();
for (IfcTemplatedEntityList< IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure >::it itContainsElements = containsElements->begin(); itContainsElements != containsElements->end(); ++itContainsElements)
IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure * relContainedInSpatialStructure = (IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure*)*itContainsElements;
IfcTemplatedEntityList< IfcProduct >::ptr listRelatedElements = relContainedInSpatialStructure->RelatedElements();
IfcTemplatedEntityList< IfcProduct >::it itListRelatedElements = listRelatedElements->begin();
while (itListRelatedElements != listRelatedElements->end()) {
IfcUtil::IfcBaseEntity * item = (IfcUtil::IfcBaseEntity*)(*itListRelatedElements++);
if (item) {
PrintEntity(item, level + 1);
} // end if spatial structure element
// Case - Entity is ObjectDefinition
if (entity->is(IfcObjectDefinition::Class())) {
const IfcObjectDefinition* objDef = (IfcObjectDefinition*)entity;
// Follow Associates relation
IfcTemplatedEntityList<IfcRelAssociates>::ptr hasAssociation = objDef->HasAssociations();
for (IfcTemplatedEntityList<IfcRelAssociates>::it itHasAssociation = hasAssociation->begin();
itHasAssociation != hasAssociation->end(); ++itHasAssociation) {
IfcRelAssociates * relAssociates = (IfcRelAssociates*)*itHasAssociation;
// TODO: do something
} // end if hasAssociation
// Case - Entity is Object
if (entity->is(IfcObject::Class())) {
const IfcObject* object = (IfcObject*)entity;
// Follow DecomposedBy relation
IfcTemplatedEntityList< IfcRelDecomposes >::ptr isDecomposedBy = object->IsDecomposedBy();
for (IfcTemplatedEntityList< IfcRelDecomposes >::it itDecomposedBy = isDecomposedBy->begin(); itDecomposedBy != isDecomposedBy->end(); ++itDecomposedBy)
IfcRelAggregates * relDecomposedBy = (IfcRelAggregates*)*itDecomposedBy;
IfcTemplatedEntityList< IfcObjectDefinition >::ptr listRelated = relDecomposedBy->RelatedObjects();
IfcTemplatedEntityList< IfcObjectDefinition >::it itListRelated = listRelated->begin();
while (itListRelated != listRelated->end()) {
IfcUtil::IfcBaseEntity * item = (IfcUtil::IfcBaseEntity*)(*itListRelated++);
if (item) {
PrintEntity(item, level + 1);
} // end if decomposes
// Follow IsDefinedBy relation (PropertySets & Types)
IfcTemplatedEntityList< IfcRelDefines >::ptr isDefinedBy = object->IsDefinedBy();
IfcTemplatedEntityList< IfcRelDefines >::it itIsDefinedBy = isDefinedBy->begin();
while (itIsDefinedBy != isDefinedBy->end()) {
IfcRelDefines * relDefines = (IfcRelDefines*)(*itIsDefinedBy++);
// Type definition
if (relDefines->is(IfcRelDefinesByType::Class())) {
const IfcRelDefinesByType* definesByType = (IfcRelDefinesByType*)relDefines;
const IfcTypeObject * typeObject = definesByType->RelatingType();
IfcUtil::IfcBaseEntity * item = (IfcUtil::IfcBaseEntity*)typeObject;
if (item) {
PrintEntity(item, level + 1);
// Property Definition
if (relDefines->is(IfcRelDefinesByProperties::Class())) {
const IfcRelDefinesByProperties* definesByProperties = (IfcRelDefinesByProperties*)relDefines;
const IfcPropertyDefinition * propDef = definesByProperties->RelatingPropertyDefinition();
IfcUtil::IfcBaseEntity * item = (IfcUtil::IfcBaseEntity*)propDef;
if (item) {
PrintEntity(item, level + 1);
} // end IsDefinedBy
} // end if IfcObject
// Case - Entity is PropertySet or ElementQuantity
if (entity->is(IfcPropertyDefinition::Class())) {
// Check Property Definitions
if (entity->is(IfcPropertySet::Class())) {
const IfcPropertySet * propSet = (IfcPropertySet*)entity;
IfcTemplatedEntityList<IfcProperty>::ptr listProperties = propSet->HasProperties();
IfcTemplatedEntityList<IfcProperty>::it itListProperties = listProperties->begin();
while (itListProperties != listProperties->end()) {
IfcUtil::IfcBaseEntity * item = (IfcUtil::IfcBaseEntity*)*itListProperties++;
if (item) {
PrintEntity(item, level + 1);
} // end if Property Set
// Check Base Quantities
if (entity->is(IfcElementQuantity::Class())) {
const IfcElementQuantity * qSet = (IfcElementQuantity*)entity;
IfcTemplatedEntityList<IfcPhysicalQuantity>::ptr listQuantities = qSet->Quantities();
IfcTemplatedEntityList<IfcPhysicalQuantity>::it itListQuantities = listQuantities->begin();
while (itListQuantities != listQuantities->end()) {
IfcUtil::IfcBaseEntity * item = (IfcUtil::IfcBaseEntity*)*itListQuantities++;
if (item) {
PrintEntity(item, level + 1);
} // end if Element Quantity
} // end if property definition
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// Read the file
IfcParse::IfcFile file;
if (argc < 1) return 0;
if ( ! file.Init(argv[1]) ) {
std::cout << "Unable to parse .ifc file" << std::endl;
return 1;
// Read a list of entities
IfcEntityList::ptr entities(new IfcEntityList());
entities = file.entitiesByType("IfcProject");
for (IfcEntityList::it it = entities->begin(); it != entities->end(); ++it) {
IfcUtil::IfcBaseEntity * entity = (IfcUtil::IfcBaseEntity*)*it;
// Display information about the entity
return 0;
./PrintHierarchy ../Models/IfcOpenHouse.ifc
#12 = IfcProject 'IfcOpenHouse' 1h6kzgF2fA8BQ5niopb7zB
. #18 = IfcSite 0JA17OO9LAV9bo12Oa92B9
. . #25 = IfcBuilding 15SI_NrofB1up99X9U7beo
. . . #32 = IfcBuildingStorey 1alUutlUH7lgQhe1Qj_tCw
. . . . #34 = IfcWallStandardCase 'South wall' 1YuHUfuqrE8wg5PsSQdDrl
. . . . #77 = IfcFooting 'Footing' 2i8H67IeD9IOU1gZO_ty_h
. . . . #187 = IfcRoof 'Roof' 36E1WAkln92OzjkUUsZ8jc
. . . . . #188 = IfcSlab 'South roof' 1MRdn1fY10jf_GACKdtpYF
. . . . . #189 = IfcSlab 'North roof' 3qwKFIswv1dPhYJKlAO2SN
. . . . #219 = IfcWallStandardCase 'North wall' 1KPqQr0Pb6qeClM$oN_Z3b
. . . . #292 = IfcWallStandardCase 'East wall' 3ZW12NntT7ivTZ$F5Qw5tW
. . . . #299 = IfcWallStandardCase 'West wall' 0NBI7eAdzDovnJGU_NnDOH
. . . . #2609 = IfcStairFlight 0gm$yeQRj1xxt0B_0lXzcM
. . . . #2687 = IfcDoor 3Ekq43r6bEoByFKAZ$aeyu
. . . . . #2697 = IfcDoorStyle 'Door type' 2Xk2fURwPBXAnV1gWjo9R6
. . . . #2756 = IfcWindow 3vl_GRpqHA$x$W4D2406Cb
. . . . . #2787 = IfcMember 3v11_y5RfFGfsNCxxYjaJo
. . . . . #2793 = IfcMember 0NB_dqdAD5x9sBPo12CTYg
. . . . . #2804 = IfcMember 342x4ivin36vH6VlAbwStw
. . . . . #2810 = IfcMember 3W3DHl5554Iug8Vs3EMHT9
. . . . . #2830 = IfcPlate 2vASEfqmr2jQRcyFzwSKDL
. . . . #2837 = IfcWindow 0XmWSDolr6jxgsOUPrD6cp
. . . . . #2863 = IfcMember 0Kmy_W8MTDYB0Or_Y1LirZ
. . . . . #2869 = IfcMember 3rzMkPWE9A2BQqA9RHhhDh
. . . . . #2875 = IfcMember 1S4j1NVdn5$Rgwmpq7OplQ
. . . . . #2881 = IfcMember 2MH68WATr9JQnd3o3ocGtQ
. . . . . #2901 = IfcPlate 0ePlx2tv12qPZHPPCZB7G4
. . . . #2908 = IfcWindow 079RXBBfL8Ae1sDpdNHas4
. . . . . #2934 = IfcMember 0zlM3W7qr5OOtGKvHpw5vi
. . . . . #2940 = IfcMember 1nkjoVu058kPUvoUhTi_6Z
. . . . . #2946 = IfcMember 27Ly7Y$GHD4f7Qyp9xnS3i
. . . . . #2952 = IfcMember 19DFw4For1vBB6ibn7IdNd
. . . . . #2972 = IfcPlate 0u12N$PF1EfftDWsWRIFCY
. . . . #2979 = IfcWindow 3$Xk82jXb6KeR0aYzIMPuV
. . . . . #3005 = IfcMember 3jgGlg3jbDdQ56XCrciMAN
. . . . . #3011 = IfcMember 32Myk4z9z6vvS$tcJPg3k8
. . . . . #3017 = IfcMember 2bYkyT22DEFwZAX2K9Uky5
. . . . . #3023 = IfcMember 1n1SamiGb3PORMo8xmdnlp
. . . . . #3043 = IfcPlate 31cdsB4nb4thXmRKmURy07
. . . . #3050 = IfcWindow 0Pqx$ypVv3SxG$K80aN8S9
. . . . . #3076 = IfcMember 3YW9$IZvj7lxRD8IfC3mEl
. . . . . #3082 = IfcMember 0pNcvVYkLCmub7vpcAR0JZ
. . . . . #3088 = IfcMember 1MWAO8n8nDxhKOF07_9oNa
. . . . . #3094 = IfcMember 2tTaYRsI15fejfAj_FQ$Yo
. . . . . #3114 = IfcPlate 3d5PIu9GnFcvO01eDR7s_I
. . #322 = IfcPropertySet 'Pset_SiteCommon' 1bEirXC2P98hf0CiUHc$ik
. . . #321 = IfcPropertySingleValue 'TotalArea' = IfcAreaMeasure(523.31397507897)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------
## qmake project file
## Usage: qmake -spec macx-xcode (to generate XCode project)
## e.g.
## >> mkdir build && cd build
## >> qmake -spec macx-xcode ../
## >> open XYZ.xcodeproj/
## -----------------------------------------------------------------
CONFIG += console
CONFIG -= app_bundle
OBJECTS_DIR = ./temp/obj
UI_DIR = ./temp/ui
MOC_DIR = ./temp/moc
## IFC 4 Support (instead of Ifc2x3)
INCLUDEPATH += /usr/local/include
LIBS += -L/usr/local/lib
## -----------------------------------------------------------------
## Qt5 (GUI, Application, Integration)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------
QT -= core gui widgets # no Qt Libraries to link
## Enforce debug modus (especially for XCode debug sessions!)
CONFIG += debug # debug_and_release
# This is an unsupported configuration. You may experience build issues, and by using
# the 10.13.4 SDK you are opting in to new features that Qt has not been prepared for.
# Please downgrade the SDK you use to build your app to version 10.13, or configure
# with CONFIG+=sdk_no_version_check when running qmake to silence this warning.
# remove ld:warning ... was built for newer OSX version (10.13) than being linked (10.11)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------
## OpenCASCADE (3D Geometry Support)
## (Not required for this example - no geometry support)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------
# INCLUDEPATH += /usr/local/include/oce /usr/local/include/opencascade
# LIBS += -lTKernel -lTKMath -lTKService -lTKV3d -lTKOpenGl \
# -lTKSTEPBase -lTKGeomBase -lTKGeomAlgo -lTKG3d -lTKG2d \
# -lTKXSBase -lTKShHealing -lTKHLR -lTKTopAlgo -lTKMesh -lTKPrim \
# -lTKCDF -lTKBool -lTKBO -lTKFillet -lTKOffset
## -----------------------------------------------------------------
## IfcOpenShell (IFC File Support)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------
LIBS += -lIfcParse # -lIfcGeom
# NEEDS ICU libraries for Unicode Support
LIBS += -L/usr/local/opt/icu4c/lib
LIBS += -licuuc -licudata #-licutu -licuio
INCLUDEPATH += /usr/local/opt/icu4c/include
## -----------------------------------------------------------------
## Application
## -----------------------------------------------------------------
SOURCES += main.cpp
## -----------------------------------------------------------------
## Resources & Images & Icon
## -----------------------------------------------------------------
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stefkeB commented Mar 20, 2019

A minimal example, to show parsing of an IFC file from Project down to individual entities and attributes.

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